import { LEFT_CONTROLLER_OFFSETS, RIGHT_CONTROLLER_OFFSETS } from "./hand-controls2.js"; /** * Sets the offset of the aframe-physics shape on this entity based on the current VR controller type * @namespace user-input * @component controls-shape-offset */ AFRAME.registerComponent("controls-shape-offset", { schema: { additionalOffset: { type: "vec3", default: { x: 0, y: 0, z: -0.04 } } }, init: function() { this.controller = null; this.shapeAdded = false; this.isLeft = this.el.getAttribute("hand-controls2") === "left"; this._handleControllerConnected = this._handleControllerConnected.bind(this); this.el.addEventListener("controllerconnected", this._handleControllerConnected); }, remove: function() { this.el.removeEventListener("controllerconnected", this._handleControllerConnected); }, tick: function() { if (!this.shapeAdded && this.controller) { this.shapeAdded = true; const offsets = this.isLeft ? LEFT_CONTROLLER_OFFSETS : RIGHT_CONTROLLER_OFFSETS; const hasOffset = offsets.hasOwnProperty(this.controller); const offset = hasOffset ? offsets[this.controller] : offsets.default; const position = new THREE.Vector3(); const quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion(); const scale = new THREE.Vector3(); offset.decompose(position, quaternion, scale); position.add(; quaternion.conjugate(); const shape = { shape: "box", halfExtents: { x: 0.03, y: 0.04, z: 0.05 }, orientation: quaternion, offset: position }; this.el.setAttribute("shape", shape); } }, _handleControllerConnected: function(e) { this.controller =; } });