import React, { Component } from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import { IntlProvider, FormattedMessage, addLocaleData } from "react-intl"; import en from "react-intl/locale-data/en"; import { lang, messages } from "../utils/i18n"; import { playVideoWithStopOnBlur } from "../utils/video-utils.js"; import homeVideoWebM from "../assets/video/home.webm"; import homeVideoMp4 from "../assets/video/home.mp4"; import hubLogo from "../assets/images/hub-preview-light-no-shadow.png"; import mozLogo from "../assets/images/moz-logo-black.png"; import classNames from "classnames"; import { ENVIRONMENT_URLS } from "../assets/environments/environments"; import { connectToReticulum } from "../utils/phoenix-utils"; import styles from "../assets/stylesheets/index.scss"; import HubCreatePanel from "./hub-create-panel.js"; import AuthDialog from "./auth-dialog.js"; import ReportDialog from "./report-dialog.js"; import JoinUsDialog from "./join-us-dialog.js"; import UpdatesDialog from "./updates-dialog.js"; import DialogContainer from "./dialog-container.js"; import { WithHoverSound } from "./wrap-with-audio"; addLocaleData([...en]); class HomeRoot extends Component { static propTypes = { intl: PropTypes.object, sceneId: PropTypes.string, authVerify: PropTypes.bool, authTopic: PropTypes.string, authToken: PropTypes.string, authOrigin: PropTypes.string, listSignup: PropTypes.bool, report: PropTypes.bool, initialEnvironment: PropTypes.string }; state = { environments: [], dialog: null, mailingListEmail: "", mailingListPrivacy: false }; componentDidMount() { this.closeDialog = this.closeDialog.bind(this); if (this.props.authVerify) { this.showAuthDialog(true); this.verifyAuth().then(this.showAuthDialog); return; } if (this.props.sceneId) { this.loadEnvironmentFromScene(); } else { this.loadEnvironments(); } this.loadHomeVideo(); if (this.props.listSignup) { this.showUpdatesDialog(); } else if ( { this.showReportDialog(); } } async verifyAuth() { const socket = connectToReticulum(); const channel =; await new Promise((resolve, reject) => channel .join() .receive("ok", resolve) .receive("error", reject) ); channel.push("auth_verified", { token: this.props.authToken }); } showAuthDialog = verifying => { this.setState({ dialog: <AuthDialog verifying={verifying} authOrigin={this.props.authOrigin} /> }); }; loadHomeVideo = () => { const videoEl = document.querySelector("#background-video"); videoEl.playbackRate = 0.9; playVideoWithStopOnBlur(videoEl); }; closeDialog() { this.setState({ dialog: null }); } showJoinUsDialog() { this.setState({ dialog: <JoinUsDialog onClose={this.closeDialog} /> }); } showReportDialog() { this.setState({ dialog: <ReportDialog onClose={this.closeDialog} /> }); } showUpdatesDialog() { this.setState({ dialog: <UpdatesDialog onClose={this.closeDialog} onSubmittedEmail={() => this.showEmailSubmittedDialog()} /> }); } showEmailSubmittedDialog() { this.setState({ dialog: ( <DialogContainer onClose={this.closeDialog}> Great! Please check your e-mail to confirm your subscription. </DialogContainer> ) }); } loadEnvironmentFromScene = async () => { let sceneUrlBase = "/api/v1/scenes"; if (process.env.RETICULUM_SERVER) { sceneUrlBase = `https://${process.env.RETICULUM_SERVER}${sceneUrlBase}`; } const sceneInfoUrl = `${sceneUrlBase}/${this.props.sceneId}`; const resp = await fetch(sceneInfoUrl).then(r => r.json()); const scene = resp.scenes[0]; const attribution = scene.attribution && scene.attribution.split("\n").join(", "); const authors = attribution && [{ organization: { name: attribution } }]; // Transform the scene info into a an environment bundle structure. this.setState({ environments: [ { scene_id: this.props.sceneId, meta: { title:, authors, images: [{ type: "preview-thumbnail", srcset: scene.screenshot_url }] } } ] }); }; loadEnvironments = () => { const environments = []; const environmentLoads = => (async () => { const res = await fetch(src); const data = await res.json(); data.bundle_url = src; environments.push(data); })() ); Promise.all(environmentLoads).then(() => this.setState({ environments })); }; onDialogLinkClicked = trigger => { return e => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); trigger(); }; }; render() { const mainContentClassNames = classNames({ [styles.mainContent]: true, [styles.noninteractive]: !!this.state.dialog }); return ( <IntlProvider locale={lang} messages={messages}> <div className={styles.home}> <div className={mainContentClassNames}> <div className={styles.headerContent}> <div className={styles.titleAndNav} onClick={() => (document.location = "/")}> <div className={styles.links}> <WithHoverSound> <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"> <FormattedMessage id="home.source_link" /> </a> </WithHoverSound> <WithHoverSound> <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"> <FormattedMessage id="home.community_link" /> </a> </WithHoverSound> <WithHoverSound> <a href="/spoke" rel="noreferrer noopener"> Spoke </a> </WithHoverSound> </div> </div> </div> <div className={styles.heroContent}> <div className={styles.attribution}> Medieval Fantasy Book by{" "} <a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" > Pixel </a> </div> <div className={styles.container}> <img className={styles.logo} src={hubLogo} /> <div className={styles.title}> <FormattedMessage id="home.hero_title" /> </div> {this.state.environments.length === 0 && ( <div className="loader-wrap"> <div className="loader"> <div className="loader-center" /> </div> </div> )} </div> <div className={styles.create}> <HubCreatePanel initialEnvironment={this.props.initialEnvironment} environments={this.state.environments} /> </div> {this.state.environments.length > 1 && ( <div> <WithHoverSound> <div className={styles.joinButton}> <a href="/link"> <FormattedMessage id="home.join_room" /> </a> </div> </WithHoverSound> <WithHoverSound> <div className={styles.spokeButton}> <a href="/spoke"> <FormattedMessage id="home.create_with_spoke" /> </a> </div> </WithHoverSound> </div> )} </div> <div className={styles.footerContent}> <div className={styles.links}> <div className={}> <WithHoverSound> <a className={} rel="noopener noreferrer" href="#" onClick={this.onDialogLinkClicked(this.showJoinUsDialog.bind(this))} > <FormattedMessage id="home.join_us" /> </a> </WithHoverSound> <WithHoverSound> <a className={} rel="noopener noreferrer" href="#" onClick={this.onDialogLinkClicked(this.showUpdatesDialog.bind(this))} > <FormattedMessage id="home.get_updates" /> </a> </WithHoverSound> <WithHoverSound> <a className={} rel="noopener noreferrer" href="#" onClick={this.onDialogLinkClicked(this.showReportDialog.bind(this))} > <FormattedMessage id="home.report_issue" /> </a> </WithHoverSound> <WithHoverSound> <a className={} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="" > <FormattedMessage id="home.terms_of_use" /> </a> </WithHoverSound> <WithHoverSound> <a className={} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="" > <FormattedMessage id="home.privacy_notice" /> </a> </WithHoverSound> <img className={styles.mozLogo} src={mozLogo} /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <video playsInline muted loop autoPlay className={styles.backgroundVideo} id="background-video"> <source src={homeVideoWebM} type="video/webm" /> <source src={homeVideoMp4} type="video/mp4" /> </video> {this.state.dialog} </div> </IntlProvider> ); } } export default HomeRoot;