From 2a89043107b876b668c60fd40ac299031c74a829 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Margarete Walden <> Date: Fri, 10 May 2024 23:56:04 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Replace sim_run.R --- scripts/sim_run.R | 2495 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- 1 file changed, 1247 insertions(+), 1248 deletions(-) diff --git a/scripts/sim_run.R b/scripts/sim_run.R index 7d0c32f..528a16a 100644 --- a/scripts/sim_run.R +++ b/scripts/sim_run.R @@ -1,1248 +1,1247 @@ -#### -####----1. ABOUT------------------------------------------------------------#### -#### -#### Evaluating alternative methods for modeling trap -#### efficiencies of outmigrating juvenile salmonids -#### -#### Authors: Walden et al. -#### -#### Content: R-Code for simulations -#### -#### This is the file for Supplement X of the manuscript. -#### -### sim_template ### -### -# sessionInfo()-------------------------------------------------------------#### -# R version 4.2.3 (2023-03-15 ucrt) -# Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) -# Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19045) -# -# Matrix products: default -# -# locale: -# [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.utf8 LC_CTYPE=English_United States.utf8 -# [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.utf8 LC_NUMERIC=C -# [5] LC_TIME=English_United States.utf8 -# -# attached base packages: -# [1] parallel tools stats4 grid compiler stats graphics grDevices utils datasets -# [11] methods base -# -# other attached packages: -# [1] MCMCvis_0.16.3 iml_0.11.2 betareg_3.1-4 pdp_0.8.1 doParallel_1.0.17 -# [6] iterators_1.0.14 foreach_1.5.2 nimble_1.1.0 tuneRanger_0.7 lhs_1.1.6 -# [11] mlrMBO_1.1.5.1 smoof_1.6.0.3 checkmate_2.3.1 mlr_2.19.1 ParamHelpers_1.14.1 -# [16] ranger_0.16.0 rpart_4.1.23 stringr_1.5.1 gamboostLSS_2.0-7 FDboost_1.1-2 -# [21] mboost_2.9-7 stabs_0.6-4 zoo_1.8-12 XML_3.99-0.16.1 withr_3.0.0 -# [26] vctrs_0.6.2 tibble_3.2.1 survival_3.5-3 sandwich_3.1-0 rlang_1.1.1 -# [31] pracma_2.4.4 pillar_1.9.0 partykit_1.2-19 mvtnorm_1.1-3 numDeriv_2016.8-1.1 -# [36] nnet_7.3-18 munsell_0.5.0 modeltools_0.2-23 mgcv_1.8-42 nlme_3.1-162 -# [41] Metrics_0.1.4 Matrix_1.6-5 MASS_7.3-58.2 magrittr_2.0.3 libcoin_1.0-9 -# [46] lattice_0.22-5 jagsUI_1.6.2 inum_1.0-5 igraph_1.4.2 globals_0.16.3 -# [51] generics_0.1.3 future_1.33.1 fastmatch_1.1-4 dplyr_1.0.10 DiceKriging_1.6.0 -# [56] data.table_1.15.2 colorspace_2.0-3 codetools_0.2-19 coda_0.19-4.1 cli_3.4.1 -# [61] BBmisc_1.13 ggplot2_3.5.0 -# -# loaded via a namespace (and not attached): -# [1] splines_4.2.3 Formula_1.2-5 backports_1.4.1 glue_1.6.2 quadprog_1.5-8 -# [6] digest_0.6.31 pkgconfig_2.0.3 listenv_0.9.1 scales_1.3.0 parallelMap_1.5.1 -# [11] fansi_1.0.3 parallelly_1.37.1 lifecycle_1.0.4 rstudioapi_0.15.0 gtable_0.3.4 -# [16] flexmix_2.3-19 DBI_1.2.2 R6_2.5.1 nnls_1.4 utf8_1.2.2 -# [21] stringi_1.8.3 Rcpp_1.0.9 tidyselect_1.2.1 lmtest_0.9-40 - -#### -####----2. SET UP WORKSPACE-------------------------------------------------#### -#### - -####----Primary libraries -# install.packages(c("FDboost","gamboostLSS","stringr","rpart","ranger", -# "nimble","doParallel","foreach","pdp", -# "betareg","iml","MCMCvis")) - -##------2.1. Load libraries-------------------------------------------------#### -## Load dependencies for iml Interaction() function -# library(BBmisc); library(cli); library(coda); library(codetools); -# library(colorspace); library(compiler); library(data.table); -# library(DiceKriging); library(dplyr); library(fastmatch); -# library(future); library(generics); library(ggplot2); library(globals); -# library(grid); library(igraph); library(inum); library(jagsUI); -# library(lattice); library(libcoin); library(magrittr);library(MASS); -# library(Matrix); library(Metrics); library(mgcv); library(modeltools); -# library(munsell); library(nlme); library(nnet); library(numDeriv); -# library(partykit); library(pillar); library(pracma); library(rlang); -# library(sandwich); library(survival); library(tibble); library(tools); -# library(vctrs); library(withr); library(XML); library(zoo); - -# Primary libraries -library(FDboost) # FDboostLSS() -library(gamboostLSS) # BetaLSS() [families=...] -library(stringr) # word() -library(rpart) -library(ranger) # ranger() -library(nimble) # readBUGSmodel() etc. -library(doParallel) # foreach/%dopar% etc. -library(foreach) # foreach() -library(pdp) # partial() -library(betareg) # betareg() -library(iml) # Predictor$new(); Interaction$new() -library(MCMCvis) # MCMCsummary() - -##------2.2. Set working directory------------------------------------------#### - -# setwd("C:/Users/mwalden/OneDrive - DOI/CMR_recapture_rate_modeling/analyses") - -options(warn=1) # print all warnings -# rm(list=ls()) # clear global environment -parallel::detectCores() - -##------2.3. Source functions, models, global variables, and dataset seeds--#### - -source("scripts/sim_functions.R") -source("scripts/sim_models.R") -source("scripts/sim_variables.R") - -# Tuning matrix -sim_tunemat <- read.csv("data/sim_tunemat.csv", header=TRUE) -summary(sim_tunemat) - -# Dataset seeds -sim_datamat <- read.csv("data/sim_datamat.csv", header=TRUE) -summary(sim_datamat) - -#### -####----5. SIMULATION FOR-LOOP----------------------------------------------#### -#### - -## For each N, run model for each simulated dataset and store -## parameter estimates - -xtracores <- 3 -nimblecores <- 3 -nimblechains <- 9 -nset <- 150 -nsim <- 2 - -arrResults <- array(data=NA, dim=c(length(nset)*2, nsim, 7, 300)) - -## Storage array -## First dimension: rows == "thiscounter" different scenarios - # (sample size X efficiency) -## Second dimension: columns == each simulation "j" -## Third dimension: - # [,,1, 1:300]: model 1 - # [,,2, 1:300]: model 2 - # [,,3, 1:300]: model 3 - # [,,4, 1]: sample size - # [,,5, 1]: efficiency - # [,j,6, 1]: date/time that simulation was run - # [,j,6, 2]: total time for that simulation - # [,j,7, ]: error messages from error catching - -## Fourth dimension [,,1:3, 1:300]: model results -# Intercept: [,,,1:6] 1=mean, 2=LCI, 3=UCI, 4=sd, 5=var.imp(M2), -# 6=f.stat(M1)/overlap0(M2) -# * all NA for Model 3 -# * link (logit) scale -# discharge: [,,,10:16] 1=mean, 2=LCI, 3=UCI, 4=sd(M1,M2)/se(M3), -# 5=var.imp(M2,M3), 6=f.stat(M1)/overlap0(M2)/p.val(M3) -# degreesC: [,,,20:26] 1=mean, 2=LCI, 3=UCI, 4=sd(M1,M2)/se(M3), -# 5=var.imp(M2,M3), 6=f.stat(M1)/overlap0(M2)/p.val(M3) -# effort: [,,,30:36] 1=mean, 2=LCI, 3=UCI, 4=sd(M1,M2)/se(M3), -# 5=var.imp(M2,M3), 6=f.stat(M1)/overlap0(M2)/p.val(M3) -# precip: [,,,40:46] 1=mean, 2=LCI, 3=UCI, 4=sd(M1,M2)/se(M3), -# 5=var.imp(M2,M3), 6=f.stat(M1)/overlap0(M2)/p.val(M3) -# effort^2: [,,,50:56] 1=mean, 2=LCI, 3=UCI, 4=sd(M1,M2)/se(M3), -# 5=var.imp(M2), 6=f.stat(M1)/overlap0(M2) -# QXdegreesC:[,,,60:66] 1=mean, 2=LCI, 3=UCI, 4=sd(M1,M2)/se(M3), -# 5=var.imp(M2), 6=f.stat(M1)/overlap0(M2)/H.val(M3) -# [,,,70:73] 1=mean, 2=LCI, 3=UCI, 4=sd, 6=overlap0(M2) -# phi: [,,,80:73] 1=mean, 2=LCI, 3=UCI, 4=sd -# [,,,200]: failure rate -# [,,,210]: rmse -# [,,,220]: ll null -# [,,3,221]: ll null random -# [,,,225]: ll full or final -# [,,3,226]: ll final random -# [,,,230]: mean CI width -# [,,,231]: 1=null model failed to converge (can't calculate % deviance explained) -# [,,1,232]: 1=full model failed to converge (delete model results from simulation run) -# [,,2,240:241]: mstop mu and phi from boosted regression model -# [,,2,245:246]: number of times mstop mu and phi from bootstraps were different -# from the model's mstops -# [,,3,250]: total # iterations -# [,,,299]: fatal error (delete that model's results from that simulation run) - -print(Sys.time()) -## For-loop to run simulations - -thiscounter <- 0 - -# i <- 200 -# i <- 100 -# nset <- 200 -for (i in nset) { - - theseefficiencies <- "Max efficiency 0.1" - # thisefficiency <- "Max efficiency 0.1" - for (thisefficiency in theseefficiencies) { - - # for indexing output array - thiscounter <- thiscounter + 1 - # Save sample size in output array - arrResults[thiscounter, , 4, 1] <- i - # Save efficiency in output array - arrResults[thiscounter, , 5, 1] <- thisefficiency - # Get hyperparameters from sim_tunemat - tunemustop <- sim_tunemat[which(sim_tunemat[,1]==i & - sim_tunemat[,2]==thisefficiency),10] - tunephistop <- sim_tunemat[which(sim_tunemat[,1]==i & - sim_tunemat[,2]==thisefficiency),11] - forestmtry <- sim_tunemat[which(sim_tunemat[,1]==i & - sim_tunemat[,2]==thisefficiency),12] - forestnodesize <- sim_tunemat[which(sim_tunemat[,1]==i & - sim_tunemat[,2]==thisefficiency),13] - - #### - ####----5.2 Loop for each simulation--------------------------------------#### - #### - - print(Sys.time()) - # # flush.console() - - # j <- 1 - # nsim <- 1 - for (j in 1:nsim) { - - starttime <- Sys.time() - print(starttime) - # # flush.console() - arrResults[thiscounter,j,6, 1] <- starttime - - #### - ##----5.2.1. Get datasets for this modeling iteration------------------#### - #### - - trainseeds <- sim_datamat[which(sim_datamat[,1]==i & - sim_datamat[,2]==thisefficiency & - sim_datamat[,3]==j),4:10] - traindat <- simulateDataset(nobs=i, type="train", - efficiency=thisefficiency, seeds=trainseeds) - testseeds <- sim_datamat[which(sim_datamat[,1]==i & - sim_datamat[,2]==thisefficiency & - sim_datamat[,3]==j),11:17] - testdat <- simulateDataset(nobs=ntest, type="test", - efficiency=thisefficiency, seeds=testseeds) - traindat_lab <- data.frame("discharge"=traindat[,2], - "temperature"=traindat[,3], - "effort"=traindat[,4], - "precip"=as.factor(traindat[,5]), - "year"=as.factor(traindat[,6]), - "y"=traindat[,1], - "int"=1, - "a"=traindat[,7], - "b"=traindat[,8]) - testdat_lab <- data.frame("discharge"=testdat[,2], - "temperature"=testdat[,3], - "effort"=testdat[,4], - "precip"=as.factor(testdat[,5]), - "year"=as.factor(testdat[,6]), - "y"=testdat[,1], - "int"=1, - "a"=testdat[,7], - "b"=testdat[,8]) - print(paste("Beginning Model 1 at ", Sys.time())) - # flush.console() - - #### - ##----5.2.2. Modeling Approach #1---------------------------------------#### - #### - - ##----Run null Nimble model - - my5.2.2.0 <- function() { - - tryCatch( - expr={ - - <- list( - y=as.vector(traindat[,1]), - itsyr=as.numeric(as.factor(traindat[,6])), - nyr=length(unique(traindat[,6])), - length_y=nrow(traindat)) - params <- c("p0","b.year","phi","","ll") - inits <- list(p0=runif(1, 0.0001, 0.3), - phi=runif(1, 0.000001, 0.01), -, 0, 2), - b.year=runif(10, -2, 2)) - modGLM <- do(cores=nimblecores, pop=seq(nimblechains), - run_MCMC_allcode, - model="jagsnull", -, - monitors=params, - inits=inits, - niter=50000, - nburnin=40000) - if(any(MCMCsummary(modGLM, - params=c("b.year","p0", - "phi",""))$Rhat > 1.1)) { - - modGLM <- do(cores=nimblecores, pop=seq(nimblechains), - run_MCMC_allcode, - model="jagsnull", -, - monitors=params, - inits=inits, - niter=100000, - nburnin=90000) - } - return(modGLM) - }, error=function(error_message){ - - out <- error_message - return(out) - } - )} - modGLM5.2.2.0 <- my5.2.2.0() - if (any(class(modGLM5.2.2.0) == "error")) { - - thisstring <- paste0("Sample ", i, ", ", thisefficiency, - "Iteration ", j, "Model 1 null error ", - modGLM5.2.2.0, "_", Sys.time(), collapse="") - print(thisstring) - # flush.console() - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 7, 1] <- thisstring - #fatal error flag for null model - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 298] <- 1 - } else { - - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 231] <- - ifelse(any(MCMCsummary(modGLM5.2.2.0, - params=c("b.year","p0","phi", - ""))$Rhat > 1.1), 1, 0) - outmcmc <-, modGLM5.2.2.0) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 220] <- mean(outmcmc[,"ll"], - na.rm=TRUE) - #OK fatal error flag for null model - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 298] <- 0 - rm(outmcmc) - # Ends Run null Nimble model - } - rm(modGLM5.2.2.0) - - ##----Run full Nimble model - - my5.2.2.1 <- function() { - - tryCatch( - expr={ - - <- list( - y=as.vector(traindat[,1]), - itsyr=as.numeric(as.factor(traindat[,6])), - nyr=length(unique(traindat[,6])), - covs=cbind(traindat[,2:5], traindat[,4]^2, - traindat[,2]*traindat[,3]), - length_y=nrow(traindat)) - paramsFull <- c("Beta","p0","phi","b.year", - "","ll") - inits <- list(p0=runif(1, 0.001, 0.999), - phi=runif(1, 0.000001, 0.01), - Beta=runif(6, -2, 2), -, 0, 5), - b.year=runif(10, -5, 5)) - modGLM <- do(cores=nimblecores, pop=seq(nimblechains), - run_MCMC_allcode, - model="jagsfull", -, - monitors=paramsFull, - inits=inits, - niter=50000, - nburnin=40000) - if(any(MCMCsummary(modGLM, params=c("Beta","b.year", - "p0","phi", - ""))$Rhat > 1.1)) { - - modGLM <- do(cores=nimblecores, pop=seq(nimblechains), - run_MCMC_allcode, - model="jagsfull", -, - monitors=paramsFull, - inits=inits, - niter=100000, - nburnin=90000) - } - return(modGLM) - }, error=function(error_message){ - - out <- error_message - return(out) - } - ) - # ends function my5.2.2.1. - } - modGLM5.2.2.1 <- my5.2.2.1() - if(any(class(modGLM5.2.2.1) == "error")) { - - thisstring <- paste0("Sample ", i, ", ", thisefficiency, - "Iteration ", j, "Model 1 full error ", - modGLM5.2.2.1, "_", Sys.time(), collapse="") - print(thisstring) - # flush.console() - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 7, 2] <- thisstring - #fatal error flag for full model - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 299] <- 1 - } else { - - #OK fatal error flag for full model - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 299] <- 0 - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 232] <- - ifelse(any(MCMCsummary(modGLM5.2.2.1, - params=c("Beta","b.year", - "p0","phi", - ""))$Rhat > 1.1), 1, 0) - outmcmc <-, modGLM5.2.2.1) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 225] <- mean(outmcmc[,"ll"], na.rm=TRUE) - - ##----Marginal prediction failure rate on test dataset - - testset <- testdat_lab - tempdat <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=nrow(testset), ncol=nsample) - for (m in 1:nrow(testset)) { - - for (n in 1:nsample) { - - tempmu <- inverselogit(logit(outmcmc[n,"p0"]) + - outmcmc[n,"Beta[1]"]*testset$discharge[m] + - outmcmc[n,"Beta[2]"]*testset$temperature[m] + - outmcmc[n,"Beta[3]"]*testset$effort[m] + - outmcmc[n,"Beta[4]"]* - as.numeric(paste(testset$precip[m])) + - outmcmc[n,"Beta[5]"]*testset$effort[m]^2 + - outmcmc[n,"Beta[6]"]*testset$discharge[m]* - testset$temperature[m]) - tempphi <- outmcmc[n,"phi"] - tempdat[m,n] <- rbeta(1, shape1=tempmu / tempphi, - shape2=(1 - tempmu) / tempphi) - } - } - # lowerCI "observed" - testset$obs025 <- qbeta(0.025, testset$a, testset$b, lower.tail=TRUE) - # upperCI "observed" - testset$obs0975 <- qbeta(0.975, testset$a, testset$b, lower.tail=TRUE) - # lower prediction interval y - testset$pred025 <- apply(tempdat, 1, quantile, probs=0.025) - # upper prediction interval y - testset$pred0975 <- apply(tempdat, 1, quantile, probs=0.975) - testset$predMean <- rowMeans(tempdat) - testset$dist <- abs(testset$pred0975 - testset$pred025) - predfail <- subset(testset,(obs025 > pred0975) | (obs0975 < pred025)) - - ##---- Store results -----------------------------------------#### - - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 10:13] <- c(mean(outmcmc[,"Beta[1]"], - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[1]"], - 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[1]"], - 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), - sd(outmcmc[,"Beta[1]"], - na.rm=TRUE)) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 16] <- fstat(outmcmc[,"Beta[1]"]) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 20:23] <- c(mean(outmcmc[,"Beta[2]"], - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[2]"], - 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[2]"], - 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), - sd(outmcmc[,"Beta[2]"], - na.rm=TRUE)) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 26] <- fstat(outmcmc[,"Beta[2]"]) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 30:33] <- c(mean(outmcmc[,"Beta[3]"], - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[3]"], - 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[3]"], - 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), - sd(outmcmc[,"Beta[3]"], - na.rm=TRUE)) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 36] <- fstat(outmcmc[,"Beta[3]"]) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 40:43] <- c(mean(outmcmc[,"Beta[4]"], - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[4]"], - 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[4]"], - 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), - sd(outmcmc[,"Beta[4]"], - na.rm=TRUE)) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 46] <- fstat(outmcmc[,"Beta[4]"]) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 50:53] <- c(mean(outmcmc[,"Beta[5]"], - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[5]"], - 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[5]"], - 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), - sd(outmcmc[,"Beta[5]"], - na.rm=TRUE)) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 56] <- fstat(outmcmc[,"Beta[5]"]) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 60:63] <- c(mean(outmcmc[,"Beta[6]"], - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[6]"], - 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[6]"], - 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), - sd(outmcmc[,"Beta[6]"], - na.rm=TRUE)) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 66] <- fstat(outmcmc[,"Beta[6]"]) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 70:73] <- c(mean(outmcmc[,""], - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(outmcmc[,""], - 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(outmcmc[,""], - 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), - sd(outmcmc[,""], - na.rm=TRUE)) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 76] <- fstat(outmcmc[,""]) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 80:83] <- c(mean(outmcmc[,"phi"], - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(outmcmc[,"phi"], - 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(outmcmc[,"phi"], - 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), - sd(outmcmc[,"phi"], na.rm=TRUE)) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 1:4] <- c(mean(logit(outmcmc[,"p0"]), - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(logit(outmcmc[,"p0"]), - 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(logit(outmcmc[,"p0"]), - 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), - sd(logit(outmcmc[,"p0"]), - na.rm=TRUE)) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 200] <- nrow(predfail)/nrow(testset) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 210] <- rmse(testset$y, testset$predMean, - phiTrue) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 230] <- mean(testset$dist, na.rm=TRUE) - rm(outmcmc) - rm(testset) - } - rm(modGLM5.2.2.1) - # end 5.2.2. Modeling Approach #1. - print(paste("Completed Model 1 at ", Sys.time(), - ". Beginning Model 2.")) - # flush.console() - - #### - ##-----5.2.3. Modeling Approach #2--------------------------------------#### - #### - - ##---- run Full Boosted model-----------------------------------#### - - # Same formula for baselearners as above in tuning - # Run primary model for variable selection - oldw <- getOption("warn") - options(warn=-1) - mutrainiter <- tunemustop - thiscondition <- FALSE - while(thiscondition==FALSE){ - - trainfunc <- function(x) { - - tryCatch( - expr={ - - results <- FDboostLSS(list(mu=fmu, phi=fphi), - timeformula=NULL, - families=BetaLSS(), - data=traindat_lab, - control=boost_control(mstop=c(mu=mutrainiter, - phi=tunephistop), - nu=nu_hp)) - return(results) - }, error=function(error_message){ - - out <- error_message - return(out) - } - )} - modelBoost <- trainfunc() - if(any(class(modelBoost) == "FDboostLSS")) { - - thiscondition <- TRUE - } else { - - temp <- paste(as.character(modelBoost)) - temp <- str_sub(word(temp,-1),end=-2) - mutrainiter <- as.numeric(temp) - 1 - } - } - options(warn=oldw) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 240:241] <- c(mstop(modelBoost)[[1]], - mstop(modelBoost)[[2]]) - - ##------ Variable importance------------------------------------#### - - my5.2.3.2 <- function() { - - tryCatch( - expr={ - - ## mu - ## 1. which baselearners were selected in boosting steps - blearner_names <- names(modelBoost$mu$baselearner) - blearner_selected <- modelBoost$mu$xselect() - ## 2. compute risks for each step - # 2.1 initial risk for intercept model - risk0 <- modelBoost$mu$family@risk(y=modelBoost$mu$response, - f=modelBoost$mu$offset) - # 2.2 risk after each boosting-steps - riskstep <- modelBoost$mu$risk() - # 2.3 risk reduction per step - riskdiff <- c(risk0, riskstep[-length(riskstep)]) - riskstep - ## 3. compute empirical risk (according to output in cvrisk) - riskdiff <- riskdiff / length(modelBoost$mu$response) - ## 4. explained Risk attributed to baselearners - explained <- sapply(seq_along(blearner_names), - FUN=function(u) { - sum(riskdiff[which(blearner_selected == u)]) - }) - # names(explained) <- temp - names(explained) <- blearner_names - #percent of total - explainedmu <- explained / sum(explained) - return(list(explainedmu, risk0)) - }, error=function(error_message){ - - out <- error_message - return(out) - } - # ends function my5.2.3.2. - )} - explainedmu <- my5.2.3.2() - if (any(class(explainedmu) == "error")) { - - thisstring <- paste0("Sample ", i, ", ", thisefficiency, - "Iteration ", j, "Model 2 explained risk error ", - explainedmu, "_", Sys.time(), collapse="") - print(thisstring) - # flush.console() - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 7, 3] <- thisstring - # fatal error flag - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 299] <- 1 - } else { - - #intercept - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 5] <- as.numeric(explainedmu[[1]][1]) - #discharge - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 15] <- as.numeric(explainedmu[[1]][2]) - #temperature linear - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 25] <- as.numeric(explainedmu[[1]][3]) - #effort - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 35] <- as.numeric(explainedmu[[1]][4]) - #precip - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 45] <- as.numeric(explainedmu[[1]][5]) - #effort^2 - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 55] <- as.numeric(explainedmu[[1]][6]) - #interaction - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 65] <- as.numeric(explainedmu[[1]][7]) - #year - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 75] <- as.numeric(explainedmu[[1]][8]) - #null LL (risk0) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 220] <- as.numeric(explainedmu[[2]][1]) - # Ends Compute explained risk. - } - rm(explainedmu) - - ##---- Bootstrapping for CI around parameter estimates and------#### - ## predictions - - my5.2.3.3 <- function() { - - tryCatch( - expr={ - - results <- doboot(numcores=xtracores, p=1:nboot, run_bootstrap, - nboot=nboot, - mstopmu=mstop(modelBoost)[[1]], - mstopphi=mstop(modelBoost)[[2]], - maindata=traindat_lab, - mainfmu=fmu, - mainfphi=fphi, - testdata=testdat_lab, - i=i, - nyear=nyear) - return(results) - }, error=function(error_message){ - - out <- error_message - return(out) - } - # ends function my5.2.3.3 - )} - resultsBoot <- my5.2.3.3() - if(any(class(resultsBoot) == "error")) { - - thisstring <- paste0("Sample ", i, ", ", thisefficiency, - "Iteration ", j, "Model 2 bootstrapping error: ", - resultsBoot, "_", Sys.time(), collapse="") - print(thisstring) - # flush.console() - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 7, 4] <- thisstring - #fatal error flag - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 299] <- 1 - } else { - - ##---- Failure rate & RMSE -----------------------------------#### - testset <- testdat_lab - oldw <- getOption("warn") - options(warn=-1) - pred <- predict(modelBoost, newdata=testset, type="response") - options(warn=oldw) - testset$predy <- pred$mu - testset$predphi <- 1 / pred$phi - yhat <- NA - if(is.null(as.vector(coef(modelBoost, raw=TRUE)$mu$`brandom(year)`))) { - - yhat <- rbeta(nrow(testset), testset$predy / testset$predphi, - (1 - testset$predy) / testset$predphi) - } else { - - temp2 <- as.vector(coef(modelBoost, raw=TRUE)$mu$`brandom(year)`) - for (v in 1:nrow(testset)) { - - testset$raneff[v] <- temp2[testset$year[v]] - testset$predy2[v] <- inverselogit(logit(testset$predy[v]) - - testset$raneff[v]) - yhat[v] <- rbeta(1, testset$predy2[v] / testset$predphi[v], - (1 - testset$predy2[v]) / testset$predphi[v]) - } - } - - ## failure rate - - testset$obs0.025 <- qbeta(0.025, testset$a, - testset$b, - lower.tail=TRUE) - testset$obs0.975 <- qbeta(0.975, testset$a, - testset$b, - lower.tail=TRUE) - yobs <- resultsBoot[100:199,] - testset$yhat0.025 <- apply(yobs, 1, quantile, probs=0.025, - lower.tail=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE) - testset$yhat0.975 <- apply(yobs, 1, quantile, probs=0.975, - lower.tail=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE) - predfail <- subset(testset, - (yhat0.025 > obs0.975) | (yhat0.975 < obs0.025)) - - ##---- Store results ---------------------------------------#### - - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 10:13] <- c(mean(resultsBoot[1,], - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(resultsBoot[1,], - 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(resultsBoot[1,], - 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), - sd(resultsBoot[1,], - na.rm=TRUE)) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 20:23] <- c(mean(resultsBoot[2,], - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(resultsBoot[2,], - 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(resultsBoot[2,], - 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), - sd(resultsBoot[2,], - na.rm=TRUE)) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 30:33] <- c(mean(resultsBoot[3,], - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(resultsBoot[3,], - 0.025, - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(resultsBoot[3,], - 0.975, - na.rm=TRUE), - sd(resultsBoot[3,], - na.rm=TRUE)) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 40:43] <- c(mean(resultsBoot[4,], - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(resultsBoot[4,], - 0.025, - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(resultsBoot[4,], - 0.975, - na.rm=TRUE), - sd(resultsBoot[4,], - na.rm=TRUE)) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 50:53] <- c(mean(resultsBoot[5,], - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(resultsBoot[5,], - 0.025, - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(resultsBoot[5,], - 0.975, - na.rm=TRUE), - sd(resultsBoot[5,], - na.rm=TRUE)) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 60:63] <- c(mean(resultsBoot[6,], - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(resultsBoot[6,], - 0.025, - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(resultsBoot[6,], - 0.975, - na.rm=TRUE), - sd(resultsBoot[6,], - na.rm=TRUE)) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 70:73] <- c(mean(resultsBoot[7,], - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(resultsBoot[7,], - 0.025, - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(resultsBoot[7,], - 0.975, - na.rm=TRUE), - sd(resultsBoot[7,], - na.rm=TRUE)) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 80:83] <- c(mean(resultsBoot[11,]), - quantile(resultsBoot[11,], - 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(resultsBoot[11,], - 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), - sd(resultsBoot[11,], - na.rm=TRUE)) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 1:4] <- c(mean(resultsBoot[10,], - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(resultsBoot[10,], - 0.025, - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(resultsBoot[10,], - 0.975, - na.rm=TRUE), - sd(resultsBoot[10,], - na.rm=TRUE)) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 245] <- - length(which(resultsBoot[20,]!=mstop(modelBoost)[[1]])) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 246] <- - length(which(resultsBoot[20,]!=mstop(modelBoost)[[2]])) - - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 210] <- rmse(testset$y, yhat, - phiTrue) - - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 200] <- nrow(predfail)/nrow(testset) - - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 225] <- tail(modelBoost$mu$risk(),1) - - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 230] <- mean(abs(testset$yhat0.975 - - testset$yhat0.025), - na.rm=TRUE) - rm(testset) - # end else, end my5.2.3.3 - } - rm(resultsBoot) - rm(modelBoost) - print(paste("Completed Model 2 at ", Sys.time(), - ". Beginning Model 3.")) - # flush.console() - - #### - ##----5.2.4. Modeling Approach #3---------------------------------------#### - #### ~ 5 min (will vary depending on # iterations) - - ##---- While loop-----------------------------------------------#### - - data <- traindat_lab - convfail <- NA - fatalflag <- NA - my5.2.4.1 <- function() { - - tryCatch( - expr={ - - MaxIterations <- 20 - #parse formula - Target <- data[,6] - initialRandomEffects=rep(0,length(data[,6])) - #set up variables for loop - ContinueCondition<-TRUE - iterations<-0 - #initial values - AdjustedTarget<-as.numeric(Target)-initialRandomEffects - oldlik<- Inf - while(ContinueCondition==TRUE){ - - # Current values of variables - iterations <- iterations+1 - # For first iteration, get null model (intercept-only) - if(iterations == 1) { - - forest <- ranger(AdjustedTarget ~ int, - data=data, splitrule="beta", - num.threads=xtracores, - num.trees=rftrees, replace=FALSE, mtry=1, - importance="permutation", keep.inbag=TRUE, - min.node.size=forestnodesize, node.stats=TRUE, - write.forest=TRUE, seed=seed.forest) - } else { - - forest <- ranger(AdjustedTarget ~ discharge + temperature + - effort + precip, - data=data, splitrule="beta", - num.threads=xtracores, - num.trees=rftrees, replace=FALSE, mtry=forestmtry, - importance="permutation", keep.inbag=TRUE, - min.node.size=forestnodesize, node.stats=TRUE, - quantreg=TRUE, scale.permutation.importance=TRUE, - write.forest=TRUE, seed=seed.forest) - } - forestprob <- predict(forest, data=data, - num.threads=xtracores)$predictions - forestprob2 <- as.vector(logit(forestprob)) - if(iterations == 1) { - - par_phi <- optim(par=1,fn=betaLoss, mu=forest$predictions, - y=data$y, method="Brent", - lower=0, upper=100000)$par - nullLLfixed <- sum(betaLogLik(y=data$y, mu=forest$predictions, - phi=par_phi)) - } - # Estimate New Random Effects and Errors - <- list( - y=data$y,fixedeff=forestprob2, - itsyr=as.numeric(as.factor(data$year)), - nyr=length(unique(data$year)), - length_y=nrow(traindat)) - paramsRF <- c("ll","b.year","","phi") - inits <- list(, 0, 5), - b.year=runif(10, -5, 5), - phi=runif(1, 0.00001, 1)) - modRF <- do(cores=nimblecores, pop=seq(nimblechains), - run_MCMC_allcode, - model="jagsRF", -, - monitors=paramsRF, - inits=inits, - niter=50000, - nburnin=40000) - if(any(MCMCsummary(modRF, - params=c("b.year", - "phi",""))$Rhat > 1.1)) { - - modRF <- do(cores=nimblecores, pop=seq(nimblechains), - run_MCMC_allcode, - model="jagsRF", -, - monitors=paramsRF, - inits=inits, - niter=100000, - nburnin=90000) - } - outmcmc <-, modRF) - newlik <- mean(outmcmc[,"ll"], na.rm=TRUE) - if(any(MCMCsummary(modRF, - params=c("b.year", - "phi",""))$Rhat > 1.1)) { - - convfail <- 1 - ContinueCondition <- FALSE - } else if(iterations == 1) { - - nullLLrandom <- newlik - ContinueCondition <- TRUE - } else if(iterations == 2) { - - ErrorTolerance <- sd(outmcmc[,"ll"], na.rm=TRUE) - ContinueCondition <- TRUE - } else { - - ContinueCondition <- (abs(newlik-oldlik) > ErrorTolerance & - iterations < MaxIterations) - } - oldlik <- newlik - # Extract random effects to make the new adjusted target - newbyear <- colMeans(outmcmc[,grep("b.year", colnames(outmcmc))]) - # n <- 1 - for (n in 1:nrow(data)) { - - data$newy[n] <- inverselogit(logit(data$y[n]) - - newbyear[data$year[n]]) - } - AdjustedTarget <- data$newy - } - return(list(forest, iterations, ErrorTolerance, nullLLrandom, newlik, - convfail, outmcmc, nullLLfixed)) - }, error=function(error_message){ - - out <- error_message - return(out) - } - # ends function my5.2.4.1. - )} - resultsRF <- my5.2.4.1() - if(any(class(resultsRF) == "error")) { - - thisstring <- paste0("Sample ", i, ", ", thisefficiency, - "Iteration ", j, "Model 3 while-loop error ", - resultsRF, "_", Sys.time(), collapse="") - print(thisstring) - # flush.console() - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 7, 5] <- thisstring - fatalflag <- 1 - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 299] <- fatalflag - } else { - - forest <- resultsRF[[1]] - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 252] <- resultsRF[[2]] - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 253] <- resultsRF[[3]] - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 221] <- resultsRF[[4]] - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 226] <- resultsRF[[5]] - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 232] <- resultsRF[[6]] - outmcmc <- resultsRF[[7]] - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 220] <- resultsRF[[8]] - #end else - } - rm(resultsRF) - # everything else for model 3 needs to be wrapped in "if" statement for - # fatal error check - - ##---- Get parameter estimates and variable importance----------#### - - if ( &[thiscounter, j, 3, 232])) { - - my5. <- function() { - - tryCatch( - expr={ - - cl <- makeCluster(xtracores) - registerDoParallel(cl) - ice.dat <- pdp::partial(forest, pred.var=c("discharge", - "temperature"), -, train=data, - chull=TRUE, parallel=TRUE, - paropts=list(.packages="ranger")) - stopCluster(cl) - results <- betareg(yhat ~ discharge*temperature, data=ice.dat, - link="logit") - return(results) - }, error=function(error_message){ - - out <- error_message - return(out) - } - # ends function my5. - )} - results5. <- my5. - if (any(class(results5. == "error")) { - - thisstring <- paste0("Sample ", i, ", ", thisefficiency, - "Iteration ", j, "Model 3 error ", - results5., "_", Sys.time(), collapse="") - print(thisstring) - # flush.console() - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 7, 6] <- thisstring - fatalflag <- 1 - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 299] <- fatalflag - } else { - - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 10] <- as.numeric(results5.$coefficients$mean[2]) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 13] <- summary(results5., type="response")[1]$coefficients$mean[6] - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 20] <- as.numeric(results5.$coefficients$mean[3]) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 23] <- summary(results5., type="response")[1]$coefficients$mean[7] - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 60] <- as.numeric(results5.$coefficients$mean[4]) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 63] <- summary(results5., type="response")[1]$coefficients$mean[8] - # end else - } - rm(results5. - my5. <- function() { - - tryCatch( - expr={ - - cl <- makeCluster(xtracores) - registerDoParallel(cl) - ice.dat <- pdp::partial(forest, pred.var="effort", ice=TRUE, - train=data, chull=TRUE, parallel=TRUE, - paropts=list(.packages="ranger")) - stopCluster(cl) - results <- betareg(yhat ~ poly(effort, 2, raw=TRUE), data=ice.dat, - link="logit") - return(results) - }, error=function(error_message){ - - out <- error_message - return(out) - } - # ends function my5. - )} - results5. <- my5. - if(any(class(results5. == "error")) { - - thisstring <- paste0("Sample ", i, ", ", thisefficiency, - "Iteration ", j, "Model 3 error ", - results5., "_", Sys.time(), collapse="") - print(thisstring) - # flush.console() - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 7, 7] <- thisstring - fatalflag <- 1 - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 299] <- fatalflag - } else { - - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 30] <- as.numeric(results5.$coefficients$mean[2]) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 33] <- as.numeric(summary(results5.[1]$coefficients$mean[5]) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 50] <- as.numeric(results5.$coefficients$mean[3]) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 53] <- as.numeric(summary(results5.[1]$coefficients$mean[6]) - # end else - } - rm(results5. - my5. <- function() { - - tryCatch( - expr={ - - cl <- makeCluster(xtracores) - registerDoParallel(cl) - ice.dat <- pdp::partial(forest, pred.var="precip", ice=TRUE, - train=data, chull=TRUE, parallel=TRUE, - paropts=list(.packages="ranger")) - stopCluster(cl) - results <- betareg(yhat ~ precip, data=ice.dat, link="logit") - return(results) - }, error=function(error_message){ - - out <- error_message - return(out) - } - # ends function my5. - )} - results5. <- my5. - if(any(class(results5. == "error")) { - - thisstring <- paste0("Sample ", i, ", ", thisefficiency, - "Iteration ", j, "Model 3 error ", - results5., "_", Sys.time(), collapse="") - print(thisstring) - # flush.console() - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 7, 8] <- thisstring - fatalflag <- 1 - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 299] <- fatalflag - } else { - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 40] <- as.numeric(results5.$coefficients$mean[2]) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 43] <- summary(results5.[1]$coefficients$mean[4] - # end else - } - rm(results5. - - ##---- Final LL fixed and random effects----------------------#### - - par_phi <- optim(par=1,fn=betaLoss, mu=forest$predictions, - y=data$y, method="Brent", lower=0, upper=100000)$par - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 225] <- sum(betaLogLik(y=data$y, - mu=forest$predictions, - phi=par_phi)) - - ##---- rmse---------------------------------------------------#### - - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 80:83] <- c(mean(outmcmc[,"phi"], - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(outmcmc[,"phi"], 0.025, - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(outmcmc[,"phi"], 0.975, - na.rm=TRUE), - sd(outmcmc[,"phi"], na.rm=TRUE)) - testset <- testdat_lab - predcolsm <- predict(forest, data=testset, type="quantiles", - quantiles=0.5, num.threads=xtracores) - predcolsq <- predict(forest, data=testset, type="quantiles", - quantiles=c(0.025, 0.975), num.threads=xtracores) - - ##---- CI width-----------------------------------------------#### - - dist <- abs(predcolsq$predictions[,2] - predcolsq$predictions[,1]) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 230] <- mean(dist) - - ##---- Failure rate-------------------------------------------#### - - testset$obs0.025 <- qbeta(0.025, testset$a, - testset$b, - lower.tail=TRUE) - testset$obs0.975 <- qbeta(0.975, testset$a, - testset$b, - lower.tail=TRUE) - testset$yhat0.025 <- predcolsq$predictions[,1] - testset$yhat0.975 <- predcolsq$predictions[,2] - predfail <- subset(testset, - (yhat0.025 > obs0.975) | (yhat0.975 < obs0.025)) - - ##---- Store results------------------------------------------#### - - # variable importance and p-value - temp <- importance_pvalues(forest, method="altmann", num.permutations=100, - formula=y ~ discharge + temperature + effort + - precip, data=data) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 15] <- forest$variable.importance[1] - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 16] <- temp[1,2] - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 25] <- forest$variable.importance[2] - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 26] <- temp[2,2] - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 35] <- forest$variable.importance[3] - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 36] <- temp[3,2] - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 45] <- forest$variable.importance[4] - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 46] <- temp[4,2] - rm(temp) - ## Friedman's H statistic - keep <- c("discharge", "temperature", "effort", "precip") - X <- data[,keep] - summary(X) - thispredictor <- iml::Predictor$new(model=forest, - predict.function =, - data=X, - y=data$y) - interact.discharge <- iml::Interaction$new(thispredictor, - feature="discharge") - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 66] <- interact.discharge$results$.interaction[1] - # parameter estimates - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 70:73] <- c(mean(outmcmc[,""], - na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(outmcmc[,""], - 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), - quantile(outmcmc[,""], - 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), - sd(outmcmc[,""], - na.rm=TRUE)) - # prediction - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 210] <- rmse(testset$y, - predcolsm$predictions[,1], - phiTrue) - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 200] <- nrow(predfail)/nrow(testset) - rm(testset) - rm(outmcmc) - rm(forest) - } - print(paste("Completed Model 3 at ", Sys.time())) - # flush.console() - - ##----Save simulation results/print to console - - if(j %% 5 == 0) { - - filename <- paste0('output/R_ss',thiscounter,'_',j,'.RData', collapse='') - save(arrResults, file=filename) - } - thisstring <- paste0("Completed one simulation: Sample size: ", i, - ", Efficiency: ", thisefficiency, - ", Iteration: ", j, ". ", Sys.time(), collapse="") - print(thisstring) - # flush.console() - endtime <- Sys.time() - dtime <- difftime(endtime, starttime, units="secs") - arrResults[thiscounter, j, 6, 2] <- dtime - } - } -} - - -print(Sys.time()) - -#12 min 20 sec - -##----6. Save output---- -## Save output array -thisstring <- paste0('output/R_nsim_', nsim, '_nset_', nset, '.RData', collapse='') -save(arrResults, file=thisstring) -# sessionInfo() +#### +####----1. ABOUT------------------------------------------------------------#### +#### +#### Evaluating alternative methods for modeling trap +#### efficiencies of outmigrating juvenile salmonids +#### +#### Authors: Walden et al. +#### +#### Content: R-Code for simulations +#### +#### This is the file for Supplement X of the manuscript. +#### +### sim_template ### +### +# sessionInfo()-------------------------------------------------------------#### +# R version 4.2.3 (2023-03-15 ucrt) +# Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) +# Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19045) +# +# Matrix products: default +# +# locale: +# [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.utf8 LC_CTYPE=English_United States.utf8 +# [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.utf8 LC_NUMERIC=C +# [5] LC_TIME=English_United States.utf8 +# +# attached base packages: +# [1] parallel tools stats4 grid compiler stats graphics grDevices utils datasets +# [11] methods base +# +# other attached packages: +# [1] MCMCvis_0.16.3 iml_0.11.2 betareg_3.1-4 pdp_0.8.1 doParallel_1.0.17 +# [6] iterators_1.0.14 foreach_1.5.2 nimble_1.1.0 tuneRanger_0.7 lhs_1.1.6 +# [11] mlrMBO_1.1.5.1 smoof_1.6.0.3 checkmate_2.3.1 mlr_2.19.1 ParamHelpers_1.14.1 +# [16] ranger_0.16.0 rpart_4.1.23 stringr_1.5.1 gamboostLSS_2.0-7 FDboost_1.1-2 +# [21] mboost_2.9-7 stabs_0.6-4 zoo_1.8-12 XML_3.99-0.16.1 withr_3.0.0 +# [26] vctrs_0.6.2 tibble_3.2.1 survival_3.5-3 sandwich_3.1-0 rlang_1.1.1 +# [31] pracma_2.4.4 pillar_1.9.0 partykit_1.2-19 mvtnorm_1.1-3 numDeriv_2016.8-1.1 +# [36] nnet_7.3-18 munsell_0.5.0 modeltools_0.2-23 mgcv_1.8-42 nlme_3.1-162 +# [41] Metrics_0.1.4 Matrix_1.6-5 MASS_7.3-58.2 magrittr_2.0.3 libcoin_1.0-9 +# [46] lattice_0.22-5 jagsUI_1.6.2 inum_1.0-5 igraph_1.4.2 globals_0.16.3 +# [51] generics_0.1.3 future_1.33.1 fastmatch_1.1-4 dplyr_1.0.10 DiceKriging_1.6.0 +# [56] data.table_1.15.2 colorspace_2.0-3 codetools_0.2-19 coda_0.19-4.1 cli_3.4.1 +# [61] BBmisc_1.13 ggplot2_3.5.0 +# +# loaded via a namespace (and not attached): +# [1] splines_4.2.3 Formula_1.2-5 backports_1.4.1 glue_1.6.2 quadprog_1.5-8 +# [6] digest_0.6.31 pkgconfig_2.0.3 listenv_0.9.1 scales_1.3.0 parallelMap_1.5.1 +# [11] fansi_1.0.3 parallelly_1.37.1 lifecycle_1.0.4 rstudioapi_0.15.0 gtable_0.3.4 +# [16] flexmix_2.3-19 DBI_1.2.2 R6_2.5.1 nnls_1.4 utf8_1.2.2 +# [21] stringi_1.8.3 Rcpp_1.0.9 tidyselect_1.2.1 lmtest_0.9-40 + +#### +####----2. SET UP WORKSPACE-------------------------------------------------#### +#### + +####----Primary libraries +install.packages(c("FDboost","gamboostLSS","stringr","rpart","ranger", + "nimble","doParallel","foreach","pdp", + "betareg","iml","MCMCvis")) + +##------2.1. Load libraries-------------------------------------------------#### +## Load dependencies for iml Interaction() function +# library(BBmisc); library(cli); library(coda); library(codetools); +# library(colorspace); library(compiler); library(data.table); +# library(DiceKriging); library(dplyr); library(fastmatch); +# library(future); library(generics); library(ggplot2); library(globals); +# library(grid); library(igraph); library(inum); library(jagsUI); +# library(lattice); library(libcoin); library(magrittr);library(MASS); +# library(Matrix); library(Metrics); library(mgcv); library(modeltools); +# library(munsell); library(nlme); library(nnet); library(numDeriv); +# library(partykit); library(pillar); library(pracma); library(rlang); +# library(sandwich); library(survival); library(tibble); library(tools); +# library(vctrs); library(withr); library(XML); library(zoo); + +# Primary libraries +library(FDboost) # FDboostLSS() +library(gamboostLSS) # BetaLSS() [families=...] +library(stringr) # word() +library(rpart) +library(ranger) # ranger() +library(nimble) # readBUGSmodel() etc. +library(doParallel) # foreach/%dopar% etc. +library(foreach) # foreach() +library(pdp) # partial() +library(betareg) # betareg() +library(iml) # Predictor$new(); Interaction$new() +library(MCMCvis) # MCMCsummary() + +##------2.2. Set working directory------------------------------------------#### + +# setwd("C:/Users/mwalden/OneDrive - DOI/CMR_recapture_rate_modeling/analyses") + +options(warn=1) # print all warnings +rm(list=ls()) # clear global environment +parallel::detectCores() + +##------2.3. Source functions, models, global variables, and dataset seeds--#### + +source("scripts/sim_functions.R") +source("scripts/sim_models.R") +source("scripts/sim_variables.R") + +# Tuning matrix +sim_tunemat <- read.csv("data/sim_tunemat.csv", header=TRUE) +summary(sim_tunemat) + +# Dataset seeds +sim_datamat <- read.csv("data/sim_datamat.csv", header=TRUE) +summary(sim_datamat) + +#### +####----5. SIMULATION FOR-LOOP----------------------------------------------#### +#### + +## For each N, run model for each simulated dataset and store +## parameter estimates + +xtracores <- 3 +nimblecores <- 3 +nimblechains <- 9 +nset <- 150 + +arrResults <- array(data=NA, dim=c(length(nset)*2, nsim, 7, 300)) + +## Storage array +## First dimension: rows == "thiscounter" different scenarios + # (sample size X efficiency) +## Second dimension: columns == each simulation "j" +## Third dimension: + # [,,1, 1:300]: model 1 + # [,,2, 1:300]: model 2 + # [,,3, 1:300]: model 3 + # [,,4, 1]: sample size + # [,,5, 1]: efficiency + # [,j,6, 1]: date/time that simulation was run + # [,j,6, 2]: total time for that simulation + # [,j,7, ]: error messages from error catching + +## Fourth dimension [,,1:3, 1:300]: model results +# Intercept: [,,,1:6] 1=mean, 2=LCI, 3=UCI, 4=sd, 5=var.imp(M2), +# 6=f.stat(M1)/overlap0(M2) +# * all NA for Model 3 +# * link (logit) scale +# discharge: [,,,10:16] 1=mean, 2=LCI, 3=UCI, 4=sd(M1,M2)/se(M3), +# 5=var.imp(M2,M3), 6=f.stat(M1)/overlap0(M2)/p.val(M3) +# degreesC: [,,,20:26] 1=mean, 2=LCI, 3=UCI, 4=sd(M1,M2)/se(M3), +# 5=var.imp(M2,M3), 6=f.stat(M1)/overlap0(M2)/p.val(M3) +# effort: [,,,30:36] 1=mean, 2=LCI, 3=UCI, 4=sd(M1,M2)/se(M3), +# 5=var.imp(M2,M3), 6=f.stat(M1)/overlap0(M2)/p.val(M3) +# precip: [,,,40:46] 1=mean, 2=LCI, 3=UCI, 4=sd(M1,M2)/se(M3), +# 5=var.imp(M2,M3), 6=f.stat(M1)/overlap0(M2)/p.val(M3) +# effort^2: [,,,50:56] 1=mean, 2=LCI, 3=UCI, 4=sd(M1,M2)/se(M3), +# 5=var.imp(M2), 6=f.stat(M1)/overlap0(M2) +# QXdegreesC:[,,,60:66] 1=mean, 2=LCI, 3=UCI, 4=sd(M1,M2)/se(M3), +# 5=var.imp(M2), 6=f.stat(M1)/overlap0(M2)/H.val(M3) +# [,,,70:73] 1=mean, 2=LCI, 3=UCI, 4=sd, 6=overlap0(M2) +# phi: [,,,80:73] 1=mean, 2=LCI, 3=UCI, 4=sd +# [,,,200]: failure rate +# [,,,210]: rmse +# [,,,220]: ll null +# [,,3,221]: ll null random +# [,,,225]: ll full or final +# [,,3,226]: ll final random +# [,,,230]: mean CI width +# [,,,231]: 1=null model failed to converge (can't calculate % deviance explained) +# [,,1,232]: 1=full model failed to converge (delete model results from simulation run) +# [,,2,240:241]: mstop mu and phi from boosted regression model +# [,,2,245:246]: number of times mstop mu and phi from bootstraps were different +# from the model's mstops +# [,,3,250]: total # iterations +# [,,,299]: fatal error (delete that model's results from that simulation run) + +print(Sys.time()) +## For-loop to run simulations + +thiscounter <- 0 + +# i <- 200 +# i <- 100 +# nset <- 200 +for (i in nset) { + + # theseefficiencies <- "Max efficiency 0.1" + # thisefficiency <- "Max efficiency 0.1" + for (thisefficiency in theseefficiencies) { + + # for indexing output array + thiscounter <- thiscounter + 1 + # Save sample size in output array + arrResults[thiscounter, , 4, 1] <- i + # Save efficiency in output array + arrResults[thiscounter, , 5, 1] <- thisefficiency + # Get hyperparameters from sim_tunemat + tunemustop <- sim_tunemat[which(sim_tunemat[,1]==i & + sim_tunemat[,2]==thisefficiency),10] + tunephistop <- sim_tunemat[which(sim_tunemat[,1]==i & + sim_tunemat[,2]==thisefficiency),11] + forestmtry <- sim_tunemat[which(sim_tunemat[,1]==i & + sim_tunemat[,2]==thisefficiency),12] + forestnodesize <- sim_tunemat[which(sim_tunemat[,1]==i & + sim_tunemat[,2]==thisefficiency),13] + + #### + ####----5.2 Loop for each simulation--------------------------------------#### + #### + + print(Sys.time()) + # # flush.console() + + # j <- 1 + # nsim <- 1 + for (j in 116:nsim) { + + starttime <- Sys.time() + print(starttime) + # # flush.console() + arrResults[thiscounter,j,6, 1] <- starttime + + #### + ##----5.2.1. Get datasets for this modeling iteration------------------#### + #### + + trainseeds <- sim_datamat[which(sim_datamat[,1]==i & + sim_datamat[,2]==thisefficiency & + sim_datamat[,3]==j),4:10] + traindat <- simulateDataset(nobs=i, type="train", + efficiency=thisefficiency, seeds=trainseeds) + testseeds <- sim_datamat[which(sim_datamat[,1]==i & + sim_datamat[,2]==thisefficiency & + sim_datamat[,3]==j),11:17] + testdat <- simulateDataset(nobs=ntest, type="test", + efficiency=thisefficiency, seeds=testseeds) + traindat_lab <- data.frame("discharge"=traindat[,2], + "temperature"=traindat[,3], + "effort"=traindat[,4], + "precip"=as.factor(traindat[,5]), + "year"=as.factor(traindat[,6]), + "y"=traindat[,1], + "int"=1, + "a"=traindat[,7], + "b"=traindat[,8]) + testdat_lab <- data.frame("discharge"=testdat[,2], + "temperature"=testdat[,3], + "effort"=testdat[,4], + "precip"=as.factor(testdat[,5]), + "year"=as.factor(testdat[,6]), + "y"=testdat[,1], + "int"=1, + "a"=testdat[,7], + "b"=testdat[,8]) + print(paste("Beginning Model 1 at ", Sys.time())) + # flush.console() + + #### + ##----5.2.2. Modeling Approach #1---------------------------------------#### + #### + + ##----Run null Nimble model + + my5.2.2.0 <- function() { + + tryCatch( + expr={ + + <- list( + y=as.vector(traindat[,1]), + itsyr=as.numeric(as.factor(traindat[,6])), + nyr=length(unique(traindat[,6])), + length_y=nrow(traindat)) + params <- c("p0","b.year","phi","","ll") + inits <- list(p0=runif(1, 0.0001, 0.3), + phi=runif(1, 0.000001, 0.01), +, 0, 2), + b.year=runif(10, -2, 2)) + modGLM <- do(cores=nimblecores, pop=seq(nimblechains), + run_MCMC_allcode, + model="jagsnull", +, + monitors=params, + inits=inits, + niter=50000, + nburnin=40000) + if(any(MCMCsummary(modGLM, + params=c("b.year","p0", + "phi",""))$Rhat > 1.1)) { + + modGLM <- do(cores=nimblecores, pop=seq(nimblechains), + run_MCMC_allcode, + model="jagsnull", +, + monitors=params, + inits=inits, + niter=100000, + nburnin=90000) + } + return(modGLM) + }, error=function(error_message){ + + out <- error_message + return(out) + } + )} + modGLM5.2.2.0 <- my5.2.2.0() + if (any(class(modGLM5.2.2.0) == "error")) { + + thisstring <- paste0("Sample ", i, ", ", thisefficiency, + "Iteration ", j, "Model 1 null error ", + modGLM5.2.2.0, "_", Sys.time(), collapse="") + print(thisstring) + # flush.console() + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 7, 1] <- thisstring + #fatal error flag for null model + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 298] <- 1 + } else { + + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 231] <- + ifelse(any(MCMCsummary(modGLM5.2.2.0, + params=c("b.year","p0","phi", + ""))$Rhat > 1.1), 1, 0) + outmcmc <-, modGLM5.2.2.0) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 220] <- mean(outmcmc[,"ll"], + na.rm=TRUE) + #OK fatal error flag for null model + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 298] <- 0 + rm(outmcmc) + # Ends Run null Nimble model + } + rm(modGLM5.2.2.0) + + ##----Run full Nimble model + + my5.2.2.1 <- function() { + + tryCatch( + expr={ + + <- list( + y=as.vector(traindat[,1]), + itsyr=as.numeric(as.factor(traindat[,6])), + nyr=length(unique(traindat[,6])), + covs=cbind(traindat[,2:5], traindat[,4]^2, + traindat[,2]*traindat[,3]), + length_y=nrow(traindat)) + paramsFull <- c("Beta","p0","phi","b.year", + "","ll") + inits <- list(p0=runif(1, 0.001, 0.999), + phi=runif(1, 0.000001, 0.01), + Beta=runif(6, -2, 2), +, 0, 5), + b.year=runif(10, -5, 5)) + modGLM <- do(cores=nimblecores, pop=seq(nimblechains), + run_MCMC_allcode, + model="jagsfull", +, + monitors=paramsFull, + inits=inits, + niter=50000, + nburnin=40000) + if(any(MCMCsummary(modGLM, params=c("Beta","b.year", + "p0","phi", + ""))$Rhat > 1.1)) { + + modGLM <- do(cores=nimblecores, pop=seq(nimblechains), + run_MCMC_allcode, + model="jagsfull", +, + monitors=paramsFull, + inits=inits, + niter=100000, + nburnin=90000) + } + return(modGLM) + }, error=function(error_message){ + + out <- error_message + return(out) + } + ) + # ends function my5.2.2.1. + } + modGLM5.2.2.1 <- my5.2.2.1() + if(any(class(modGLM5.2.2.1) == "error")) { + + thisstring <- paste0("Sample ", i, ", ", thisefficiency, + "Iteration ", j, "Model 1 full error ", + modGLM5.2.2.1, "_", Sys.time(), collapse="") + print(thisstring) + # flush.console() + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 7, 2] <- thisstring + #fatal error flag for full model + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 299] <- 1 + } else { + + #OK fatal error flag for full model + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 299] <- 0 + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 232] <- + ifelse(any(MCMCsummary(modGLM5.2.2.1, + params=c("Beta","b.year", + "p0","phi", + ""))$Rhat > 1.1), 1, 0) + outmcmc <-, modGLM5.2.2.1) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 225] <- mean(outmcmc[,"ll"], na.rm=TRUE) + + ##----Marginal prediction failure rate on test dataset + + testset <- testdat_lab + tempdat <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=nrow(testset), ncol=nsample) + for (m in 1:nrow(testset)) { + + for (n in 1:nsample) { + + tempmu <- inverselogit(logit(outmcmc[n,"p0"]) + + outmcmc[n,"Beta[1]"]*testset$discharge[m] + + outmcmc[n,"Beta[2]"]*testset$temperature[m] + + outmcmc[n,"Beta[3]"]*testset$effort[m] + + outmcmc[n,"Beta[4]"]* + as.numeric(paste(testset$precip[m])) + + outmcmc[n,"Beta[5]"]*testset$effort[m]^2 + + outmcmc[n,"Beta[6]"]*testset$discharge[m]* + testset$temperature[m]) + tempphi <- outmcmc[n,"phi"] + tempdat[m,n] <- rbeta(1, shape1=tempmu / tempphi, + shape2=(1 - tempmu) / tempphi) + } + } + # lowerCI "observed" + testset$obs025 <- qbeta(0.025, testset$a, testset$b, lower.tail=TRUE) + # upperCI "observed" + testset$obs0975 <- qbeta(0.975, testset$a, testset$b, lower.tail=TRUE) + # lower prediction interval y + testset$pred025 <- apply(tempdat, 1, quantile, probs=0.025) + # upper prediction interval y + testset$pred0975 <- apply(tempdat, 1, quantile, probs=0.975) + testset$predMean <- rowMeans(tempdat) + testset$dist <- abs(testset$pred0975 - testset$pred025) + predfail <- subset(testset,(obs025 > pred0975) | (obs0975 < pred025)) + + ##---- Store results -----------------------------------------#### + + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 10:13] <- c(mean(outmcmc[,"Beta[1]"], + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[1]"], + 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[1]"], + 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), + sd(outmcmc[,"Beta[1]"], + na.rm=TRUE)) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 16] <- fstat(outmcmc[,"Beta[1]"]) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 20:23] <- c(mean(outmcmc[,"Beta[2]"], + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[2]"], + 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[2]"], + 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), + sd(outmcmc[,"Beta[2]"], + na.rm=TRUE)) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 26] <- fstat(outmcmc[,"Beta[2]"]) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 30:33] <- c(mean(outmcmc[,"Beta[3]"], + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[3]"], + 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[3]"], + 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), + sd(outmcmc[,"Beta[3]"], + na.rm=TRUE)) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 36] <- fstat(outmcmc[,"Beta[3]"]) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 40:43] <- c(mean(outmcmc[,"Beta[4]"], + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[4]"], + 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[4]"], + 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), + sd(outmcmc[,"Beta[4]"], + na.rm=TRUE)) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 46] <- fstat(outmcmc[,"Beta[4]"]) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 50:53] <- c(mean(outmcmc[,"Beta[5]"], + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[5]"], + 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[5]"], + 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), + sd(outmcmc[,"Beta[5]"], + na.rm=TRUE)) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 56] <- fstat(outmcmc[,"Beta[5]"]) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 60:63] <- c(mean(outmcmc[,"Beta[6]"], + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[6]"], + 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(outmcmc[,"Beta[6]"], + 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), + sd(outmcmc[,"Beta[6]"], + na.rm=TRUE)) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 66] <- fstat(outmcmc[,"Beta[6]"]) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 70:73] <- c(mean(outmcmc[,""], + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(outmcmc[,""], + 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(outmcmc[,""], + 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), + sd(outmcmc[,""], + na.rm=TRUE)) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 76] <- fstat(outmcmc[,""]) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 80:83] <- c(mean(outmcmc[,"phi"], + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(outmcmc[,"phi"], + 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(outmcmc[,"phi"], + 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), + sd(outmcmc[,"phi"], na.rm=TRUE)) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 1:4] <- c(mean(logit(outmcmc[,"p0"]), + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(logit(outmcmc[,"p0"]), + 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(logit(outmcmc[,"p0"]), + 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), + sd(logit(outmcmc[,"p0"]), + na.rm=TRUE)) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 200] <- nrow(predfail)/nrow(testset) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 210] <- rmse(testset$y, testset$predMean, + phiTrue) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 1, 230] <- mean(testset$dist, na.rm=TRUE) + rm(outmcmc) + rm(testset) + } + rm(modGLM5.2.2.1) + # end 5.2.2. Modeling Approach #1. + print(paste("Completed Model 1 at ", Sys.time(), + ". Beginning Model 2.")) + # flush.console() + + #### + ##-----5.2.3. Modeling Approach #2--------------------------------------#### + #### + + ##---- run Full Boosted model-----------------------------------#### + + # Same formula for baselearners as above in tuning + # Run primary model for variable selection + oldw <- getOption("warn") + options(warn=-1) + mutrainiter <- tunemustop + thiscondition <- FALSE + while(thiscondition==FALSE){ + + trainfunc <- function(x) { + + tryCatch( + expr={ + + results <- FDboostLSS(list(mu=fmu, phi=fphi), + timeformula=NULL, + families=BetaLSS(), + data=traindat_lab, + control=boost_control(mstop=c(mu=mutrainiter, + phi=tunephistop), + nu=nu_hp)) + return(results) + }, error=function(error_message){ + + out <- error_message + return(out) + } + )} + modelBoost <- trainfunc() + if(any(class(modelBoost) == "FDboostLSS")) { + + thiscondition <- TRUE + } else { + + temp <- paste(as.character(modelBoost)) + temp <- str_sub(word(temp,-1),end=-2) + mutrainiter <- as.numeric(temp) - 1 + } + } + options(warn=oldw) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 240:241] <- c(mstop(modelBoost)[[1]], + mstop(modelBoost)[[2]]) + + ##------ Variable importance------------------------------------#### + + my5.2.3.2 <- function() { + + tryCatch( + expr={ + + ## mu + ## 1. which baselearners were selected in boosting steps + blearner_names <- names(modelBoost$mu$baselearner) + blearner_selected <- modelBoost$mu$xselect() + ## 2. compute risks for each step + # 2.1 initial risk for intercept model + risk0 <- modelBoost$mu$family@risk(y=modelBoost$mu$response, + f=modelBoost$mu$offset) + # 2.2 risk after each boosting-steps + riskstep <- modelBoost$mu$risk() + # 2.3 risk reduction per step + riskdiff <- c(risk0, riskstep[-length(riskstep)]) - riskstep + ## 3. compute empirical risk (according to output in cvrisk) + riskdiff <- riskdiff / length(modelBoost$mu$response) + ## 4. explained Risk attributed to baselearners + explained <- sapply(seq_along(blearner_names), + FUN=function(u) { + sum(riskdiff[which(blearner_selected == u)]) + }) + # names(explained) <- temp + names(explained) <- blearner_names + #percent of total + explainedmu <- explained / sum(explained) + return(list(explainedmu, risk0)) + }, error=function(error_message){ + + out <- error_message + return(out) + } + # ends function my5.2.3.2. + )} + explainedmu <- my5.2.3.2() + if (any(class(explainedmu) == "error")) { + + thisstring <- paste0("Sample ", i, ", ", thisefficiency, + "Iteration ", j, "Model 2 explained risk error ", + explainedmu, "_", Sys.time(), collapse="") + print(thisstring) + # flush.console() + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 7, 3] <- thisstring + # fatal error flag + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 299] <- 1 + } else { + + #intercept + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 5] <- as.numeric(explainedmu[[1]][1]) + #discharge + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 15] <- as.numeric(explainedmu[[1]][2]) + #temperature linear + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 25] <- as.numeric(explainedmu[[1]][3]) + #effort + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 35] <- as.numeric(explainedmu[[1]][4]) + #precip + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 45] <- as.numeric(explainedmu[[1]][5]) + #effort^2 + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 55] <- as.numeric(explainedmu[[1]][6]) + #interaction + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 65] <- as.numeric(explainedmu[[1]][7]) + #year + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 75] <- as.numeric(explainedmu[[1]][8]) + #null LL (risk0) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 220] <- as.numeric(explainedmu[[2]][1]) + # Ends Compute explained risk. + } + rm(explainedmu) + + ##---- Bootstrapping for CI around parameter estimates and------#### + ## predictions + + my5.2.3.3 <- function() { + + tryCatch( + expr={ + + results <- doboot(numcores=xtracores, p=1:nboot, run_bootstrap, + nboot=nboot, + mstopmu=mstop(modelBoost)[[1]], + mstopphi=mstop(modelBoost)[[2]], + maindata=traindat_lab, + mainfmu=fmu, + mainfphi=fphi, + testdata=testdat_lab, + i=i, + nyear=nyear) + return(results) + }, error=function(error_message){ + + out <- error_message + return(out) + } + # ends function my5.2.3.3 + )} + resultsBoot <- my5.2.3.3() + if(any(class(resultsBoot) == "error")) { + + thisstring <- paste0("Sample ", i, ", ", thisefficiency, + "Iteration ", j, "Model 2 bootstrapping error: ", + resultsBoot, "_", Sys.time(), collapse="") + print(thisstring) + # flush.console() + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 7, 4] <- thisstring + #fatal error flag + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 299] <- 1 + } else { + + ##---- Failure rate & RMSE -----------------------------------#### + testset <- testdat_lab + oldw <- getOption("warn") + options(warn=-1) + pred <- predict(modelBoost, newdata=testset, type="response") + options(warn=oldw) + testset$predy <- pred$mu + testset$predphi <- 1 / pred$phi + yhat <- NA + if(is.null(as.vector(coef(modelBoost, raw=TRUE)$mu$`brandom(year)`))) { + + yhat <- rbeta(nrow(testset), testset$predy / testset$predphi, + (1 - testset$predy) / testset$predphi) + } else { + + temp2 <- as.vector(coef(modelBoost, raw=TRUE)$mu$`brandom(year)`) + for (v in 1:nrow(testset)) { + + testset$raneff[v] <- temp2[testset$year[v]] + testset$predy2[v] <- inverselogit(logit(testset$predy[v]) - + testset$raneff[v]) + yhat[v] <- rbeta(1, testset$predy2[v] / testset$predphi[v], + (1 - testset$predy2[v]) / testset$predphi[v]) + } + } + + ## failure rate + + testset$obs0.025 <- qbeta(0.025, testset$a, + testset$b, + lower.tail=TRUE) + testset$obs0.975 <- qbeta(0.975, testset$a, + testset$b, + lower.tail=TRUE) + yobs <- resultsBoot[100:199,] + testset$yhat0.025 <- apply(yobs, 1, quantile, probs=0.025, + lower.tail=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE) + testset$yhat0.975 <- apply(yobs, 1, quantile, probs=0.975, + lower.tail=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE) + predfail <- subset(testset, + (yhat0.025 > obs0.975) | (yhat0.975 < obs0.025)) + + ##---- Store results ---------------------------------------#### + + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 10:13] <- c(mean(resultsBoot[1,], + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(resultsBoot[1,], + 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(resultsBoot[1,], + 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), + sd(resultsBoot[1,], + na.rm=TRUE)) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 20:23] <- c(mean(resultsBoot[2,], + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(resultsBoot[2,], + 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(resultsBoot[2,], + 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), + sd(resultsBoot[2,], + na.rm=TRUE)) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 30:33] <- c(mean(resultsBoot[3,], + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(resultsBoot[3,], + 0.025, + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(resultsBoot[3,], + 0.975, + na.rm=TRUE), + sd(resultsBoot[3,], + na.rm=TRUE)) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 40:43] <- c(mean(resultsBoot[4,], + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(resultsBoot[4,], + 0.025, + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(resultsBoot[4,], + 0.975, + na.rm=TRUE), + sd(resultsBoot[4,], + na.rm=TRUE)) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 50:53] <- c(mean(resultsBoot[5,], + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(resultsBoot[5,], + 0.025, + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(resultsBoot[5,], + 0.975, + na.rm=TRUE), + sd(resultsBoot[5,], + na.rm=TRUE)) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 60:63] <- c(mean(resultsBoot[6,], + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(resultsBoot[6,], + 0.025, + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(resultsBoot[6,], + 0.975, + na.rm=TRUE), + sd(resultsBoot[6,], + na.rm=TRUE)) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 70:73] <- c(mean(resultsBoot[7,], + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(resultsBoot[7,], + 0.025, + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(resultsBoot[7,], + 0.975, + na.rm=TRUE), + sd(resultsBoot[7,], + na.rm=TRUE)) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 80:83] <- c(mean(resultsBoot[11,]), + quantile(resultsBoot[11,], + 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(resultsBoot[11,], + 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), + sd(resultsBoot[11,], + na.rm=TRUE)) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 1:4] <- c(mean(resultsBoot[10,], + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(resultsBoot[10,], + 0.025, + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(resultsBoot[10,], + 0.975, + na.rm=TRUE), + sd(resultsBoot[10,], + na.rm=TRUE)) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 245] <- + length(which(resultsBoot[20,]!=mstop(modelBoost)[[1]])) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 246] <- + length(which(resultsBoot[20,]!=mstop(modelBoost)[[2]])) + + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 210] <- rmse(testset$y, yhat, + phiTrue) + + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 200] <- nrow(predfail)/nrow(testset) + + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 225] <- tail(modelBoost$mu$risk(),1) + + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 2, 230] <- mean(abs(testset$yhat0.975 - + testset$yhat0.025), + na.rm=TRUE) + rm(testset) + # end else, end my5.2.3.3 + } + rm(resultsBoot) + rm(modelBoost) + print(paste("Completed Model 2 at ", Sys.time(), + ". Beginning Model 3.")) + # flush.console() + + #### + ##----5.2.4. Modeling Approach #3---------------------------------------#### + #### ~ 5 min (will vary depending on # iterations) + + ##---- While loop-----------------------------------------------#### + + data <- traindat_lab + convfail <- NA + fatalflag <- NA + my5.2.4.1 <- function() { + + tryCatch( + expr={ + + MaxIterations <- 20 + #parse formula + Target <- data[,6] + initialRandomEffects=rep(0,length(data[,6])) + #set up variables for loop + ContinueCondition<-TRUE + iterations<-0 + #initial values + AdjustedTarget<-as.numeric(Target)-initialRandomEffects + oldlik<- Inf + while(ContinueCondition==TRUE){ + + # Current values of variables + iterations <- iterations+1 + # For first iteration, get null model (intercept-only) + if(iterations == 1) { + + forest <- ranger(AdjustedTarget ~ int, + data=data, splitrule="beta", + num.threads=xtracores, + num.trees=rftrees, replace=FALSE, mtry=1, + importance="permutation", keep.inbag=TRUE, + min.node.size=forestnodesize, node.stats=TRUE, + write.forest=TRUE, seed=seed.forest) + } else { + + forest <- ranger(AdjustedTarget ~ discharge + temperature + + effort + precip, + data=data, splitrule="beta", + num.threads=xtracores, + num.trees=rftrees, replace=FALSE, mtry=forestmtry, + importance="permutation", keep.inbag=TRUE, + min.node.size=forestnodesize, node.stats=TRUE, + quantreg=TRUE, scale.permutation.importance=TRUE, + write.forest=TRUE, seed=seed.forest) + } + forestprob <- predict(forest, data=data, + num.threads=xtracores)$predictions + forestprob2 <- as.vector(logit(forestprob)) + if(iterations == 1) { + + par_phi <- optim(par=1,fn=betaLoss, mu=forest$predictions, + y=data$y, method="Brent", + lower=0, upper=100000)$par + nullLLfixed <- sum(betaLogLik(y=data$y, mu=forest$predictions, + phi=par_phi)) + } + # Estimate New Random Effects and Errors + <- list( + y=data$y,fixedeff=forestprob2, + itsyr=as.numeric(as.factor(data$year)), + nyr=length(unique(data$year)), + length_y=nrow(traindat)) + paramsRF <- c("ll","b.year","","phi") + inits <- list(, 0, 5), + b.year=runif(10, -5, 5), + phi=runif(1, 0.00001, 1)) + modRF <- do(cores=nimblecores, pop=seq(nimblechains), + run_MCMC_allcode, + model="jagsRF", +, + monitors=paramsRF, + inits=inits, + niter=50000, + nburnin=40000) + if(any(MCMCsummary(modRF, + params=c("b.year", + "phi",""))$Rhat > 1.1)) { + + modRF <- do(cores=nimblecores, pop=seq(nimblechains), + run_MCMC_allcode, + model="jagsRF", +, + monitors=paramsRF, + inits=inits, + niter=100000, + nburnin=90000) + } + outmcmc <-, modRF) + newlik <- mean(outmcmc[,"ll"], na.rm=TRUE) + if(any(MCMCsummary(modRF, + params=c("b.year", + "phi",""))$Rhat > 1.1)) { + + convfail <- 1 + ContinueCondition <- FALSE + } else if(iterations == 1) { + + nullLLrandom <- newlik + ContinueCondition <- TRUE + } else if(iterations == 2) { + + ErrorTolerance <- sd(outmcmc[,"ll"], na.rm=TRUE) + ContinueCondition <- TRUE + } else { + + ContinueCondition <- (abs(newlik-oldlik) > ErrorTolerance & + iterations < MaxIterations) + } + oldlik <- newlik + # Extract random effects to make the new adjusted target + newbyear <- colMeans(outmcmc[,grep("b.year", colnames(outmcmc))]) + # n <- 1 + for (n in 1:nrow(data)) { + + data$newy[n] <- inverselogit(logit(data$y[n]) - + newbyear[data$year[n]]) + } + AdjustedTarget <- data$newy + } + return(list(forest, iterations, ErrorTolerance, nullLLrandom, newlik, + convfail, outmcmc, nullLLfixed)) + }, error=function(error_message){ + + out <- error_message + return(out) + } + # ends function my5.2.4.1. + )} + resultsRF <- my5.2.4.1() + if(any(class(resultsRF) == "error")) { + + thisstring <- paste0("Sample ", i, ", ", thisefficiency, + "Iteration ", j, "Model 3 while-loop error ", + resultsRF, "_", Sys.time(), collapse="") + print(thisstring) + # flush.console() + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 7, 5] <- thisstring + fatalflag <- 1 + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 299] <- fatalflag + } else { + + forest <- resultsRF[[1]] + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 252] <- resultsRF[[2]] + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 253] <- resultsRF[[3]] + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 221] <- resultsRF[[4]] + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 226] <- resultsRF[[5]] + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 232] <- resultsRF[[6]] + outmcmc <- resultsRF[[7]] + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 220] <- resultsRF[[8]] + #end else + } + rm(resultsRF) + # everything else for model 3 needs to be wrapped in "if" statement for + # fatal error check + + ##---- Get parameter estimates and variable importance----------#### + + if ( &[thiscounter, j, 3, 232])) { + + my5. <- function() { + + tryCatch( + expr={ + + cl <- makeCluster(xtracores) + registerDoParallel(cl) + ice.dat <- pdp::partial(forest, pred.var=c("discharge", + "temperature"), +, train=data, + chull=TRUE, parallel=TRUE, + paropts=list(.packages="ranger")) + stopCluster(cl) + results <- betareg(yhat ~ discharge*temperature, data=ice.dat, + link="logit") + return(results) + }, error=function(error_message){ + + out <- error_message + return(out) + } + # ends function my5. + )} + results5. <- my5. + if (any(class(results5. == "error")) { + + thisstring <- paste0("Sample ", i, ", ", thisefficiency, + "Iteration ", j, "Model 3 error ", + results5., "_", Sys.time(), collapse="") + print(thisstring) + # flush.console() + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 7, 6] <- thisstring + fatalflag <- 1 + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 299] <- fatalflag + } else { + + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 10] <- as.numeric(results5.$coefficients$mean[2]) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 13] <- summary(results5., type="response")[1]$coefficients$mean[6] + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 20] <- as.numeric(results5.$coefficients$mean[3]) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 23] <- summary(results5., type="response")[1]$coefficients$mean[7] + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 60] <- as.numeric(results5.$coefficients$mean[4]) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 63] <- summary(results5., type="response")[1]$coefficients$mean[8] + # end else + } + rm(results5. + my5. <- function() { + + tryCatch( + expr={ + + cl <- makeCluster(xtracores) + registerDoParallel(cl) + ice.dat <- pdp::partial(forest, pred.var="effort", ice=TRUE, + train=data, chull=TRUE, parallel=TRUE, + paropts=list(.packages="ranger")) + stopCluster(cl) + results <- betareg(yhat ~ poly(effort, 2, raw=TRUE), data=ice.dat, + link="logit") + return(results) + }, error=function(error_message){ + + out <- error_message + return(out) + } + # ends function my5. + )} + results5. <- my5. + if(any(class(results5. == "error")) { + + thisstring <- paste0("Sample ", i, ", ", thisefficiency, + "Iteration ", j, "Model 3 error ", + results5., "_", Sys.time(), collapse="") + print(thisstring) + # flush.console() + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 7, 7] <- thisstring + fatalflag <- 1 + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 299] <- fatalflag + } else { + + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 30] <- as.numeric(results5.$coefficients$mean[2]) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 33] <- as.numeric(summary(results5.[1]$coefficients$mean[5]) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 50] <- as.numeric(results5.$coefficients$mean[3]) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 53] <- as.numeric(summary(results5.[1]$coefficients$mean[6]) + # end else + } + rm(results5. + my5. <- function() { + + tryCatch( + expr={ + + cl <- makeCluster(xtracores) + registerDoParallel(cl) + ice.dat <- pdp::partial(forest, pred.var="precip", ice=TRUE, + train=data, chull=TRUE, parallel=TRUE, + paropts=list(.packages="ranger")) + stopCluster(cl) + results <- betareg(yhat ~ precip, data=ice.dat, link="logit") + return(results) + }, error=function(error_message){ + + out <- error_message + return(out) + } + # ends function my5. + )} + results5. <- my5. + if(any(class(results5. == "error")) { + + thisstring <- paste0("Sample ", i, ", ", thisefficiency, + "Iteration ", j, "Model 3 error ", + results5., "_", Sys.time(), collapse="") + print(thisstring) + # flush.console() + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 7, 8] <- thisstring + fatalflag <- 1 + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 299] <- fatalflag + } else { + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 40] <- as.numeric(results5.$coefficients$mean[2]) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 43] <- summary(results5.[1]$coefficients$mean[4] + # end else + } + rm(results5. + + ##---- Final LL fixed and random effects----------------------#### + + par_phi <- optim(par=1,fn=betaLoss, mu=forest$predictions, + y=data$y, method="Brent", lower=0, upper=100000)$par + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 225] <- sum(betaLogLik(y=data$y, + mu=forest$predictions, + phi=par_phi)) + + ##---- rmse---------------------------------------------------#### + + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 80:83] <- c(mean(outmcmc[,"phi"], + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(outmcmc[,"phi"], 0.025, + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(outmcmc[,"phi"], 0.975, + na.rm=TRUE), + sd(outmcmc[,"phi"], na.rm=TRUE)) + testset <- testdat_lab + predcolsm <- predict(forest, data=testset, type="quantiles", + quantiles=0.5, num.threads=xtracores) + predcolsq <- predict(forest, data=testset, type="quantiles", + quantiles=c(0.025, 0.975), num.threads=xtracores) + + ##---- CI width-----------------------------------------------#### + + dist <- abs(predcolsq$predictions[,2] - predcolsq$predictions[,1]) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 230] <- mean(dist) + + ##---- Failure rate-------------------------------------------#### + + testset$obs0.025 <- qbeta(0.025, testset$a, + testset$b, + lower.tail=TRUE) + testset$obs0.975 <- qbeta(0.975, testset$a, + testset$b, + lower.tail=TRUE) + testset$yhat0.025 <- predcolsq$predictions[,1] + testset$yhat0.975 <- predcolsq$predictions[,2] + predfail <- subset(testset, + (yhat0.025 > obs0.975) | (yhat0.975 < obs0.025)) + + ##---- Store results------------------------------------------#### + + # variable importance and p-value + temp <- importance_pvalues(forest, method="altmann", num.permutations=100, + formula=y ~ discharge + temperature + effort + + precip, data=data) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 15] <- forest$variable.importance[1] + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 16] <- temp[1,2] + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 25] <- forest$variable.importance[2] + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 26] <- temp[2,2] + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 35] <- forest$variable.importance[3] + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 36] <- temp[3,2] + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 45] <- forest$variable.importance[4] + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 46] <- temp[4,2] + rm(temp) + ## Friedman's H statistic + keep <- c("discharge", "temperature", "effort", "precip") + X <- data[,keep] + summary(X) + thispredictor <- iml::Predictor$new(model=forest, + predict.function =, + data=X, + y=data$y) + interact.discharge <- iml::Interaction$new(thispredictor, + feature="discharge") + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 66] <- interact.discharge$results$.interaction[1] + # parameter estimates + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 70:73] <- c(mean(outmcmc[,""], + na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(outmcmc[,""], + 0.025, na.rm=TRUE), + quantile(outmcmc[,""], + 0.975, na.rm=TRUE), + sd(outmcmc[,""], + na.rm=TRUE)) + # prediction + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 210] <- rmse(testset$y, + predcolsm$predictions[,1], + phiTrue) + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 3, 200] <- nrow(predfail)/nrow(testset) + rm(testset) + rm(outmcmc) + rm(forest) + } + print(paste("Completed Model 3 at ", Sys.time())) + # flush.console() + + ##----Save simulation results/print to console + + if(j %% 5 == 0) { + + filename <- paste0('output/R_ss',thiscounter,'_',j,'.RData', collapse='') + save(arrResults, file=filename) + } + thisstring <- paste0("Completed one simulation: Sample size: ", i, + ", Efficiency: ", thisefficiency, + ", Iteration: ", j, ". ", Sys.time(), collapse="") + print(thisstring) + # flush.console() + endtime <- Sys.time() + dtime <- difftime(endtime, starttime, units="secs") + arrResults[thiscounter, j, 6, 2] <- dtime + } + } +} + + +print(Sys.time()) + +#12 min 20 sec + +##----6. Save output---- +## Save output array +thisstring <- paste0('output/R_nsim_', nsim, '_nset_', nset, '.RData', collapse='') +save(arrResults, file=thisstring) +# sessionInfo() -- GitLab