From 2ec2637848d2ebb9c6cb00b67ee16ae514d2184a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bergant <>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2015 17:51:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] readme 2

readme 2
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 vignettes/Overview.Rmd |   1 +
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 create mode 100644 README.Rmd
 create mode 100644 vignettes/Overview.R

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+title: finstr - Financial Statements in R 
+  html_document:
+    keep_md: yes
+```{r, echo=FALSE, results='hide', message=FALSE }
+**Warning: finstr package is in development. 
+Please use with caution.**
+The purpose of finstr package is to use financial statements 
+data in more structured form and process.
+For now it is offering:
+1. Data structure for financial statements in tidy and usable format
+2. Function to merge two reporting periods in single object
+3. Some helper functions to help explore and manipulate the data in the 
+The idea in long term is to create an environment for reproducible financial 
+statement analysis. With existing packages like XBRL for XBRL parsing, 
+dplyr for data manipulation and knitr for reproducible research, this 
+shouldn't be a long journey.
+## Get data
+Use XBRL package or `xbrl_parse_min` function to parse XBRL files. For example:
+```{r xbrl_parse_min, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE}
+# parse XBRL (Apple 10-K report)
+xbrl_url2014 <- 
+  ""
+xbrl_url2013 <- 
+  ""
+xbrl_data_aapl2014 <- xbrl_parse_min(xbrl_url2014)
+xbrl_data_aapl2013 <- xbrl_parse_min(xbrl_url2013)
+With `xbrl_get_statements` convert XBRL data to *statements* object. 
+```{r xbrl_get_statements}
+st2013 <- xbrl_get_statements(xbrl_data_aapl2013)
+st2014 <- xbrl_get_statements(xbrl_data_aapl2014)
+Statements object is a list of 
+several statement objects (ballance sheets, income and cash 
+flow statements) which are data frames with elements as columns and periods
+as rows. 
+To get a single *statement* use *statements* object as a regular R list:
+```{r statement}
+balance_sheet2013 <- st2013$StatementOfFinancialPositionClassified
+balance_sheet2014 <- st2014$StatementOfFinancialPositionClassified
+Only terminal (lowest level) concepts and values are kept in statement
+object's columns. 
+Information about hierarchical definition of higher order concepts is stored 
+as an attribute to the statement object.
+To see the calculation hierarchy of elements use `get_relations`: 
+```{r relations}
+To query the fundamental elements from higher order elements use
+```{r elements}
+get_elements(balance_sheet2014, parent_id = "LiabilitiesCurrent", as_data_frame = T)
+## Merge statements from different periods
+Use `merge` function to create single financial statement data from two 
+```{r merge_statement}
+balance_sheet <- merge( balance_sheet2013, balance_sheet2014 )
+The structure of merged balance sheets may differ because of taxonomy change. 
+Function `merge` takes care of structure change by expanding the element 
+hierarchy to capture the elements and their relations of both statements. 
+The values of any missing elements is set to 0.
+To merge all statements from *statements* object use merge on statements objects:
+```{r merge_statements}
+# merge all statements
+st_all <- merge( st2013, st2014 )
+# check if statement of income is merged:
+balance_sheet <- st_all$StatementOfFinancialPositionClassified
+## Prepare data with higher order concepts
+### Simple example
+To get the higher order values in hierarhcy we have to sum the fundamental 
+element values. Function `expose` does it for us:
+```{r expose1}
+balance_sheet %>%
+  expose("Assets",
+         "Liabilities",
+         "CommintmentsAndContingencies",
+         "StockholdersEquity")
+We could define new names for elements. Let say we would like to see *contingencies* 
+and *equity* summed up in the liabilities element:
+```{r expose2}
+balance_sheet %>%
+  expose("Assets",
+         Liabilities = c("Liabilities", 
+                         "CommintmentsAndContingencies",
+                         "StockholdersEquity"))
+### Using other
+Function `other` sums everything not yet covered inside a higher order element.
+To split the assets to current and non-current we can define non-current assets
+as other assets after we "used" current assets:
+```{r other1}
+balance_sheet %>%
+  expose("AssetsCurrent",
+         NonCurrentAssets = other("Assets"),
+         Liabilities = other())
+Note that we used `other` without element definition for the rest of the balance
+sheet. In this case `other()` results in sum of everything not already
+### Without
+Sometimes we need a substraction of concepts. For example:
+```{r without1}
+balance_sheet %>%
+  expose(
+    NonCurrentAssets = "Assets" %without% "AssetsCurrent",
+    CurrentAssets = other("Assets")
+  )
+It is possible to substract several elements. For example:
+```{r without2}
+balance_sheet %>%
+  expose( 
+    TangibleAssets =
+      "Assets" %without% c("Goodwill","IntangibleAssetsNetExcludingGoodwill"),
+    IntangibleAssets = other("Assets")
+  ) 
+## Calculate new values and ratios
+Statement object (in our case `balance_sheet`) is also a data frame object.
+With elements (or concepts) as columns and time periods as rows.
+It is possible then to use statement as a data frame:
+Lets calculate current ratio which is defined by
+$$ Current Ratio = \frac{Current Assets}{Current Liabilities} $$
+```{r current_ratio}
+balance_sheet %>%
+  expose("AssetsCurrent", "LiabilitiesCurrent") %>%
+  mutate(CurrentRatio = AssetsCurrent / LiabilitiesCurrent) %>%
+  select(endDate, CurrentRatio)
+If we need a period average value we can use a `lag` function.
+For example, to calculate *DSO* (days sales outstanding) over longer periods
+the average of account receivable is compared to net sales.
+We will use the formula for yearly statements:
+$$ DSO = \frac{Average Accounts Receivable}{Sales Revenue} \times 365 $$
+In this case we need to connect two type of statements: balance sheets and
+income statements. With matching reporting periods it can be accomplished 
+with joining two data frames:
+```{r DaysSalesOutstanding}
+balance_sheet %>%
+  inner_join( st_all$StatementOfIncome, by = "endDate") %>%
+  mutate( 
+    AccountReceivableLast = lag(AccountsReceivableNetCurrent),
+    AccountReceivableAvg = (AccountReceivableLast+AccountsReceivableNetCurrent)/2,
+    DaysSalesOutstanding = AccountReceivableAvg / SalesRevenueNet * 365 
+  ) %>%
+  select(endDate, DaysSalesOutstanding) %>%
+  na.omit()
diff --git a/ b/
index df6e008..a4ab107 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,13 +1,6 @@
-title: "Financial Statements in R"
-author: "Darko Bergant"
-date: "2015-03-25"
-output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
-vignette: >
-  %\VignetteIndexEntry{Financial Statements in R}
-  %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
-  \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
+# finstr - Financial Statements in R
 **Warning: finstr package is in development. 
diff --git a/vignettes/Overview.R b/vignettes/Overview.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..343294b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/Overview.R
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+## ----, echo=FALSE, results='hide', message=FALSE-------------------------
+## ----xbrl_parse_min, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE-------------------------------
+#  library(finstr)
+#  # parse XBRL (Apple 10-K report)
+#  xbrl_url2014 <-
+#    ""
+#  xbrl_url2013 <-
+#    ""
+#  xbrl_data_aapl2014 <- xbrl_parse_min(xbrl_url2014)
+#  xbrl_data_aapl2013 <- xbrl_parse_min(xbrl_url2013)
+## ----xbrl_get_statements-------------------------------------------------
+st2013 <- xbrl_get_statements(xbrl_data_aapl2013)
+st2014 <- xbrl_get_statements(xbrl_data_aapl2014)
+## ----statement-----------------------------------------------------------
+balance_sheet2013 <- st2013$StatementOfFinancialPositionClassified
+balance_sheet2014 <- st2014$StatementOfFinancialPositionClassified
+## ----relations-----------------------------------------------------------
+## ----elements------------------------------------------------------------
+get_elements(balance_sheet2014, parent_id = "LiabilitiesCurrent", as_data_frame = T)
+## ----merge_statement-----------------------------------------------------
+balance_sheet <- merge( balance_sheet2013, balance_sheet2014 )
+## ----merge_statements----------------------------------------------------
+# merge all statements
+st_all <- merge( st2013, st2014 )
+# check if statement of income is merged:
+balance_sheet <- st_all$StatementOfFinancialPositionClassified
+## ----expose1-------------------------------------------------------------
+balance_sheet %>%
+  expose("Assets",
+         "Liabilities",
+         "CommintmentsAndContingencies",
+         "StockholdersEquity")
+## ----expose2-------------------------------------------------------------
+balance_sheet %>%
+  expose("Assets",
+         Liabilities = c("Liabilities", 
+                         "CommintmentsAndContingencies",
+                         "StockholdersEquity"))
+## ----other1--------------------------------------------------------------
+balance_sheet %>%
+  expose("AssetsCurrent",
+         NonCurrentAssets = other("Assets"),
+         Liabilities = other())
+## ----without1------------------------------------------------------------
+balance_sheet %>%
+  expose(
+    NonCurrentAssets = "Assets" %without% "AssetsCurrent",
+    CurrentAssets = other("Assets")
+  )
+## ----without2------------------------------------------------------------
+balance_sheet %>%
+  expose( 
+    TangibleAssets =
+      "Assets" %without% c("Goodwill","IntangibleAssetsNetExcludingGoodwill"),
+    IntangibleAssets = other("Assets")
+  ) 
+## ----current_ratio-------------------------------------------------------
+balance_sheet %>%
+  expose("AssetsCurrent", "LiabilitiesCurrent") %>%
+  mutate(CurrentRatio = AssetsCurrent / LiabilitiesCurrent) %>%
+  select(endDate, CurrentRatio)
+## ----DaysSalesOutstanding------------------------------------------------
+balance_sheet %>%
+  inner_join( st_all$StatementOfIncome, by = "endDate") %>%
+  mutate( 
+    AccountReceivableLast = lag(AccountsReceivableNetCurrent),
+    AccountReceivableAvg = (AccountReceivableLast+AccountsReceivableNetCurrent)/2,
+    DaysSalesOutstanding = AccountReceivableAvg / SalesRevenueNet * 365 
+  ) %>%
+  select(endDate, DaysSalesOutstanding) %>%
+  na.omit()
diff --git a/vignettes/Overview.Rmd b/vignettes/Overview.Rmd
index 94ebfc8..2ff3766 100644
--- a/vignettes/Overview.Rmd
+++ b/vignettes/Overview.Rmd
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ vignette: >
 ```{r, echo=FALSE, results='hide', message=FALSE }