import { paths } from "../systems/userinput/paths"; import { addMedia } from "../utils/media-utils"; import { waitForEvent } from "../utils/async-utils"; import { ObjectContentOrigins } from "../object-types"; let nextGrabId = 0; /** * Spawns networked objects when grabbed or when a specified event is fired. * @namespace network * @component super-spawner */ AFRAME.registerComponent("super-spawner", { schema: { /** * Source of the media asset the spawner will spawn when grabbed. This can be a gltf, video, or image, or a url that the reticiulm media API can resolve to a gltf, video, or image. */ src: { default: "" }, /** * Whether to use the Reticulum media resolution API to interpret the src URL (e.g. find a video URL for Youtube videos.) */ resolve: { default: false }, /** * The template to use for this object */ template: { default: "" }, /** * Spawn the object at a custom position, rather than at the center of the spanwer. */ useCustomSpawnPosition: { default: false }, spawnPosition: { type: "vec3" }, /** * Spawn the object with a custom orientation, rather than copying that of the spawner. */ useCustomSpawnRotation: { default: false }, spawnRotation: { type: "vec4" }, /** * Spawn the object with a custom scale, rather than copying that of the spawner. */ useCustomSpawnScale: { default: false }, spawnScale: { type: "vec3" }, /** * The events to emit for programmatically grabbing and releasing objects */ grabEvents: { default: ["cursor-grab", "primary_hand_grab"] }, releaseEvents: { default: ["cursor-release", "primary_hand_release"] }, /** * The spawner will become invisible and ungrabbable for this ammount of time after being grabbed. This can prevent rapidly spawning objects. */ spawnCooldown: { default: 1 }, /** * Center the spawned object on the hand that grabbed it after it finishes loading. By default the object will be grabbed relative to where the spawner was grabbed */ centerSpawnedObject: { default: false }, /** * Optional event to listen for to spawn an object on the preferred superHand */ spawnEvent: { type: "string" }, /** * The superHand to use if an object is spawned via spawnEvent */ superHand: { type: "selector" }, /** * The cursor superHand to use if an object is spawned via spawnEvent */ cursorSuperHand: { type: "selector" } }, init() { this.heldEntities = new Map(); this.cooldownTimeout = null; this.onGrabStart = this.onGrabStart.bind(this); this.onGrabEnd = this.onGrabEnd.bind(this); this.onSpawnEvent = this.onSpawnEvent.bind(this); this.sceneEl = document.querySelector("a-scene"); this.el.setAttribute("hoverable-visuals", { cursorController: "#cursor-controller", enableSweepingEffect: false }); }, play() { this.el.addEventListener("grab-start", this.onGrabStart); this.el.addEventListener("grab-end", this.onGrabEnd); if ( { this.sceneEl.addEventListener(, this.onSpawnEvent); } }, pause() { this.el.removeEventListener("grab-start", this.onGrabStart); this.el.removeEventListener("grab-end", this.onGrabEnd); if ( { this.sceneEl.removeEventListener(, this.onSpawnEvent); } if (this.cooldownTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.cooldownTimeout); this.cooldownTimeout = null; this.el.setAttribute("visible", true); this.el.classList.add("interactable"); } }, remove() { this.heldEntities.clear(); }, async onSpawnEvent() { const userinput = AFRAME.scenes[0].systems.userinput; const leftPose = userinput.get(paths.actions.leftHand.pose); const rightPose = userinput.get(paths.actions.rightHand.pose); const controllerCount = leftPose && rightPose ? 2 : leftPose || rightPose ? 1 : 0; const using6DOF = controllerCount > 1 &&"vr-mode"); const hand = using6DOF ? :; if (this.cooldownTimeout || !hand) { return; } const entity = addMedia(,, ObjectContentOrigins.SPAWNER,; hand.object3D.getWorldPosition(entity.object3D.position); hand.object3D.getWorldQuaternion(entity.object3D.quaternion); if ( { entity.object3D.scale.copy(; } this.activateCooldown(); await waitForEvent("body-loaded", entity); hand.object3D.getWorldPosition(entity.object3D.position); if (!using6DOF) { for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { hand.emit([i], { targetEntity: entity }); } } }, async onGrabStart(e) { if (this.cooldownTimeout) { return; } // This tells super-hands we are handling this grab. The user is now "grabbing" the spawner e.preventDefault(); const hand = e.detail.hand; const thisGrabId = nextGrabId++; this.heldEntities.set(hand, thisGrabId); const entity = addMedia(,, ObjectContentOrigins.SPAWNER,; entity.object3D.position.copy( ? : this.el.object3D.position ); entity.object3D.rotation.copy( ? : this.el.object3D.rotation ); entity.object3D.scale.copy( ? : this.el.object3D.scale); await waitForEvent("body-loaded", entity); // If we are still holding the spawner with the hand that grabbed to create this entity, release the spawner and grab the entity if (this.heldEntities.get(hand) === thisGrabId) { if ( { entity.body.position.copy(hand.object3D.position); } for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { hand.emit([i]); hand.emit([i], { targetEntity: entity }); } } this.activateCooldown(); }, onGrabEnd(e) { this.heldEntities.delete(e.detail.hand); // This tells super-hands we are handling this release e.preventDefault(); }, activateCooldown() { if ( > 0) { this.el.setAttribute("visible", false); this.el.classList.remove("interactable"); this.cooldownTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.el.setAttribute("visible", true); this.el.classList.add("interactable"); this.cooldownTimeout = null; }, * 1000); } } });