import qsTruthy from "./utils/qs_truthy"; import screenfull from "screenfull"; import nextTick from "./utils/next-tick"; import pinnedEntityToGltf from "./utils/pinned-entity-to-gltf"; const playerHeight = 1.6; const isBotMode = qsTruthy("bot"); const isMobile = AFRAME.utils.device.isMobile(); const isDebug = qsTruthy("debug"); const qs = new URLSearchParams(; const aframeInspectorUrl = require("file-loader?name=assets/js/[name]-[hash].[ext]!aframe-inspector/dist/aframe-inspector.min.js"); import { addMedia, proxiedUrlFor } from "./utils/media-utils"; import { ObjectContentOrigins } from "./object-types"; function requestFullscreen() { if (screenfull.enabled && !screenfull.isFullscreen) screenfull.request(); } export default class SceneEntryManager { constructor(hubChannel) { this.hubChannel = hubChannel; =; this.scene = document.querySelector("a-scene"); this.cursorController = document.querySelector("#cursor-controller"); this.playerRig = document.querySelector("#player-rig"); this._entered = false; } init = () => { this.whenSceneLoaded(() => { this.cursorController.components["cursor-controller"].enabled = false; }); }; hasEntered = () => { return this._entered; }; enterScene = async (mediaStream, enterInVR) => { const playerCamera = document.querySelector("#player-camera"); playerCamera.removeAttribute("scene-preview-camera"); playerCamera.object3D.position.set(0, playerHeight, 0); // Get aframe inspector url using the webpack file-loader. // Set the aframe-inspector url to our hosted copy. this.scene.setAttribute("inspector", { url: aframeInspectorUrl }); if (isDebug) { NAF.connection.adapter.session.options.verbose = true; } if (enterInVR) { // HACK - A-Frame calls getVRDisplays at module load, we want to do it here to // force gamepads to become live. navigator.getVRDisplays(); this.scene.enterVR(); } else if (AFRAME.utils.device.isMobile()) { document.body.addEventListener("touchend", requestFullscreen); } if (isMobile || qsTruthy("mobile")) { this.playerRig.setAttribute("virtual-gamepad-controls", {}); } this._setupPlayerRig(); this._setupBlocking(); this._setupMedia(mediaStream); this._setupCamera(); if (qsTruthy("offline")) return; this._spawnAvatar(); if (isBotMode) { this._runBot(mediaStream); return; } this.scene.setAttribute("motion-capture-replayer", "enabled", false); if (mediaStream) { NAF.connection.adapter.setLocalMediaStream(mediaStream); } this.scene.classList.remove("hand-cursor"); this.scene.classList.add("no-cursor"); this.cursorController.components["cursor-controller"].enabled = true; this._entered = true; // Delay sending entry event telemetry until VR display is presenting. (async () => { while (enterInVR && !(await navigator.getVRDisplays()).find(d => d.isPresenting)) { await nextTick(); } this.hubChannel.sendEntryEvent().then(() => {{ activity: { lastEnteredAt: new Date().toISOString() } }); }); })(); this.scene.addState("entered"); }; whenSceneLoaded = callback => { if (this.scene.hasLoaded) { callback(); } else { this.scene.addEventListener("loaded", callback); } }; enterSceneWhenLoaded = (mediaStream, enterInVR) => { this.whenSceneLoaded(() => this.enterScene(mediaStream, enterInVR)); }; exitScene = () => { if (NAF.connection.adapter && NAF.connection.adapter.localMediaStream) { NAF.connection.adapter.localMediaStream.getTracks().forEach(t => t.stop()); } if (this.hubChannel) { this.hubChannel.disconnect(); } if (this.scene.renderer) { this.scene.renderer.setAnimationLoop(null); // Stop animation loop, TODO A-Frame should do this } document.body.removeChild(this.scene); document.body.removeEventListener("touchend", requestFullscreen); }; _setupPlayerRig = () => { this._updatePlayerRigWithProfile();"statechanged", this._updatePlayerRigWithProfile); const avatarScale = parseInt(qs.get("avatar_scale"), 10); if (avatarScale) { this.playerRig.setAttribute("scale", { x: avatarScale, y: avatarScale, z: avatarScale }); } }; _updatePlayerRigWithProfile = () => { const { avatarId, displayName } =; this.playerRig.setAttribute("player-info", { displayName, avatarSrc: avatarId && avatarId.startsWith("http") ? proxiedUrlFor(avatarId) : `#${avatarId || "botdefault"}` }); const hudController = this.playerRig.querySelector("[hud-controller]"); hudController.setAttribute("hud-controller", { showTip: ! }); this.scene.emit("username-changed", { username: displayName }); }; _setupBlocking = () => { document.body.addEventListener("blocked", ev => { NAF.connection.entities.removeEntitiesOfClient(ev.detail.clientId); }); document.body.addEventListener("unblocked", ev => { NAF.connection.entities.completeSync(ev.detail.clientId); }); }; _setupMedia = mediaStream => { const offset = { x: 0, y: 0, z: -1.5 }; const spawnMediaInfrontOfPlayer = (src, contentOrigin) => { const { entity, orientation } = addMedia( src, "#interactable-media", contentOrigin, !(src instanceof MediaStream), true ); orientation.then(or => { entity.setAttribute("offset-relative-to", { target: "#player-camera", offset, orientation: or }); }); return entity; }; this.scene.addEventListener("add_media", e => { const contentOrigin = e.detail instanceof File ? ObjectContentOrigins.FILE : ObjectContentOrigins.URL; spawnMediaInfrontOfPlayer(e.detail, contentOrigin); }); this.scene.addEventListener("pinned", e => { const el = e.detail.el; const networkId =; const gltfNode = pinnedEntityToGltf(el); if (!gltfNode) return; el.setAttribute("networked", { persistent: true });, gltfNode); }); this.scene.addEventListener("unpinned", e => { const el = e.detail.el; const components = el.components; const networked = components.networked; if (!networked || ! || !NAF.utils.isMine(el)) return; const networkId =; el.setAttribute("networked", { persistent: false }); this.hubChannel.unpin(networkId); }); this.scene.addEventListener("object_spawned", e => { this.hubChannel.sendObjectSpawnedEvent(e.detail.objectType); }); document.addEventListener("paste", e => { if ("input, textarea") && document.activeElement === return; const url = e.clipboardData.getData("text"); const files = e.clipboardData.files && e.clipboardData.files; if (url) { spawnMediaInfrontOfPlayer(url, ObjectContentOrigins.URL); } else { for (const file of files) { spawnMediaInfrontOfPlayer(file, ObjectContentOrigins.CLIPBOARD); } } }); document.addEventListener("dragover", e => e.preventDefault()); document.addEventListener("drop", e => { e.preventDefault(); const url = e.dataTransfer.getData("url"); const files = e.dataTransfer.files; if (url) { spawnMediaInfrontOfPlayer(url, ObjectContentOrigins.URL); } else { for (const file of files) { spawnMediaInfrontOfPlayer(file, ObjectContentOrigins.FILE); } } }); let currentVideoShareEntity; let isHandlingVideoShare = false; const shareVideoMediaStream = async constraints => { if (isHandlingVideoShare) return; isHandlingVideoShare = true; const newStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints); const videoTracks = newStream ? newStream.getVideoTracks() : []; if (videoTracks.length > 0) { newStream.getVideoTracks().forEach(track => mediaStream.addTrack(track)); NAF.connection.adapter.setLocalMediaStream(mediaStream); currentVideoShareEntity = spawnMediaInfrontOfPlayer(mediaStream, undefined); // Wire up custom removal event which will stop the stream. currentVideoShareEntity.setAttribute("emit-scene-event-on-remove", "event:action_end_video_sharing"); } this.scene.emit("share_video_enabled", { source: }); isHandlingVideoShare = false; }; this.scene.addEventListener("action_share_camera", () => { shareVideoMediaStream({ video: { mediaSource: "camera", width: 720, frameRate: 30 } }); }); this.scene.addEventListener("action_share_window", () => { shareVideoMediaStream({ video: { mediaSource: "window", // Work around BMO 1449832 by calculating the width. This will break for multi monitors if you share anything // other than your current monitor that has a different aspect ratio. width: 720 * (screen.width / screen.height), height: 720, frameRate: 30 } }); }); this.scene.addEventListener("action_share_screen", () => { shareVideoMediaStream({ video: { mediaSource: "screen", // Work around BMO 1449832 by calculating the width. This will break for multi monitors if you share anything // other than your current monitor that has a different aspect ratio. width: 720 * (screen.width / screen.height), height: 720, frameRate: 30 } }); }); this.scene.addEventListener("action_end_video_sharing", () => { if (isHandlingVideoShare) return; isHandlingVideoShare = true; if (currentVideoShareEntity && currentVideoShareEntity.parentNode) { currentVideoShareEntity.parentNode.removeChild(currentVideoShareEntity); } for (const track of mediaStream.getVideoTracks()) { mediaStream.removeTrack(track); } NAF.connection.adapter.setLocalMediaStream(mediaStream); currentVideoShareEntity = null; this.scene.emit("share_video_disabled"); isHandlingVideoShare = false; }); }; _setupCamera = () => { this.scene.addEventListener("action_spawn_camera", () => { const entity = document.createElement("a-entity"); entity.setAttribute("networked", { template: "#interactable-camera" }); entity.setAttribute("offset-relative-to", { target: "#player-camera", offset: { x: 0, y: 0, z: -1.5 } }); this.scene.appendChild(entity); }); this.scene.addEventListener("photo_taken", e => { this.hubChannel.sendMessage({ src: e.detail }, "spawn"); }); }; _spawnAvatar = () => { this.playerRig.setAttribute("networked", "template: #remote-avatar-template; attachTemplateToLocal: false;"); this.playerRig.setAttribute("networked-avatar", ""); this.playerRig.emit("entered"); }; _runBot = async mediaStream => { console.log("Running bot"); this.playerRig.setAttribute("avatar-replay", { camera: "#player-camera", leftController: "#player-left-controller", rightController: "#player-right-controller" }); const audioEl = document.createElement("audio"); const audioInput = document.querySelector("#bot-audio-input"); audioInput.onchange = () => { audioEl.loop = true; audioEl.muted = true; audioEl.crossorigin = "anonymous"; audioEl.src = URL.createObjectURL(audioInput.files[0]); document.body.appendChild(audioEl); }; const dataInput = document.querySelector("#bot-data-input"); dataInput.onchange = () => { const url = URL.createObjectURL(dataInput.files[0]); this.playerRig.setAttribute("avatar-replay", { recordingUrl: url }); }; await new Promise(resolve => audioEl.addEventListener("canplay", resolve)); mediaStream.addTrack(audioEl.captureStream().getAudioTracks()[0]); NAF.connection.adapter.setLocalMediaStream(mediaStream);; }; }