diff --git a/hls4ml/converters/__init__.py b/hls4ml/converters/__init__.py
index fb65071243339d01b5dce5c8893407bcbb116cb8..1ecf4b37f16b0a0661755fcbf2941e3422f84094 100644
--- a/hls4ml/converters/__init__.py
+++ b/hls4ml/converters/__init__.py
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ def parse_yaml_config(config_file):
     print('Loading configuration from', config_file)
     with open(config_file, 'r') as file:
-        parsed_config = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
+        parsed_config = yaml.safe_load(file)
     return parsed_config
 def convert_from_config(config):
diff --git a/hls4ml/converters/keras/core.py b/hls4ml/converters/keras/core.py
index 3cfd33cf84ea3db4fa39f874b03c2f4e40b2c0b5..bb5ac5ec97219e8683295337892f0713024b25bf 100644
--- a/hls4ml/converters/keras/core.py
+++ b/hls4ml/converters/keras/core.py
@@ -86,18 +86,18 @@ def parse_activation_layer(keras_layer, input_names, input_shapes, data_reader,
     if layer['class_name'] != 'Activation':
         layer['activation'] = layer['class_name']
     if layer['class_name'] == 'LeakyReLU':
-        layer['activ_param'] = keras_layer["config"].get('alpha', 0.3)
+        layer['activ_param'] = keras_layer['config'].get('alpha', 0.3)
     elif layer['class_name'] == 'ThresholdedReLU':
-        layer['activ_param'] = keras_layer["config"].get('theta', 1.)
+        layer['activ_param'] = keras_layer['config'].get('theta', 1.)
     elif layer['class_name'] == 'ELU':
-        layer['activ_param'] = keras_layer["config"].get('alpha', 1.)
+        layer['activ_param'] = keras_layer['config'].get('alpha', 1.)
     elif layer['class_name'] == 'ReLU':
         layer['class_name'] = 'Activation'
     if layer['class_name'] == 'Activation' and layer['activation'] == 'softmax':
         layer['class_name'] = 'Softmax'
-    if layer['class_name'] == 'ReLU':
-        layer['class_name'] = 'Activation'
+    if layer['class_name'] == 'Softmax':
+        layer['axis'] = keras_layer['config'].get('axis', -1)
     return layer, [shape for shape in input_shapes[0]]
diff --git a/hls4ml/converters/keras_to_hls.py b/hls4ml/converters/keras_to_hls.py
index 44c8c4b295504d6165dfbd63bb765adc4be7929b..1911545dcb32d9822f4df9fc8a7b8dad0ecd34f4 100644
--- a/hls4ml/converters/keras_to_hls.py
+++ b/hls4ml/converters/keras_to_hls.py
@@ -319,6 +319,7 @@ def keras_to_hls(config):
                 act_layer['class_name'] = layer['activation']
             elif layer['activation'] == 'softmax':
                 act_layer['class_name'] = 'Softmax'
+                act_layer['axis'] = -1
                 act_layer['class_name'] = 'Activation'
             inputs_map[layer['name']] = act_layer['name']
diff --git a/hls4ml/converters/onnx/core.py b/hls4ml/converters/onnx/core.py
index 208fae7caf7a0962c8cfdaa03756679cfb1c63b3..985d941549ddf33cf51f00981f7d8e4264663434 100644
--- a/hls4ml/converters/onnx/core.py
+++ b/hls4ml/converters/onnx/core.py
@@ -23,7 +23,10 @@ def parse_gemm_layer(reader, node, inputs_map, input_shapes, graph, config):
     return layer, output_shape
 #------------------Global paras for activations
-activation_layers = ['Relu', 'Tanh', 'Sigmoid', 'LeakyRelu', 'ThresholdedRelu', 'HardSigmoid', 'Elu', 'Selu', 'PRelu', 'Softmax', 'Softsign', 'Softplus', 'Clip']
+# TODO: repair HardSigmoid support
+# https://github.com/fastmachinelearning/hls4ml/issues/409 
+#activation_layers = ['Relu', 'Tanh', 'Sigmoid', 'LeakyRelu', 'ThresholdedRelu', 'HardSigmoid', 'Elu', 'Selu', 'PRelu', 'Softmax', 'Softsign', 'Softplus', 'Clip']
+activation_layers = ['Relu', 'Tanh', 'Sigmoid', 'LeakyRelu', 'ThresholdedRelu', 'Elu', 'Selu', 'PRelu', 'Softmax', 'Softsign', 'Softplus', 'Clip']
 activation_map = {'Relu':'ReLU', 'Tanh':'Activation',
                 'Sigmoid':'Activation', 'LeakyRelu':'LeakyReLU',
diff --git a/hls4ml/converters/pytorch/core.py b/hls4ml/converters/pytorch/core.py
index eb5f7f3cea76c10788e8366a0718d6f72b62a982..cafbf1a4636b5942b0d2fc6807aa4f68cdb2f96c 100644
--- a/hls4ml/converters/pytorch/core.py
+++ b/hls4ml/converters/pytorch/core.py
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import numpy as np
 from hls4ml.converters.pytorch_to_hls import pytorch_handler
+# TODO: propagate use_bias info properly
+# https://github.com/fastmachinelearning/hls4ml/issues/409 
 def parse_linear_layer(pytorch_layer, layer_name, input_shapes, data_reader, config):
     assert('Linear' in pytorch_layer.__class__.__name__)
@@ -15,6 +17,7 @@ def parse_linear_layer(pytorch_layer, layer_name, input_shapes, data_reader, con
     layer['n_out'] = pytorch_layer.out_features
     #Handling whether bias is used or not
+    assert not pytorch_layer.bias is None, "PyTorch Linear with bias=False not yet supported"
     if pytorch_layer.bias is None:    
         layer['use_bias'] = False
@@ -24,8 +27,10 @@ def parse_linear_layer(pytorch_layer, layer_name, input_shapes, data_reader, con
     return layer, output_shape
-activation_layers = ['LeakyReLU', 'ThresholdedReLU', 'ELU', 'PReLU', 'Softmax', 'ReLU']
+# TODO: propagate parametrized activation parameters
+# https://github.com/fastmachinelearning/hls4ml/issues/409 
+# activation_layers = ['LeakyReLU', 'ThresholdedReLU', 'ELU', 'PReLU', 'Softmax', 'ReLU']
+activation_layers = ['Softmax', 'ReLU']
 def parse_activation_layer(pytorch_layer, layer_name, input_shapes, data_reader, config):
diff --git a/hls4ml/model/hls_layers.py b/hls4ml/model/hls_layers.py
index c1cca5070018f9dda52f4dca214cb5dc91d9f84d..c730d60ffd55daf2be901f32ad2eb396524e773e 100644
--- a/hls4ml/model/hls_layers.py
+++ b/hls4ml/model/hls_layers.py
@@ -1384,6 +1384,9 @@ class Softmax(Activation):
                 self.set_attr('implementation', 'latency')
                 self.set_attr('implementation', self.model.config.get_strategy(self).lower())
+            if self.model.config.get_config_value('IOType') == 'io_parallel':
+                assert len(self.get_input_variable().shape) == 1, 'Softmax with io_parallel strategy cannot be used on multidimensional tensors.'
 class TernaryTanh(Activation):
     def initialize(self):
diff --git a/hls4ml/model/hls_model.py b/hls4ml/model/hls_model.py
index 22461074509ebcce727b8e329a48210ae0e0f0d9..0f9c11ae3a7d10f9d4d1db2b76fb1e5da277b608 100644
--- a/hls4ml/model/hls_model.py
+++ b/hls4ml/model/hls_model.py
@@ -555,21 +555,21 @@ class HLSModel(object):
             xlist = x
-        for x in xlist:
-            if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
+        for xi in xlist:
+            if not isinstance(xi, np.ndarray):
                 raise Exception('Expected numpy.ndarray, but got {}'.format(type(x)))
-            if not x.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
+            if not xi.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
                 raise Exception('Array must be c_contiguous, try using numpy.ascontiguousarray(x)')
-        x = xlist[0]
-        if x.dtype in [np.single, np.float32]:
+        x0 = xlist[0]
+        if x0.dtype in [np.single, np.float32]:
             top_function = getattr(self._top_function_lib, self.config.get_project_name() + '_float')
             ctype = ctypes.c_float
-        elif x.dtype in [np.double, np.float64, np.float_]:
+        elif x0.dtype in [np.double, np.float64, np.float_]:
             top_function = getattr(self._top_function_lib, self.config.get_project_name() + '_double')
             ctype = ctypes.c_double
-            raise Exception('Invalid type ({}) of numpy array. Supported types are: single, float32, double, float64, float_.'.format(x.dtype))
+            raise Exception('Invalid type ({}) of numpy array. Supported types are: single, float32, double, float64, float_.'.format(x0.dtype))
         top_function.restype = None
@@ -584,9 +584,9 @@ class HLSModel(object):
             xlist = x
         n_samples = []
-        for i, x in enumerate(xlist):
+        for i, xi in enumerate(xlist):
             expected_size = self.get_input_variables()[i].size()
-            x_size = np.prod(x.shape)
+            x_size = np.prod(xi.shape)
             n_sample, rem = divmod(x_size, expected_size)
             if rem != 0:
                 raise Exception('Input size mismatch, got {}, expected {}'.format(x_size.shape, self.get_input_variables()[i].shape))
@@ -600,23 +600,25 @@ class HLSModel(object):
     def predict(self, x):
         top_function, ctype = self._get_top_function(x)
         n_samples = self._compute_n_samples(x)
+        n_inputs = len(self.get_input_variables())
         curr_dir = os.getcwd()
         os.chdir(self.config.get_output_dir() + '/firmware')
         output = []
-        if n_samples == 1:
+        if n_samples == 1 and n_inputs == 1:
             x = [x]
             for i in range(n_samples):
                 predictions = np.zeros(self.get_output_variables()[0].size(), dtype=ctype)
-                if len(self.get_input_variables()) == 1:
+                if n_inputs == 1:
                     top_function(x[i], predictions, ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_ushort()), ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_ushort()))
-                    argtuple = [xi for xi in x[i]]
+                    inp = [xj[i] for xj in x]
+                    argtuple = inp
                     argtuple += [predictions]
-                    argtuple += [ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_ushort()) for i in range(len(x[i])+1)]
+                    argtuple += [ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_ushort()) for k in range(len(inp)+1)]
                     argtuple = tuple(argtuple)
@@ -639,6 +641,7 @@ class HLSModel(object):
         top_function, ctype = self._get_top_function(x)
         n_samples = self._compute_n_samples(x)
+        n_inputs = len(self.get_input_variables())
         class TraceData(ctypes.Structure):
             _fields_ = [('name', ctypes.c_char_p),
@@ -670,7 +673,7 @@ class HLSModel(object):
         os.chdir(self.config.get_output_dir() + '/firmware')
         output = []
-        if n_samples == 1:
+        if n_samples == 1 and n_inputs == 1:
             x = [x]
@@ -678,12 +681,13 @@ class HLSModel(object):
             for i in range(n_samples):
                 predictions = np.zeros(self.get_output_variables()[0].size(), dtype=ctype)
-                if len(self.get_input_variables()) == 1:
+                if n_inputs == 1:
                     top_function(x[i], predictions, ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_ushort()), ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_ushort()))
-                    argtuple = [xi for xi in x[i]]
+                    inp = [xj[i] for xj in x]
+                    argtuple = inp
                     argtuple += [predictions]
-                    argtuple += [ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_ushort()) for i in range(len(x[i])+1)]
+                    argtuple += [ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_ushort()) for k in range(len(inp)+1)]
                     argtuple = tuple(argtuple)
diff --git a/hls4ml/model/optimizer/__init__.py b/hls4ml/model/optimizer/__init__.py
index 04bd24b35ab570fd0f833a4c55c52b294eb33a16..19915b553e89dab20024f73deda4d120705a5707 100644
--- a/hls4ml/model/optimizer/__init__.py
+++ b/hls4ml/model/optimizer/__init__.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from hls4ml.model.optimizer.passes.conv_same_pad import InsertZeroPaddingBeforeC
 from hls4ml.model.optimizer.passes.conv_same_pad import InsertZeroPaddingBeforeConv2D
 from hls4ml.model.optimizer.passes.pointwise import OptimizePointwiseConv
 from hls4ml.model.optimizer.passes.clone import CloneOutput
-from hls4ml.model.optimizer.passes.repack_stream import ReshapeStream, BroadcastStream
+from hls4ml.model.optimizer.passes.repack_stream import ReshapeStream, BroadcastStream, RemoveFinalReshape
 from hls4ml.model.optimizer.passes.transpose_opt import RemoveUselessTranspose
 from hls4ml.model.optimizer.passes.multi_dense import ReplaceMultidimensionalDenseWithConv
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ register_pass('conv1d_same_pad', InsertZeroPaddingBeforeConv1D)
 register_pass('conv2d_same_pad', InsertZeroPaddingBeforeConv2D)
 register_pass('optimize_pointwise_conv', OptimizePointwiseConv)
 register_pass('clone_output', CloneOutput)
+register_pass('remove_final_reshape', RemoveFinalReshape)
 register_pass('reshape_stream', ReshapeStream)
 register_pass('remove_useless_transpose', RemoveUselessTranspose)
 register_pass('replace_multidense_conv', ReplaceMultidimensionalDenseWithConv)
diff --git a/hls4ml/model/optimizer/passes/repack_stream.py b/hls4ml/model/optimizer/passes/repack_stream.py
index f54a264c9dd97f693a29d8385766ced6ff1361ec..de2e2984191aaa81f2bf0d8f0f18ddc4b16f19f8 100644
--- a/hls4ml/model/optimizer/passes/repack_stream.py
+++ b/hls4ml/model/optimizer/passes/repack_stream.py
@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ for backend in ['Vivado', 'VivadoAccelerator']:
 class ReshapeStream(OptimizerPass):
     ''' Repacks stream for Reshape layer '''
     def match(self, node):
-        return node.__class__.__name__ == 'Reshape'
+        # do not run optimizer pass for a flatten layer (1 output dimension)
+        return node.__class__.__name__ == 'Reshape' and len(node.get_output_variable().shape) > 1
     def transform(self, model, node):
         if model.config.backend.name not in ['Vivado', 'VivadoAccelerator'] or \
@@ -121,3 +122,19 @@ class BroadcastStream(OptimizerPass):
         node.inputs[idx] = brdcst_out
         return True
+class RemoveFinalReshape(OptimizerPass):
+    ''' Remove reshape if final layer '''
+    def match(self, node):
+        # match if reshape is final node
+        return node.__class__.__name__ == 'Reshape' and not node.get_output_nodes()
+    def transform(self, model, node):
+        if model.config.get_config_value('IOType') == 'io_parallel':
+            print('WARNING: Final layer is a Reshape, which does not affect the output for io_parallel; removing it')
+            # remove, but don't rewire because it's the output layer
+            model.remove_node(node, rewire=False) 
+            return True
+        elif model.config.get_config_value('IOType') == 'io_stream':
+            print('WARNING: Final layer is a Reshape, which may incur a large resource cost for io_stream; consider removing it')
+        return False
diff --git a/hls4ml/templates/vivado/nnet_utils/nnet_activation.h b/hls4ml/templates/vivado/nnet_utils/nnet_activation.h
index 3b195cddcfe5ea1a9b025c9874d009e08faabdcd..83f73ad89e9e73d4e2717fe93fd4e22171368360 100644
--- a/hls4ml/templates/vivado/nnet_utils/nnet_activation.h
+++ b/hls4ml/templates/vivado/nnet_utils/nnet_activation.h
@@ -243,11 +243,11 @@ void softmax_latency(data_T data[CONFIG_T::n_in], res_T res[CONFIG_T::n_in]){
     // Calculate all the e^x's
     typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t exp_res[CONFIG_T::n_in];
-	#pragma HLS array_partition variable=exp_res complete
+    #pragma HLS array_partition variable=exp_res complete
     typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t exp_sum(0);
     for(unsigned i = 0; i < CONFIG_T::n_in; i++){
         #pragma HLS unroll
-    	unsigned x = softmax_idx_from_real_val<data_T, CONFIG_T>(data[i]);
+        unsigned x = softmax_idx_from_real_val<data_T, CONFIG_T>(data[i]);
         exp_res[i] = exp_table[x];
@@ -298,11 +298,11 @@ void softmax_stable(data_T data[CONFIG_T::n_in], res_T res[CONFIG_T::n_in]){
     // Calculate all the e^x's
     typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t exp_res[CONFIG_T::n_in];
-	#pragma HLS array_partition variable=exp_res complete
+    #pragma HLS array_partition variable=exp_res complete
     typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t exp_sum(0);
     for(unsigned i = 0; i < CONFIG_T::n_in; i++){
         #pragma HLS unroll
-    	unsigned x = softmax_idx_from_real_val<data_T, CONFIG_T>(d_xi_xmax[i]);
+        unsigned x = softmax_idx_from_real_val<data_T, CONFIG_T>(d_xi_xmax[i]);
         exp_res[i] = exp_table[x];
@@ -337,11 +337,11 @@ void init_invert_table_legacy(typename CONFIG_T::table_t table_out[N_TABLE])
     // Inversion function:
     //   result = 1/x
     for (int ii = 0; ii < N_TABLE; ii++) {
-      // First, convert from table index to X-value (signed 8-bit, range 0 to +64)
-	float in_val = 64.0*ii/float(N_TABLE);
+        // First, convert from table index to X-value (signed 8-bit, range 0 to +64)
+        float in_val = 64.0*ii/float(N_TABLE);
         // Next, compute lookup table function
-	if (in_val > 0.0) table_out[ii] = 1.0/in_val;
-	else table_out[ii] = 0.0;
+        if (in_val > 0.0) table_out[ii] = 1.0/in_val;
+        else table_out[ii] = 0.0;
@@ -376,33 +376,34 @@ void  softmax_legacy(data_T data[CONFIG_T::n_in], res_T res[CONFIG_T::n_in])
     int data_round;
     int index;
     for (int ii=0; ii<CONFIG_T::n_in; ii++) {
-      data_cache[ii] = data[ii];
-      exp_res[ii] = 0;
+        data_cache[ii] = data[ii];
+        exp_res[ii] = 0;
     for (int ii=0; ii<CONFIG_T::n_in; ii++) {
-      if (CONFIG_T::io_type == io_serial){
-          #pragma HLS PIPELINE
-      }
-      for (int jj=0; jj<CONFIG_T::n_in; jj++) {
-	if (ii==jj) exp_diff_res = 1;
-	else {
-	  data_round = (data_cache[jj]-data_cache[ii])*CONFIG_T::table_size/16;
-	  index = data_round + 8*CONFIG_T::table_size/16;
-	  if (index < 0)   index = 0;
-	  if (index > CONFIG_T::table_size-1) index = CONFIG_T::table_size-1;
-	  exp_diff_res = exp_table[index];
-	}
-	exp_res[ii] += exp_diff_res;
-      }
+        if (CONFIG_T::io_type == io_serial) {
+            #pragma HLS PIPELINE
+        }
+        for (int jj=0; jj<CONFIG_T::n_in; jj++) {
+            if (ii==jj) exp_diff_res = 1;
+            else {
+                data_round = (data_cache[jj]-data_cache[ii])*CONFIG_T::table_size/16;
+                index = data_round + 8*CONFIG_T::table_size/16;
+                if (index < 0)   index = 0;
+                if (index > CONFIG_T::table_size-1) index = CONFIG_T::table_size-1;
+                exp_diff_res = exp_table[index];
+            }
+            exp_res[ii] += exp_diff_res;
+        }
     //Second loop to invert
     for (int ii=0; ii<CONFIG_T::n_in; ii++) {
-      int exp_res_index = exp_res[ii]*CONFIG_T::table_size/64;
-      if (exp_res_index < 0)   exp_res_index = 0;
-      if (exp_res_index > CONFIG_T::table_size-1) exp_res_index = CONFIG_T::table_size-1;
-      //typename CONFIG_T::table_t exp_res_invert = invert_table[exp_res_index];
-      res[ii] = (res_T) invert_table[exp_res_index];
+        int exp_res_index = exp_res[ii]*CONFIG_T::table_size/64;
+        if (exp_res_index < 0)   exp_res_index = 0;
+        if (exp_res_index > CONFIG_T::table_size-1) exp_res_index = CONFIG_T::table_size-1;
+        //typename CONFIG_T::table_t exp_res_invert = invert_table[exp_res_index];
+        res[ii] = (res_T) invert_table[exp_res_index];
@@ -420,7 +421,7 @@ void softmax(data_T data[CONFIG_T::n_in], res_T res[CONFIG_T::n_in]){
     case softmax_implementation::legacy:
         softmax_legacy<data_T, res_T, CONFIG_T>(data, res);
-    }    
+    }
 // *************************************************
@@ -720,7 +721,7 @@ void  elu(data_T data[CONFIG_T::n_in], const res_T alpha, res_T res[CONFIG_T::n_
 template<class data_T, class res_T, typename CONFIG_T>
 void  elu(data_T data[CONFIG_T::n_in], res_T res[CONFIG_T::n_in])
-	elu<data_T, res_T, CONFIG_T>(data, 1.0, res);
+    elu<data_T, res_T, CONFIG_T>(data, 1.0, res);
 // *************************************************
@@ -810,26 +811,22 @@ void  prelu(data_T data[CONFIG_T::n_in], data_T alpha[CONFIG_T::n_in], res_T res
 template<class data_T, class res_T, typename CONFIG_T>
 void  binary_tanh(data_T data[CONFIG_T::n_in], res_T res[CONFIG_T::n_in])
+    if (CONFIG_T::io_type == io_parallel){
+        #pragma HLS PIPELINE
+    }
- if (CONFIG_T::io_type == io_parallel){
-     #pragma HLS PIPELINE
- }
- data_T datareg;   
- res_T cache; 
- for (int ii=0; ii<CONFIG_T::n_in; ii++) {
-  if (CONFIG_T::io_type == io_serial){
-      #pragma HLS PIPELINE
-  }
-  datareg = data[ii];	 
-  if( datareg > 0 ) cache = 1;
-  else cache = -1;
-  res[ii] = (res_T) cache;
- }
+    data_T datareg;
+    res_T cache;
+    for (int ii=0; ii<CONFIG_T::n_in; ii++) {
+        if (CONFIG_T::io_type == io_serial){
+            #pragma HLS PIPELINE
+        }
+        datareg = data[ii];
+        if( datareg > 0 ) cache = 1;
+        else cache = -1;
+        res[ii] = (res_T) cache;
+    }
 // *************************************************
@@ -839,25 +836,23 @@ template<class data_T, class res_T, typename CONFIG_T>
 void  ternary_tanh(data_T data[CONFIG_T::n_in], res_T res[CONFIG_T::n_in])
- if (CONFIG_T::io_type == io_parallel){
-     #pragma HLS PIPELINE
- }
+    if (CONFIG_T::io_type == io_parallel){
+        #pragma HLS PIPELINE
+    }
- data_T datareg;   
- res_T cache; 
- for (int ii=0; ii<CONFIG_T::n_in; ii++) {
-  if (CONFIG_T::io_type == io_serial){
-      #pragma HLS PIPELINE
-  }
-  datareg = 2*data[ii];
-  if( datareg > 1 ) cache = 1;
-  else if( datareg > -1 && datareg <= 1) cache=0;
-  else cache = -1;
+    data_T datareg;   
+    res_T cache; 
+    for (int ii=0; ii<CONFIG_T::n_in; ii++) {
+        if (CONFIG_T::io_type == io_serial) {
+            #pragma HLS PIPELINE
+        }
+        datareg = 2*data[ii];
+        if( datareg > 1 ) cache = 1;
+        else if( datareg > -1 && datareg <= 1) cache=0;
+        else cache = -1;
-  res[ii] = (res_T) cache;
- }
+        res[ii] = (res_T) cache;
+    }
diff --git a/hls4ml/templates/vivado/nnet_utils/nnet_activation_stream.h b/hls4ml/templates/vivado/nnet_utils/nnet_activation_stream.h
index 09968ad4499ab18d52f134fc31139c7f4ae33519..e2138039a05d712bc0b7beaa2f0f6ec7a68d3046 100644
--- a/hls4ml/templates/vivado/nnet_utils/nnet_activation_stream.h
+++ b/hls4ml/templates/vivado/nnet_utils/nnet_activation_stream.h
@@ -139,40 +139,36 @@ void softmax_latency(hls::stream<data_T> &data, hls::stream<res_T> &res){
         initialized = true;
-    constexpr unsigned multiplier_limit = DIV_ROUNDUP(CONFIG_T::n_in, CONFIG_T::reuse_factor);
-    constexpr unsigned ii = CONFIG_T::n_in / multiplier_limit;
+    constexpr unsigned multiplier_limit = DIV_ROUNDUP(data_T::size, CONFIG_T::reuse_factor);
+    constexpr unsigned ii = data_T::size / multiplier_limit;
     // Calculate all the e^x's
-    typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t exp_res[CONFIG_T::n_in];
+    typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t exp_res[data_T::size];
     #pragma HLS array_partition variable=exp_res complete
     typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t exp_sum(0);
     SoftmaxExpLoop: for(unsigned i = 0; i < CONFIG_T::n_in / data_T::size; i++){
-        if (CONFIG_T::n_in / data_T::size > 1) {
-            #pragma HLS PIPELINE
-        }
+        #pragma HLS PIPELINE II=ii
         data_T in_pack = data.read();
         SoftmaxExpPackLoop: for(unsigned j = 0; j < data_T::size; j++){
             #pragma HLS UNROLL
             unsigned x = softmax_idx_from_real_val<typename data_T::value_type, CONFIG_T>(in_pack[j]);
-            exp_res[i * data_T::size + j] = exp_table[x];
+            exp_res[j] = exp_table[x];
-    }
-    // Explicitly sum the results with an adder tree.
-    // Rounding & Saturation mode, which improve accuracy, prevent Vivado from expression balancing
-    Op_add<typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t> op_add;
-    exp_sum = reduce<typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t, CONFIG_T::n_in, Op_add<typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t>>(exp_res, op_add);
+        // Explicitly sum the results with an adder tree.
+        // Rounding & Saturation mode, which improve accuracy, prevent Vivado from expression balancing
+        Op_add<typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t> op_add;
+        exp_sum = reduce<typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t, data_T::size, Op_add<typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t>>(exp_res, op_add);
-    typename CONFIG_T::inv_table_t inv_exp_sum = invert_table[softmax_idx_from_real_val<typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t,CONFIG_T>(exp_sum)];
-    SoftmaxInvLoop: for(unsigned i = 0; i < CONFIG_T::n_in / res_T::size; i++){
-        #pragma HLS PIPELINE II=ii
+        typename CONFIG_T::inv_table_t inv_exp_sum = invert_table[softmax_idx_from_real_val<typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t,CONFIG_T>(exp_sum)];
         res_T out_pack;
         #pragma HLS DATA_PACK variable=out_pack
         SoftmaxInvPackLoop: for(unsigned j = 0; j < res_T::size; j++){
             #pragma HLS UNROLL
             #pragma HLS ALLOCATION instances=mul limit=multiplier_limit operation
-            out_pack[i * res_T::size + j] = exp_res[i * res_T::size + j] * inv_exp_sum;
+            out_pack[j] = exp_res[j] * inv_exp_sum;
@@ -199,58 +195,54 @@ void softmax_stable(hls::stream<data_T> &data, hls::stream<res_T> &res){
         initialized = true;
-    constexpr unsigned multiplier_limit = DIV_ROUNDUP(CONFIG_T::n_in, CONFIG_T::reuse_factor);
-    constexpr unsigned ii = CONFIG_T::n_in / multiplier_limit;
+    constexpr unsigned multiplier_limit = DIV_ROUNDUP(data_T::size, CONFIG_T::reuse_factor);
+    constexpr unsigned ii = data_T::size / multiplier_limit;
-    typename data_T::value_type data_array[CONFIG_T::n_in];
+    typename data_T::value_type data_array[data_T::size];
     #pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=data_array complete
     SoftmaxArrayLoop: for(unsigned i = 0; i < CONFIG_T::n_in / data_T::size; i++){
-        if (CONFIG_T::n_in / data_T::size > 1) {
-            #pragma HLS PIPELINE
-        }
+        #pragma HLS PIPELINE II=ii
         data_T in_pack = data.read();
         SoftmaxArrayPackLoop: for(unsigned j = 0; j < data_T::size; j++){
             #pragma HLS UNROLL
-            data_array[i * data_T::size + j] = in_pack[j];
+            data_array[j] = in_pack[j];
-    }
-    // Find the max and compute all delta(x_i, x_max)
-    Op_max<typename data_T::value_type> op_max;
-    typename data_T::value_type x_max = reduce<typename data_T::value_type, CONFIG_T::n_in, Op_max<typename data_T::value_type>>(data_array, op_max);
+        // Find the max and compute all delta(x_i, x_max)
+        Op_max<typename data_T::value_type> op_max;
+        typename data_T::value_type x_max = reduce<typename data_T::value_type, data_T::size, Op_max<typename data_T::value_type>>(data_array, op_max);
-    // For the diffs, use the same type as the input but force rounding and saturation
-    ap_fixed<data_T::value_type::width, data_T::value_type::iwidth,AP_RND,AP_SAT> d_xi_xmax[CONFIG_T::n_in];
-    for(unsigned i = 0; i < CONFIG_T::n_in; i++){
-        #pragma HLS UNROLL
-        d_xi_xmax[i] = data_array[i] - x_max;
-    }
+        // For the diffs, use the same type as the input but force rounding and saturation
+        ap_fixed<data_T::value_type::width, data_T::value_type::iwidth,AP_RND,AP_SAT> d_xi_xmax[data_T::size];
+        for(unsigned j = 0; j < data_T::size; j++){
+            #pragma HLS UNROLL
+            d_xi_xmax[j] = data_array[j] - x_max;
+        }
-    // Calculate all the e^x's
-    typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t exp_res[CONFIG_T::n_in];
-    #pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=exp_res complete
-    typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t exp_sum(0);
-    for(unsigned i = 0; i < CONFIG_T::n_in; i++){
-        #pragma HLS UNROLL
-        unsigned x = softmax_idx_from_real_val<typename data_T::value_type, CONFIG_T>(d_xi_xmax[i]);
-        exp_res[i] = exp_table[x];
-    }
+        // Calculate all the e^x's
+        typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t exp_res[data_T::size];
+        #pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=exp_res complete
+        typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t exp_sum(0);
+        for(unsigned j = 0; j < data_T::size; j++){
+            #pragma HLS UNROLL
+            unsigned x = softmax_idx_from_real_val<typename data_T::value_type, CONFIG_T>(d_xi_xmax[j]);
+            exp_res[j] = exp_table[x];
+        }
-    // Explicitly sum the results with an adder tree.
-    // Rounding & Saturation mode, which improve accuracy, prevent Vivado from expression balancing
-    Op_add<typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t> op_add;
-    exp_sum = reduce<typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t, CONFIG_T::n_in, Op_add<typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t>>(exp_res, op_add);
+        // Explicitly sum the results with an adder tree.
+        // Rounding & Saturation mode, which improve accuracy, prevent Vivado from expression balancing
+        Op_add<typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t> op_add;
+        exp_sum = reduce<typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t, data_T::size, Op_add<typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t>>(exp_res, op_add);
-    typename CONFIG_T::inv_table_t inv_exp_sum = invert_table[softmax_idx_from_real_val<typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t,CONFIG_T>(exp_sum)];
-    SoftmaxInvLoop: for(unsigned i = 0; i < CONFIG_T::n_in / res_T::size; i++){
-        #pragma HLS PIPELINE II=ii
+        typename CONFIG_T::inv_table_t inv_exp_sum = invert_table[softmax_idx_from_real_val<typename CONFIG_T::exp_table_t,CONFIG_T>(exp_sum)];
         res_T out_pack;
         #pragma HLS DATA_PACK variable=out_pack
         SoftmaxInvPackLoop: for(unsigned j = 0; j < res_T::size; j++){
             #pragma HLS UNROLL
             #pragma HLS ALLOCATION instances=mul limit=multiplier_limit operation
-            out_pack[i * res_T::size + j] = exp_res[i * res_T::size + j] * inv_exp_sum;
+            out_pack[j] = exp_res[j] * inv_exp_sum;
@@ -275,52 +267,48 @@ void softmax_legacy(hls::stream<data_T> &data, hls::stream<res_T> &res) {
     // Index into the lookup table based on data for exponentials
-    typename CONFIG_T::table_t exp_res[CONFIG_T::n_in];
+    typename CONFIG_T::table_t exp_res[data_T::size];
     typename CONFIG_T::table_t exp_diff_res;
-    typename data_T::value_type data_cache[CONFIG_T::n_in];
+    typename data_T::value_type data_cache[data_T::size];
-    SoftmaxInitLoop: for(unsigned i = 0; i < CONFIG_T::n_in / data_T::size; i++) {
+    SoftmaxInitLoop: for(unsigned s = 0; s < CONFIG_T::n_in / data_T::size; s++) {
         #pragma HLS PIPELINE
         data_T in_pack = data.read();
         SoftmaxInitPackLoop: for(unsigned j = 0; j < data_T::size; j++) {
             #pragma HLS UNROLL
-            data_cache[i * data_T::size + j] = in_pack[j];
-            exp_res[i * data_T::size + j] = 0;
+            data_cache[j] = in_pack[j];
+            exp_res[j] = 0;
-    }
-    SoftmaxExpLoop: for (int i = 0; i < CONFIG_T::n_in; i++) {
-        #pragma HLS PIPELINE
-        SoftmaxExpInner: for (int j = 0; j < CONFIG_T::n_in; j++) {
+        SoftmaxExpLoop: for (int i = 0; i < data_T::size; i++) {
             #pragma HLS UNROLL
-            if (i == j) {
-                exp_diff_res = 1;
-            } else {
-                int data_round = (data_cache[j] - data_cache[i]) * CONFIG_T::table_size / 16;
-                int index = data_round + 8 * CONFIG_T::table_size / 16;
-                if (index < 0) index = 0;
-                if (index > CONFIG_T::table_size - 1) index = CONFIG_T::table_size - 1;
-                exp_diff_res = exp_table[index];
+            SoftmaxExpInner: for (int j = 0; j < data_T::size; j++) {
+                #pragma HLS UNROLL
+                if (i == j) {
+                    exp_diff_res = 1;
+                } else {
+                    int data_round = (data_cache[j] - data_cache[i]) * CONFIG_T::table_size / 16;
+                    int index = data_round + 8 * CONFIG_T::table_size / 16;
+                    if (index < 0) index = 0;
+                    if (index > CONFIG_T::table_size - 1) index = CONFIG_T::table_size - 1;
+                    exp_diff_res = exp_table[index];
+                }
+                exp_res[i] += exp_diff_res;
-            exp_res[i] += exp_diff_res;
-    }
-    SoftmaxInvLoop: for(unsigned i = 0; i < CONFIG_T::n_in / res_T::size; i++) {
-        #pragma HLS PIPELINE
         res_T out_pack;
         #pragma HLS DATA_PACK variable=out_pack
         SoftmaxInvPackLoop: for(unsigned j = 0; j < res_T::size; j++) {
             #pragma HLS UNROLL
-            int exp_res_index = exp_res[i * res_T::size + j] * CONFIG_T::table_size / 64;
+            int exp_res_index = exp_res[j] * CONFIG_T::table_size / 64;
             if (exp_res_index < 0) exp_res_index = 0;
             if (exp_res_index > CONFIG_T::table_size - 1) exp_res_index = CONFIG_T::table_size - 1;
-            out_pack[i * res_T::size + j] = (typename res_T::value_type) invert_table[exp_res_index];
+            out_pack[j] = (typename res_T::value_type) invert_table[exp_res_index];
@@ -328,6 +316,8 @@ void softmax_legacy(hls::stream<data_T> &data, hls::stream<res_T> &res) {
 template<class data_T, class res_T, typename CONFIG_T>
 void softmax(hls::stream<data_T> &data, hls::stream<res_T> &res){
+    assert(CONFIG_T::axis == -1);
     case softmax_implementation::latency:
         softmax_latency<data_T, res_T, CONFIG_T>(data, res);
diff --git a/hls4ml/templates/vivado/nnet_utils/nnet_conv2d_resource.h b/hls4ml/templates/vivado/nnet_utils/nnet_conv2d_resource.h
index a146784550e3c7544e63d11c9c78e88bb57c9f84..a251051285202778b3435da5324cee34baa347a9 100644
--- a/hls4ml/templates/vivado/nnet_utils/nnet_conv2d_resource.h
+++ b/hls4ml/templates/vivado/nnet_utils/nnet_conv2d_resource.h
@@ -154,20 +154,18 @@ void im2col_2d_cl(
     const int col)
     int index = 0;
-    for (int channel = CONFIG_T::n_chan; channel--; data++) {
+    for (int kernel_row = 0; kernel_row < CONFIG_T::filt_height; kernel_row++) {
         #pragma HLS UNROLL
-        for (int kernel_row = 0; kernel_row < CONFIG_T::filt_height; kernel_row++) {
-            int input_row = -CONFIG_T::pad_top + kernel_row * CONFIG_T::dilation_height + row * CONFIG_T::stride_height;
-            for (int kernel_col = 0; kernel_col < CONFIG_T::filt_width; kernel_col++) {
+        int input_row = -CONFIG_T::pad_top + kernel_row * CONFIG_T::dilation_height + row * CONFIG_T::stride_height;
+        for (int kernel_col = 0; kernel_col < CONFIG_T::filt_width; kernel_col++) {
+            for (int channel = 0; channel < CONFIG_T::n_chan; channel++) {
                 if (input_row < 0 || input_row >= CONFIG_T::in_height) {
                     data_col[index++] = 0;
                 } else {
                     int input_col = -CONFIG_T::pad_left + kernel_col * CONFIG_T::dilation_width + col * CONFIG_T::stride_width;
                     if (input_col >= 0 && input_col < CONFIG_T::in_width) {
-                        //*(data_col++) = data[input_row * CONFIG_T::in_width * CONFIG_T::n_chan + input_col * CONFIG_T::n_chan];
-                        data_col[index++] = data[input_row * CONFIG_T::in_width * CONFIG_T::n_chan + input_col * CONFIG_T::n_chan];
+                        data_col[index++] = data[input_row * CONFIG_T::in_width * CONFIG_T::n_chan + input_col * CONFIG_T::n_chan + channel];
                     } else {
-                        //*(data_col++) = 0;
                         data_col[index++] = 0;
@@ -209,7 +207,6 @@ void conv_2d_resource_cl(
             for (int k = 0; k < CONFIG_T::n_filt; k++) {
                 res[i * CONFIG_T::out_width * CONFIG_T::n_filt + j * CONFIG_T::n_filt + k] = res_col[k];
-                //res[k * CONFIG_T::out_height * CONFIG_T::out_width + i * CONFIG_T::out_width + j] = res_col[k]; // Transposed order
diff --git a/hls4ml/templates/vivado_accelerator/pynq-z2/python_drivers/axi_stream_driver.py b/hls4ml/templates/vivado_accelerator/pynq-z2/python_drivers/axi_stream_driver.py
index 50104202a016ccd77cc2b785fc90b57af47be28c..4adb187ab43a02e0f22d9d06775bd9a3dddf6344 100644
--- a/hls4ml/templates/vivado_accelerator/pynq-z2/python_drivers/axi_stream_driver.py
+++ b/hls4ml/templates/vivado_accelerator/pynq-z2/python_drivers/axi_stream_driver.py
@@ -4,32 +4,36 @@ from datetime import datetime
 import pynq.lib.dma
 import numpy as np
 class NeuralNetworkOverlay(Overlay):
-    def __init__(self, bitfile_name, dtbo=None, download=True, ignore_version=False, device=None):
-        super().__init__(bitfile_name, dtbo=dtbo, download=download, ignore_version=ignore_version, device=device)
+    def __init__(self, bitfile_name, x_shape, y_shape, dtype=np.float32, dtbo=None, download=True, ignore_version=False,
+                 device=None):
+        super().__init__(bitfile_name, dtbo=None, download=True, ignore_version=False, device=None)
+        self.sendchannel = self.hier_0.axi_dma_0.sendchannel
+        self.recvchannel = self.hier_0.axi_dma_0.recvchannel
+        self.input_buffer = allocate(shape=x_shape, dtype=dtype)
+        self.output_buffer = allocate(shape=y_shape, dtype=dtype)
     def _print_dt(self, timea, timeb, N):
-        dt = (timeb - timea) 
-        dts = dt.seconds + dt.microseconds * 10**-6
+        dt = (timeb - timea)
+        dts = dt.seconds + dt.microseconds * 10 ** -6
         rate = N / dts
         print("Classified {} samples in {} seconds ({} inferences / s)".format(N, dts, rate))
         return dts, rate
-    def predict(self, X, y_shape, dtype=np.float32, debug=None, profile=False, encode=None, decode=None):
+    def predict(self, X, debug=False, profile=False, encode=None, decode=None):
         Obtain the predictions of the NN implemented in the FPGA.
         - X : the input vector. Should be numpy ndarray.
-        - y_shape : the shape of the output vector. Needed to the accelerator to set the TLAST bit properly and
-                    for sizing the output vector shape.
-        - dtype : the data type of the elements of the input/output vectors. 
-                  Note: it should be set depending on the interface of the accelerator; if it uses 'float' 
-                  types for the 'data' AXI-Stream field, 'np.float32' dtype is the correct one to use. 
+        - dtype : the data type of the elements of the input/output vectors.
+                  Note: it should be set depending on the interface of the accelerator; if it uses 'float'
+                  types for the 'data' AXI-Stream field, 'np.float32' dtype is the correct one to use.
                   Instead if it uses 'ap_fixed<A,B>', 'np.intA' is the correct one to use (note that A cannot
-                  any integer value, but it can assume {..., 8, 16, 32, ...} values. Check `numpy` 
+                  any integer value, but it can assume {..., 8, 16, 32, ...} values. Check `numpy`
                   doc for more info).
-                  In this case the encoding/decoding has to be computed by the PS. For example for 
-                  'ap_fixed<16,6>' type the following 2 functions are the correct one to use for encode/decode 
+                  In this case the encoding/decoding has to be computed by the PS. For example for
+                  'ap_fixed<16,6>' type the following 2 functions are the correct one to use for encode/decode
                   'float' -> 'ap_fixed<16,6>':
                     def encode(xi):
@@ -48,24 +52,24 @@ class NeuralNetworkOverlay(Overlay):
             timea = datetime.now()
         if encode is not None:
             X = encode(X)
-        with allocate(shape=X.shape, dtype=dtype) as input_buffer, \
-             allocate(shape=y_shape, dtype=dtype) as output_buffer:
-            input_buffer[:] = X 
-            self.hier_0.axi_dma_0.sendchannel.transfer(input_buffer)
-            self.hier_0.axi_dma_0.recvchannel.transfer(output_buffer)
-            if debug:
-                print("Transfer OK")
-            self.hier_0.axi_dma_0.sendchannel.wait()
-            if debug:
-                print("Send OK")
-            self.hier_0.axi_dma_0.recvchannel.wait()
-            if debug:
-                print("Receive OK")
-            result = output_buffer.copy()
+        self.input_buffer[:] = X
+        self.sendchannel.transfer(self.input_buffer)
+        self.recvchannel.transfer(self.output_buffer)
+        if debug:
+            print("Transfer OK")
+        self.sendchannel.wait()
+        if debug:
+            print("Send OK")
+        self.recvchannel.wait()
+        if debug:
+            print("Receive OK")
+        # result = self.output_buffer.copy()
         if decode is not None:
-            result = decode(result)
+            self.output_buffer = decode(self.output_buffer)
         if profile:
             timeb = datetime.now()
             dts, rate = self._print_dt(timea, timeb, len(X))
-            return result, dts, rate
-        return result
\ No newline at end of file
+            return self.output_buffer, dts, rate
+        else:
+            return self.output_buffer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hls4ml/templates/vivado_accelerator/zcu102/python_drivers/axi_stream_driver.py b/hls4ml/templates/vivado_accelerator/zcu102/python_drivers/axi_stream_driver.py
index 50104202a016ccd77cc2b785fc90b57af47be28c..4adb187ab43a02e0f22d9d06775bd9a3dddf6344 100644
--- a/hls4ml/templates/vivado_accelerator/zcu102/python_drivers/axi_stream_driver.py
+++ b/hls4ml/templates/vivado_accelerator/zcu102/python_drivers/axi_stream_driver.py
@@ -4,32 +4,36 @@ from datetime import datetime
 import pynq.lib.dma
 import numpy as np
 class NeuralNetworkOverlay(Overlay):
-    def __init__(self, bitfile_name, dtbo=None, download=True, ignore_version=False, device=None):
-        super().__init__(bitfile_name, dtbo=dtbo, download=download, ignore_version=ignore_version, device=device)
+    def __init__(self, bitfile_name, x_shape, y_shape, dtype=np.float32, dtbo=None, download=True, ignore_version=False,
+                 device=None):
+        super().__init__(bitfile_name, dtbo=None, download=True, ignore_version=False, device=None)
+        self.sendchannel = self.hier_0.axi_dma_0.sendchannel
+        self.recvchannel = self.hier_0.axi_dma_0.recvchannel
+        self.input_buffer = allocate(shape=x_shape, dtype=dtype)
+        self.output_buffer = allocate(shape=y_shape, dtype=dtype)
     def _print_dt(self, timea, timeb, N):
-        dt = (timeb - timea) 
-        dts = dt.seconds + dt.microseconds * 10**-6
+        dt = (timeb - timea)
+        dts = dt.seconds + dt.microseconds * 10 ** -6
         rate = N / dts
         print("Classified {} samples in {} seconds ({} inferences / s)".format(N, dts, rate))
         return dts, rate
-    def predict(self, X, y_shape, dtype=np.float32, debug=None, profile=False, encode=None, decode=None):
+    def predict(self, X, debug=False, profile=False, encode=None, decode=None):
         Obtain the predictions of the NN implemented in the FPGA.
         - X : the input vector. Should be numpy ndarray.
-        - y_shape : the shape of the output vector. Needed to the accelerator to set the TLAST bit properly and
-                    for sizing the output vector shape.
-        - dtype : the data type of the elements of the input/output vectors. 
-                  Note: it should be set depending on the interface of the accelerator; if it uses 'float' 
-                  types for the 'data' AXI-Stream field, 'np.float32' dtype is the correct one to use. 
+        - dtype : the data type of the elements of the input/output vectors.
+                  Note: it should be set depending on the interface of the accelerator; if it uses 'float'
+                  types for the 'data' AXI-Stream field, 'np.float32' dtype is the correct one to use.
                   Instead if it uses 'ap_fixed<A,B>', 'np.intA' is the correct one to use (note that A cannot
-                  any integer value, but it can assume {..., 8, 16, 32, ...} values. Check `numpy` 
+                  any integer value, but it can assume {..., 8, 16, 32, ...} values. Check `numpy`
                   doc for more info).
-                  In this case the encoding/decoding has to be computed by the PS. For example for 
-                  'ap_fixed<16,6>' type the following 2 functions are the correct one to use for encode/decode 
+                  In this case the encoding/decoding has to be computed by the PS. For example for
+                  'ap_fixed<16,6>' type the following 2 functions are the correct one to use for encode/decode
                   'float' -> 'ap_fixed<16,6>':
                     def encode(xi):
@@ -48,24 +52,24 @@ class NeuralNetworkOverlay(Overlay):
             timea = datetime.now()
         if encode is not None:
             X = encode(X)
-        with allocate(shape=X.shape, dtype=dtype) as input_buffer, \
-             allocate(shape=y_shape, dtype=dtype) as output_buffer:
-            input_buffer[:] = X 
-            self.hier_0.axi_dma_0.sendchannel.transfer(input_buffer)
-            self.hier_0.axi_dma_0.recvchannel.transfer(output_buffer)
-            if debug:
-                print("Transfer OK")
-            self.hier_0.axi_dma_0.sendchannel.wait()
-            if debug:
-                print("Send OK")
-            self.hier_0.axi_dma_0.recvchannel.wait()
-            if debug:
-                print("Receive OK")
-            result = output_buffer.copy()
+        self.input_buffer[:] = X
+        self.sendchannel.transfer(self.input_buffer)
+        self.recvchannel.transfer(self.output_buffer)
+        if debug:
+            print("Transfer OK")
+        self.sendchannel.wait()
+        if debug:
+            print("Send OK")
+        self.recvchannel.wait()
+        if debug:
+            print("Receive OK")
+        # result = self.output_buffer.copy()
         if decode is not None:
-            result = decode(result)
+            self.output_buffer = decode(self.output_buffer)
         if profile:
             timeb = datetime.now()
             dts, rate = self._print_dt(timea, timeb, len(X))
-            return result, dts, rate
-        return result
\ No newline at end of file
+            return self.output_buffer, dts, rate
+        else:
+            return self.output_buffer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hls4ml/templates/vivado_template.py b/hls4ml/templates/vivado_template.py
index 5b1c3b03c89f98ac9697e276a399f7add52b0c86..149b52f1d5b4291d3fedc96ef6724d47717792a3 100644
--- a/hls4ml/templates/vivado_template.py
+++ b/hls4ml/templates/vivado_template.py
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ softmax_config_template = """struct {type}_config{index} : nnet::activ_config {{
     static const unsigned table_size = {table_size};
     static const unsigned io_type = nnet::{iotype};
     static const unsigned reuse_factor = {reuse};
+    static const unsigned axis = {axis};
     static const nnet::softmax_implementation implementation = nnet::softmax_implementation::{implementation};
     typedef {exp_table_t} exp_table_t;
     typedef {inv_table_t} inv_table_t;
diff --git a/hls4ml/utils/example_models.py b/hls4ml/utils/example_models.py
index 10fd5f090e1a91d23abdd1b8023a65b1b12a3a32..fdc405ca3a7ae992f11e549bede65370734afe7d 100644
--- a/hls4ml/utils/example_models.py
+++ b/hls4ml/utils/example_models.py
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ def _load_example_config(model_name):
     #Load the configuration from local yml file
     with open(config_name, 'r') as ymlfile:
-        config = yaml.load(ymlfile)
+        config = yaml.safe_load(ymlfile)
     return config
diff --git a/test/pytest/test_cnn_mnist.py b/test/pytest/test_cnn_mnist.py
index 274f25a547c78ec5ad5e4e5529b3ce0ec6994152..2397def2a9a59fe01d3e9b1a499cb0962198e39c 100644
--- a/test/pytest/test_cnn_mnist.py
+++ b/test/pytest/test_cnn_mnist.py
@@ -28,16 +28,15 @@ def mnist_model():
   return model
-# TODO: add ('io_parallel', 'resource') when it can pass
-# https://github.com/fastmachinelearning/hls4ml/issues/375
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('settings', [('io_parallel', 'latency'),
+                                      ('io_parallel', 'resource'),
                                       ('io_stream', 'latency'),
                                       ('io_stream', 'resource')])
 def hls_model(settings):
   io_type = settings[0]
   strategy = settings[1]
-  config = yaml.load(open('../../example-models/config-files/qkeras_mnist_cnn_config.yml').read())
+  config = yaml.safe_load(open('../../example-models/config-files/qkeras_mnist_cnn_config.yml').read())
   config['KerasJson'] = '../../example-models/keras/qkeras_mnist_cnn.json'
   config['KerasH5'] = '../../example-models/keras/qkeras_mnist_cnn_weights.h5'
   config['OutputDir'] = 'hls4mlprj_cnn_mnist_{}_{}'.format(io_type, strategy)
@@ -49,10 +48,12 @@ def hls_model(settings):
   return hls_model
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('settings', [('io_parallel', 'latency'),
+                                      ('io_parallel', 'resource'),
                                       ('io_stream', 'latency'),
                                       ('io_stream', 'resource')])
 def test_accuracy(mnist_data, mnist_model, hls_model):
   x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = mnist_data
+  x_test, y_test = x_test[:5000], y_test[:5000]
   model = mnist_model
   # model under test predictions and accuracy
   y_keras = model.predict(x_test)
diff --git a/test/pytest/test_graph.py b/test/pytest/test_graph.py
index 1d0dcca9c5bcda3d48f6b85e7464fa168611ecb2..8f9e62f4b83428c1a8f8f832948c94745bc0d55e 100644
--- a/test/pytest/test_graph.py
+++ b/test/pytest/test_graph.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import hls4ml
 import numpy as np
 import pytest
+import tensorflow as tf
 class Reader:
     def get_weights_data(self, name, var):
@@ -94,15 +95,47 @@ def test_graph_manipulation(parameters, iotype):
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(expected_layers, actual_layers)
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('iotype', ['io_parallel', 'io_stream'])
-def test_graph_branch(iotype):
-  odir = 'hls4mlprj_graph_branch_model'
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('batch', [1, 100])
+def test_graph_branch(iotype, batch):
+  odir = 'hls4mlprj_graph_branch_model_{}_batch{}'.format(iotype, batch)
   model = branch_model(odir, iotype)
   original_layers = np.array([layer.name for layer in list(model.get_layers())])
   hls4ml.utils.plot_model(model, show_shapes=True, show_precision=True, to_file='{}/model.png'.format(odir))
-  X0 = np.random.rand(1,1)
-  X1 = np.random.rand(1,1)
+  X0 = np.random.rand(batch, 1)
+  X1 = np.random.rand(batch, 1)
   y_expected = 2*(X0+X1)
   y = model.predict([X0, X1]).reshape(y_expected.shape)
   # check the output
   np.testing.assert_allclose(y, y_expected, rtol=1, atol=2**-16)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('iotype', ['io_parallel', 'io_stream'])
+def test_final_reshape(iotype):
+  ''' Test case for a model with a Reshape as the final layer '''
+  inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(1,1,1)) # 1 input pixel
+  conv = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(6,1) # 6 filters, 1x1 kernel
+  x = conv(inputs)
+  conv.set_weights([np.linspace(1,6,6).reshape(1,1,1,6), np.zeros(6)]) # ascending int weights, 0 bias
+  x = tf.keras.layers.Reshape((3,2))(x) # reshape the (1,1,6) output to (3,2)
+  model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=x)
+  # create the HLSModel
+  config = hls4ml.utils.config_from_keras_model(model, granularity='model')
+  hls_model = hls4ml.converters.convert_from_keras_model(model,
+                                                         output_dir=f'hls4mlprj_graph_final_reshape_{iotype}',
+                                                         backend='Vivado',
+                                                         io_type = iotype,
+                                                         hls_config=config)
+  hls_model.compile()
+  # Test on ascending integers. The weights mean that each output pixel/neuron has
+  # a different value
+  X = np.linspace(-4,4,9).reshape(9,1,1,1)
+  y = model.predict(X)
+  y_hls = hls_model.predict(X).reshape(y.shape)
+  # because of integer inputs and integer weights, we can expect exact matching
+  np.testing.assert_allclose(y, y_hls, rtol=0)
diff --git a/test/pytest/test_softmax.py b/test/pytest/test_softmax.py
index 5263a55ba4b3a3524f788ee841f1640ce1c76944..ef98902cc99d76d98f9ccd3f84894230d4d53179 100644
--- a/test/pytest/test_softmax.py
+++ b/test/pytest/test_softmax.py
@@ -4,42 +4,51 @@ import numpy as np
 import pytest
 from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
-def flat_distribution(N, M):
-  return np.random.rand(N, M)
-def high_accuracy_distribution(N, M):
-  '''Start with a flat distribution, then pick a random member of each row to amplify'''
-  x = np.random.rand(N, M)
-  imax = np.random.randint(0,M,size=N)
-  x[:,imax] *= 10
-  return x
+def flat_distribution(shape):
+    return np.random.rand(*shape)
+def high_accuracy_distribution(shape):
+    '''Start with a flat distribution, then pick a random member of each row to amplify'''
+    x = np.random.rand(*shape)
+    imax = np.random.randint(0, shape[1], size=shape[0])
+    x[:, imax] *= 10
+    return x
-def generate_data(function):
-  return function(1000,8)
+def generate_data(function, input_shape):
+    return function((1000, *input_shape))
 # TODO: include latency strategy with flat_distribution when it can be made to pass
-#@pytest.mark.parametrize('strategy,function', [('latency', flat_distribution),
-#                                               ('stable', flat_distribution),
-#                                               ('stable', high_accuracy_distribution)])
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('strategy,function', [('stable', flat_distribution),
-                                               ('stable', high_accuracy_distribution)])
-def test_softmax(strategy, generate_data):
-  X = generate_data
-  model = tf.keras.models.Sequential()
-  model.add(tf.keras.layers.Activation(input_shape=(8,), activation='softmax', name='softmax'))
-  model.compile()
-  cfg = hls4ml.utils.config_from_keras_model(model, granularity='name')
-  cfg['LayerName']['softmax']['Strategy'] = strategy
-  cfg['LayerName']['softmax']['inv_table_t'] = 'ap_fixed<18,8,AP_RND,AP_SAT>'
-  cfg['LayerName']['softmax']['exp_table_t'] = 'ap_fixed<18,8,AP_RND,AP_SAT>'
-  hls_model = hls4ml.converters.convert_from_keras_model(model, hls_config=cfg, output_dir='hls4mlprj_softmax_{}'.format(strategy))
-  hls_model.compile()
-  y_keras = model.predict(X)
-  y_hls4ml = hls_model.predict(X)
-  acc_hls4ml = accuracy_score(np.argmax(y_keras, axis=1), np.argmax(y_hls4ml, axis=1))
-  print('Accuracy hls4ml relative to keras: {}'.format(acc_hls4ml))
-  assert acc_hls4ml >= 0.98
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('strategy,function,input_shape,io_type', [#('latency', flat_distribution, (8,), 'io_parallel'),
+                                                                   #('latency', flat_distribution, (8, 8, 3), 'io_stream'),
+                                                                   ('stable', flat_distribution, (8,), 'io_parallel'),
+                                                                   ('stable', high_accuracy_distribution, (8,), 'io_parallel'),
+                                                                   ('stable', flat_distribution, (8,), 'io_stream'),
+                                                                   ('stable', high_accuracy_distribution, (8,), 'io_stream'),
+                                                                   # Multi-dimensional tests, only for io_stream for now
+                                                                   ('stable', flat_distribution, (8, 8, 3), 'io_stream'),
+                                                                   ('stable', high_accuracy_distribution, (8, 8, 3), 'io_stream')])
+def test_softmax(strategy, generate_data, input_shape, io_type):
+    X = generate_data
+    model = tf.keras.models.Sequential()
+    model.add(tf.keras.layers.Activation(input_shape=input_shape, activation='softmax', name='softmax'))
+    model.compile()
+    cfg = hls4ml.utils.config_from_keras_model(model, granularity='name')
+    cfg['LayerName']['softmax']['Strategy'] = strategy
+    cfg['LayerName']['softmax']['inv_table_t'] = 'ap_fixed<18,8,AP_RND,AP_SAT>'
+    cfg['LayerName']['softmax']['exp_table_t'] = 'ap_fixed<18,8,AP_RND,AP_SAT>'
+    hls_model = hls4ml.converters.convert_from_keras_model(model, hls_config=cfg, io_type=io_type,
+                                                           output_dir='hls4mlprj_softmax_{}'.format(strategy))
+    hls_model.compile()
+    y_keras = model.predict(X)
+    y_hls4ml = hls_model.predict(X).reshape(y_keras.shape)
+    acc_hls4ml = accuracy_score(np.argmax(y_keras, axis=-1).ravel(), np.argmax(y_hls4ml, axis=-1).ravel())
+    print('Accuracy hls4ml relative to keras: {}'.format(acc_hls4ml))
+    assert acc_hls4ml >= 0.98