{% extends "templates/page.html" %} {% block stylesheet %} {{ super() }} <style> .footer-bottom { position: auto; bottom: 0px; text-align: center; width: 100%; z-index: -1; } </style> {% endblock %} {% block footer %} <p>   <br>   </p> <p>   <br>   </p> <div class="footer-bottom"> <hr style="width:35%; margin-bottom: 5px;"> <p style="font-size: 100%">This JupyterHub is provided by the <a href="https://www.csusb.edu/high-performance-computing" target="_blank">High Performance Computing Program </a> at <a href="https://www.csusb.edu/" target="_blank">California State Univeristy San Bernardino</a> and <a href="https://nationalresearchplatform.org/" target="_blank">National Research Platform</a> <br> If you obtain any results by utilizing our resources, please include <a href="https://www.csusb.edu/academic-technologies-innovation/xreal-lab-and-high-performance-computing/high-performance-computing#acknowledgement" target="_blank">acknowledgements of our service</a> in your work e.g., presentations or papers. <br> It will help us maintain the funding for our resources. </p></div> {% endblock %}