import React, { Component } from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import { injectIntl } from "react-intl"; import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"; import { faAngleLeft } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faAngleLeft"; import { faAngleRight } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faAngleRight"; import { WithHoverSound } from "./wrap-with-audio"; class AvatarSelector extends Component { static propTypes = { avatars: PropTypes.array, avatarId: PropTypes.string, onChange: PropTypes.func }; static getAvatarIndex = (props, offset = 0) => { const currAvatarIndex = props.avatars.findIndex(avatar => === props.avatarId); const numAvatars = props.avatars.length; return (((currAvatarIndex + offset) % numAvatars) + numAvatars) % numAvatars; }; static nextAvatarIndex = props => AvatarSelector.getAvatarIndex(props, -1); static previousAvatarIndex = props => AvatarSelector.getAvatarIndex(props, 1); state = { initialAvatarIndex: 0, avatarIndices: [] }; getAvatarIndex = (offset = 0) => AvatarSelector.getAvatarIndex(this.props, offset); nextAvatarIndex = () => this.getAvatarIndex(-1); previousAvatarIndex = () => this.getAvatarIndex(1); emitChangeToNext = () => { const nextAvatarId = this.props.avatars[this.nextAvatarIndex()].id; this.props.onChange(nextAvatarId); }; emitChangeToPrevious = () => { const previousAvatarId = this.props.avatars[this.previousAvatarIndex()].id; this.props.onChange(previousAvatarId); }; constructor(props) { super(props); this.state.initialAvatarIndex = AvatarSelector.getAvatarIndex(props); this.state.avatarIndices = [ AvatarSelector.nextAvatarIndex(props), this.state.initialAvatarIndex, AvatarSelector.previousAvatarIndex(props) ]; } UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { // Push new avatar indices onto the array if necessary. this.setState(state => { const numAvatars = nextProps.avatars.length; if (state.avatarIndices.length === numAvatars) return; const lastIndex = numAvatars - 1; const currAvatarIndex = this.getAvatarIndex(); const nextAvatarIndex = AvatarSelector.getAvatarIndex(nextProps); const avatarIndices = Array.from(state.avatarIndices); const increasing = currAvatarIndex - nextAvatarIndex < 0; let direction = -1; let push = false; if (nextAvatarIndex === 0) { if (currAvatarIndex === lastIndex) { direction = 1; push = avatarIndices.indexOf(lastIndex) !== 0; } else { direction = -1; push = avatarIndices.indexOf(1) !== 0; } } else if (nextAvatarIndex === lastIndex) { if (currAvatarIndex === 0) { direction = -1; push = avatarIndices.indexOf(0) === 0; } else { direction = 1; push = avatarIndices.indexOf(lastIndex - 1) !== 0; } } else { direction = increasing ? 1 : -1; push = increasing; } const addIndex = AvatarSelector.getAvatarIndex(nextProps, direction); if (avatarIndices.includes(addIndex)) return; if (push) { avatarIndices.push(addIndex); } else { avatarIndices.unshift(addIndex); } return { avatarIndices }; }); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { if (this.props.avatarId !== prevProps.avatarId) { // HACK - a-animation ought to restart the animation when the `to` attribute changes, but it doesn't // so we need to force it here. const currRot = this.animation.parentNode.getAttribute("rotation"); const currY = currRot.y; const toRot = this.animation.getAttribute("to").split(" "); const toY = toRot[1]; const step = 360.0 / this.props.avatars.length; const brokenlyBigRotation = Math.abs(toY - currY) > 3 * step; let fromY = currY; if (brokenlyBigRotation) { // Rotation in Y wrapped around 360. Adjust the "from" to prevent a dramatic rotation fromY = currY < toY ? currY + 360 : currY - 360; } this.animation.setAttribute("from", `${currRot.x} ${fromY} ${currRot.z}`); this.animation.stop(); this.animation.handleMixinUpdate(); this.animation.start(); } } componentDidMount() { // <a-scene> component not initialized until scene element mounted and loaded. this.scene.addEventListener("loaded", () => { this.scene.setAttribute("renderer", { gammaOutput: true, sortObjects: true, physicallyCorrectLights: true }); this.scene.setAttribute("gamma-factor", ""); }); } render() { const avatarAssets = => ( <a-asset-item id={} key={} response-type="arraybuffer" src={`${avatar.model}`} /> )); const avatarData = => [this.props.avatars[i], i]); const avatarEntities =[avatar, i]) => ( <a-entity key={} rotation={`0 ${(360 * -i) / this.props.avatars.length} 0`}> <a-entity position="0 0 5" gltf-model-plus={`src: #${}; inflate: true`}> <a-animation attribute="rotation" dur="12000" to={`0 ${this.getAvatarIndex() === i ? 360 : 0} 0`} repeat="indefinite" /> </a-entity> </a-entity> )); const rotationFromIndex = index => ((360 * index) / this.props.avatars.length + 180) % 360; const initialRotation = rotationFromIndex(this.state.initialAvatarIndex); const toRotation = rotationFromIndex(this.getAvatarIndex()); return ( <div className="avatar-selector"> <a-scene vr-mode-ui="enabled: false" ref={sce => (this.scene = sce)}> <a-assets>{avatarAssets}</a-assets> <a-entity rotation={`0 ${initialRotation} 0`}> <a-animation ref={anm => (this.animation = anm)} attribute="rotation" dur="2000" easing="ease-out" to={`0 ${toRotation} 0`} /> {avatarEntities} </a-entity> <a-entity position="0 1.5 -5.6" rotation="-10 180 0"> <a-entity camera="" /> </a-entity> <a-entity hide-when-quality="low" light="type: directional; color: #F9FFCE; intensity: 0.6" position="0 5 -15" /> <a-entity hide-when-quality="low" light="type: ambient; color: #FFF" /> </a-scene> <WithHoverSound> <button className="avatar-selector__previous-button" onClick={this.emitChangeToPrevious}> <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faAngleLeft} /> </button> </WithHoverSound> <WithHoverSound> <button className="avatar-selector__next-button" onClick={this.emitChangeToNext}> <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faAngleRight} /> </button> </WithHoverSound> </div> ); } } export default injectIntl(AvatarSelector);