import groovy.json.JsonOutput // From // Given arbitrary string returns a strongly escaped shell string literal. // I.e. it will be in single quotes which turns off interpolation of $(...), etc. // E.g.: 1'2\3\'4 5"6 (groovy string) -> '1'\''2\3\'\''4 5"6' (groovy string which can be safely pasted into shell command). def shellString(s) { // Replace ' with '\'' ( Then enclose with '...'. // 1) Why not replace \ with \\? Because '...' does not treat backslashes in a special way. // 2) And why not use ANSI-C quoting? I.e. we could replace ' with \' // and enclose using $'...' ( // Because ANSI-C quoting is not yet supported by Dash (default shell in Ubuntu & Debian) ( '\'' + s.replace('\'', '\'\\\'\'') + '\'' } pipeline { agent any options { ansiColor('xterm') } stages { stage('pre-build') { steps { sh 'rm -rf ./build ./tmp' } } stage('build') { steps { script { def baseAssetsPath = env.BASE_ASSETS_PATH def assetBundleServer = env.ASSET_BUNDLE_SERVER def targetS3Url = env.TARGET_S3_URL def slackURL = env.SLACK_URL def habCommand = "sudo /usr/bin/hab-docker-studio -k mozillareality run /bin/bash scripts/ ${baseAssetsPath} ${assetBundleServer} ${targetS3Url}" // sh "/usr/bin/script --return -c ${shellString(habCommand)} /dev/null" def gitMessage = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'[%an] %s'").trim() def gitSha = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%h'").trim() def text = ( "*<http://localhost:8080/job/${env.JOB_NAME}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}|#${env.BUILD_NUMBER}>* *${env.JOB_NAME}* " + "<$gitSha|$gitSha> " + "Hubs: ```${gitSha} ${gitMessage}```\n" + "<${gitSha}|Smoke Test> - to push:\n" + "`/mr hubs deploy`" ) def payload = 'payload=' + JsonOutput.toJson([ text : text, channel : "#mr-builds", username : "buildbot", icon_emoji: ":gift:" ]) sh "curl -X POST --data-urlencode ${shellString(payload)} ${slackURL}" } } } } post { always { deleteDir() } } }