import { getBox } from "../utils/auto-box-collider.js"; const PI = Math.PI; const HALF_PI = PI / 2; const THREE_HALF_PI = 3 * HALF_PI; const right = new THREE.Vector3(1, 0, 0); const forward = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1); const left = new THREE.Vector3(-1, 0, 0); const back = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, -1); const dirs = { left: { dir: left, rotation: THREE_HALF_PI, halfExtent: "x" }, right: { dir: right, rotation: HALF_PI, halfExtent: "x" }, forward: { dir: forward, rotation: 0, halfExtent: "z" }, back: { dir: back, rotation: PI, halfExtent: "z" } }; const inverseHalfExtents = { x: "z", z: "x" }; AFRAME.registerComponent("position-at-box-shape-border", { schema: { target: { type: "string" }, dirs: { default: ["left", "right", "forward", "back"] } }, init() { =; this.halfExtents = new THREE.Vector3(); }, update() { this.dirs = => dirs[d]); }, tick: (function() { const camWorldPos = new THREE.Vector3(); const targetPosition = new THREE.Vector3(); const pointOnBoxFace = new THREE.Vector3(); const tempParentWorldScale = new THREE.Vector3(); return function() { if (! { this.targetEl = this.el.querySelector(; = this.targetEl.object3D; if (! return; if (this.targetEl.getAttribute("visible") === false) {; // To avoid "pop" of gigantic button first time return; } } if (!this.el.getObject3D("mesh")) { return; } if (!this.halfExtents || this.mesh !== this.el.getObject3D("mesh") || this.shape !== this.el.components.shape) { this.mesh = this.el.getObject3D("mesh"); this.shape = this.el.components.shape; if (this.el.components.shape) { this.shape = this.el.components.shape; this.halfExtents.copy(; } else { const box = getBox(this.el, this.mesh); this.halfExtents = box.min .clone() .negate() .add(box.max) .multiplyScalar(0.51 / this.el.object3D.scale.x); } }; let minSquareDistance = Infinity; let targetDir = this.dirs[0].dir; let targetHalfExtentStr = this.dirs[0].halfExtent; let targetHalfExtent = this.halfExtents[targetHalfExtentStr]; let targetRotation = this.dirs[0].rotation; for (let i = 0; i < this.dirs.length; i++) { const dir = this.dirs[i].dir; const halfExtentStr = this.dirs[i].halfExtent; const halfExtent = this.halfExtents[halfExtentStr]; pointOnBoxFace.copy(dir).multiplyScalar(halfExtent); this.el.object3D.localToWorld(pointOnBoxFace); const squareDistance = pointOnBoxFace.distanceToSquared(camWorldPos); if (squareDistance < minSquareDistance) { minSquareDistance = squareDistance; targetDir = dir; targetHalfExtent = halfExtent; targetRotation = this.dirs[i].rotation; targetHalfExtentStr = halfExtentStr; } };, targetRotation, 0); tempParentWorldScale.setFromMatrixScale(; const distance = Math.sqrt(minSquareDistance); const scale = this.halfExtents[inverseHalfExtents[targetHalfExtentStr]] * distance; const targetScale = Math.min(2.0, Math.max(0.5, scale * tempParentWorldScale.x)); const finalScale = targetScale / tempParentWorldScale.x; const isVisible = this.targetEl.getAttribute("visible"); if (isVisible && !this.wasVisible) { this.targetEl.removeAttribute("animation__show"); this.targetEl.setAttribute("animation__show", { property: "scale", dur: 300, from: { x: finalScale * 0.8, y: finalScale * 0.8, z: finalScale * 0.8 }, to: { x: finalScale, y: finalScale, z: finalScale }, easing: "easeOutElastic" }); } else {; } this.wasVisible = isVisible; }; })() });