# Privacy Notice for Hubs by Mozilla

Version 1.0, Effective April 26, 2018

## At Mozilla (that’s us), we believe that privacy is fundamental to a healthy internet.

In this Privacy Notice, we explain what data may be accessible to Mozilla or others when you use [Hubs by Mozilla](https://hubs.mozilla.com). We also adhere to the practices outlined in the Mozilla [privacy policy](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/privacy/) for how we receive, handle, and share information we collect from Hubs.

## Things you should know:

    <strong>Your presence and communications are sent to Mozilla and other Room participants.</strong>

- **Avatar data**: We receive and send to others in the Room the name of your Avatar, its position in the Room, and your interactions with objects in the Room.  Mozilla does not record or store this data. You can optionally store information about your Avatar in your browser’s local storage.  
- **Room data**: Rooms are publicly accessible to anyone with the URL. Mozilla receives data about the virtual objects and Avatars in a Room and shares that data with others in the Room.   
- **Voice data**: If your microphone is on, Mozilla receives and sends audio to other users in the Room. Mozilla does not record or store the audio.  *Be aware that once you agree to let Hubs use your microphone, it will stay on as long as you remain in a Hubs room, unless you turn it off.*
- You can learn more by looking at the code itself. [Janus SFU](https://github.com/mozilla/janus-plugin-sfu), [Reticulum](https://github.com/mozilla/reticulum), [Hubs](https://github.com/mozilla/hubs)


    <strong>Mozilla receives technical and interaction data to improve performance and stability.</strong>

- **Technical data**: We receive and store data about Room URLs and names; the type of device you use to interact with Hubs, as well as its operating system, language, the name and version of browser; and other data to load and operate the Room. 
- **Interaction data**: We receive data about your interactions with the Hubs service itself such as the number of Rooms created, the maximum number of users in a particular room at one same time, the start and end time of a user’s interaction with Hubs, the amount of time a user interacts with Hubs through Virtual Reality, the first time in a particular month or day that a user begins to use Hubs. Mozilla uses third party services to store and analyze these operational messages. 
- **Error Data**: In order to diagnose problems, Hubs sends Mozilla logs of error messages (which include the Room URL, response time for requests, the page you were on when you encountered the error, your operating system, browser information, and may include your IP address). 
- You can learn more by looking at the code itself.  [Janus SFU](https://github.com/mozilla/janus-plugin-sfu), [Reticulum](https://github.com/mozilla/reticulum), [Hubs](https://github.com/mozilla/hubs)