const { Vector3, Quaternion, Matrix4, Euler } = THREE; /** * Provides access to the end effectors for IK. * @namespace avatar * @component ik-root */ AFRAME.registerComponent("ik-root", { schema: { camera: { type: "string", default: ".camera" }, leftController: { type: "string", default: ".left-controller" }, rightController: { type: "string", default: ".right-controller" } }, update(oldData) { if ( !== { = this.el.querySelector(; } if ( !== oldData.leftController) { this.leftController = this.el.querySelector(; } if ( !== oldData.rightController) { this.rightController = this.el.querySelector(; } } }); function findIKRoot(entity) { while (entity && !(entity.components && entity.components["ik-root"])) { entity = entity.parentNode; } return entity && entity.components["ik-root"]; } /** * Performs IK on a hip-rooted skeleton to align the hip, head and hands with camera and controller inputs. * @namespace avatar * @component ik-controller */ AFRAME.registerComponent("ik-controller", { schema: { leftEye: { type: "string", default: "LeftEye" }, rightEye: { type: "string", default: "RightEye" }, head: { type: "string", default: "Head" }, neck: { type: "string", default: "Neck" }, leftHand: { type: "string", default: "LeftHand" }, rightHand: { type: "string", default: "RightHand" }, chest: { type: "string", default: "Chest" }, hips: { type: "string", default: "Hips" }, rotationSpeed: { default: 5 } }, init() { this.flipY = new Matrix4().makeRotationY(Math.PI); this.cameraForward = new Matrix4(); this.headTransform = new Matrix4(); this.hipsPosition = new Vector3(); this.invHipsToHeadVector = new Vector3(); this.middleEyeMatrix = new Matrix4(); this.middleEyePosition = new Vector3(); this.invMiddleEyeToHead = new Matrix4(); this.cameraYRotation = new Euler(); this.cameraYQuaternion = new Quaternion(); this.invHipsQuaternion = new Quaternion(); this.headQuaternion = new Quaternion(); this.rootToChest = new Matrix4(); this.invRootToChest = new Matrix4(); this.ikRoot = findIKRoot(this.el); this.hands = { left: { rotation: new Matrix4().makeRotationFromEuler(new Euler(-Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2, 0)) }, right: { rotation: new Matrix4().makeRotationFromEuler(new Euler(Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2, 0)) } }; }, update(oldData) { if ( !== oldData.leftEye) { this.leftEye = this.el.object3D.getObjectByName(; } if ( !== oldData.rightEye) { this.rightEye = this.el.object3D.getObjectByName(; } if ( !== oldData.head) { this.head = this.el.object3D.getObjectByName(; } if ( !== oldData.neck) { this.neck = this.el.object3D.getObjectByName(; } if ( !== oldData.leftHand) { this.leftHand = this.el.object3D.getObjectByName(; } if ( !== oldData.rightHand) { this.rightHand = this.el.object3D.getObjectByName(; } if ( !== oldData.chest) { this.chest = this.el.object3D.getObjectByName(; } if ( !== oldData.hips) { this.hips = this.el.object3D.getObjectByName(; } // Set middleEye's position to be right in the middle of the left and right eyes. this.middleEyePosition.addVectors(this.leftEye.position, this.rightEye.position); this.middleEyePosition.divideScalar(2); this.middleEyeMatrix.makeTranslation(this.middleEyePosition.x, this.middleEyePosition.y, this.middleEyePosition.z); this.invMiddleEyeToHead = this.middleEyeMatrix.getInverse(this.middleEyeMatrix); this.invHipsToHeadVector .addVectors(this.chest.position, this.neck.position) .add(this.head.position) .negate(); }, tick(time, dt) { if (!this.ikRoot) { return; } const { camera, leftController, rightController } = this.ikRoot; const { hips, head, chest, cameraForward, headTransform, invMiddleEyeToHead, invHipsToHeadVector, flipY, cameraYRotation, cameraYQuaternion, invHipsQuaternion, leftHand, rightHand, rootToChest, invRootToChest } = this; // Camera faces the -Z direction. Flip it along the Y axis so that it is +Z. camera.object3D.updateMatrix(); cameraForward.multiplyMatrices(camera.object3D.matrix, flipY); // Compute the head position such that the hmd position would be in line with the middleEye headTransform.multiplyMatrices(cameraForward, invMiddleEyeToHead); // Then position the hips such that the head is aligned with headTransform // (which positions middleEye in line with the hmd) hips.position.setFromMatrixPosition(headTransform).add(invHipsToHeadVector); // Animate the hip rotation to follow the Y rotation of the camera with some damping. cameraYRotation.setFromRotationMatrix(cameraForward, "YXZ"); cameraYRotation.x = 0; cameraYRotation.z = 0; cameraYQuaternion.setFromEuler(cameraYRotation); Quaternion.slerp(hips.quaternion, cameraYQuaternion, hips.quaternion, ( * dt) / 1000); // Take the head orientation computed from the hmd, remove the Y rotation already applied to it by the hips, // and apply it to the head invHipsQuaternion.copy(hips.quaternion).inverse(); head.quaternion.setFromRotationMatrix(headTransform).premultiply(invHipsQuaternion); hips.updateMatrix(); rootToChest.multiplyMatrices(hips.matrix, chest.matrix); invRootToChest.getInverse(rootToChest); this.updateHand(this.hands.left, leftHand, leftController, true); this.updateHand(this.hands.right, rightHand, rightController, false); }, updateHand(handState, handObject3D, controller, isLeft) { const hand = handObject3D.el; const handMatrix = handObject3D.matrix; const controllerObject3D = controller.object3D; // TODO: This coupling with personal-space-invader is not ideal. // There should be some intermediate thing managing multiple opinions about object visibility const spaceInvader = hand.components["personal-space-invader"]; const handHiddenByPersonalSpace = spaceInvader && spaceInvader.invading; handObject3D.visible = !handHiddenByPersonalSpace && controllerObject3D.visible; if (controllerObject3D.visible) { handMatrix.multiplyMatrices(this.invRootToChest, controllerObject3D.matrix); const handControls = controller.components["hand-controls2"]; if (handControls) { handMatrix.multiply(isLeft ? handControls.getLeftControllerOffset() : handControls.getRightControllerOffset()); } handMatrix.multiply(handState.rotation); handObject3D.position.setFromMatrixPosition(handMatrix); handObject3D.rotation.setFromRotationMatrix(handMatrix); } } });