From fca5563e4284d6a842b6686117da35fead972486 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Margarete Walden <>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2024 23:56:25 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Replace sim_variables.R

 scripts/sim_variables.R | 148 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 74 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/sim_variables.R b/scripts/sim_variables.R
index 3566058..7cdfc0d 100644
--- a/scripts/sim_variables.R
+++ b/scripts/sim_variables.R
@@ -1,75 +1,75 @@
-####----1. ABOUT------------------------------------------------------------####
-####   Evaluating alternative methods for modeling trap         
-####   efficiencies of outmigrating juvenile salmonids          
-####   Authors:  Walden et al.                               
-####   Content: R-Code for sourcing declared variables.
-####   This is the file for Supplement X of the manuscript.
-####----2. "True" parameter values for simulated data-----------------------####
-## Covariates
-Qmin <- 500             # discharge
-Qmax <- 7000            # discharge
-degCmin <- 6            # temperature
-degCmax <- 21           # temperature
-effortmin <- 720        # effort
-effortmax <- 3840       # effort
-precipitation <- 0      # precipitation (yes/no) (nuisance)
-nyear <- 10             # groups (random effects)
-## Set parameter values
-Beta0_maxpt1 <- -3.2    # Trap efficiency max 0.10
-Beta0_maxpt25 <- -2.1   # Trap efficiency max 0.25
-Beta1 <- -0.3       # discharge
-Beta2 <- 0.2        # temperature
-Beta3 <- 0.2        # effort
-Beta4 <- 0.0        # precipitation yes/no
-Beta5 <- -0.4       # effort^2
-Beta6 <- 0.4        # discharge x temperature interaction
-raneffSD <- 0.1      # year effect standard deviation
-phiTrue <- 0.0002
-####----3. Simulation variables---------------------------------------------####
-# vector of sample sizes to test
-nset <- c(50,100,150,200) 
-# vector of trap efficiencies to test
-theseefficiencies <- c("Max efficiency 0.1","Max efficiency 0.25")
-# Number of simulations to complete
-nsim <- 1000              
-# number of MCMC samples to extract for marginal predictions
-nsample <- 1000           
-# size of test dataset
-ntest <- 100
-####----4. Model parameters, hyperparameters, or variables------------------####
-## For boosted regression modeling
-seed.cvrisk <- 143180916
-mutuneiter <- 2000
-phituneiter <- 2000
-fmu <- as.formula(y ~ 1 + 
-                    bols(discharge, intercept=FALSE) + 
-                    bols(temperature, intercept=FALSE) + 
-                    bols(effort, intercept=FALSE) + 
-                    bols(precip, intercept=FALSE) + 
-                    bbs(effort, knots=2, boundary.knots=NULL, degree=2, 
-                        df=1, center=TRUE) + 
-                    bols(temperature, intercept=FALSE, df=1) %X% 
-                    bols(discharge, intercept=FALSE, df=1) + 
-                    brandom(year)
-fphi <- as.formula(y ~ 1)
-nboot <- 1000
-kfoldB <- 25
-## For random forest modeling
-seed.forest <- 234672817
+####----1. ABOUT------------------------------------------------------------####
+####   Evaluating alternative methods for modeling trap         
+####   efficiencies of outmigrating juvenile salmonids          
+####   Authors:  Walden et al.                               
+####   Content: R-Code for sourcing declared variables.
+####   This is the file for Supplement X of the manuscript.
+####----2. "True" parameter values for simulated data-----------------------####
+## Covariates
+Qmin <- 500             # discharge
+Qmax <- 7000            # discharge
+degCmin <- 6            # temperature
+degCmax <- 21           # temperature
+effortmin <- 720        # effort
+effortmax <- 3840       # effort
+precipitation <- 0      # precipitation (yes/no) (nuisance)
+nyear <- 10             # groups (random effects)
+## Set parameter values
+Beta0_maxpt1 <- -3.2    # Trap efficiency max 0.10
+Beta0_maxpt25 <- -2.1   # Trap efficiency max 0.25
+Beta1 <- -0.3       # discharge
+Beta2 <- 0.2        # temperature
+Beta3 <- 0.2        # effort
+Beta4 <- 0.0        # precipitation yes/no
+Beta5 <- -0.4       # effort^2
+Beta6 <- 0.4        # discharge x temperature interaction
+raneffSD <- 0.1      # year effect standard deviation
+phiTrue <- 0.0002
+####----3. Simulation variables---------------------------------------------####
+# vector of sample sizes to test
+nset <- c(50,100,150,200) 
+# vector of trap efficiencies to test
+theseefficiencies <- c("Max efficiency 0.1","Max efficiency 0.25")
+# Number of simulations to complete
+nsim <- 1000              
+# number of MCMC samples to extract for marginal predictions
+nsample <- 1000           
+# size of test dataset
+ntest <- 100
+####----4. Model parameters, hyperparameters, or variables------------------####
+## For boosted regression modeling
+seed.cvrisk <- 143180916
+mutuneiter <- 2000
+phituneiter <- 2000
+fmu <- as.formula(y ~ 1 + 
+                    bols(discharge, intercept=FALSE) + 
+                    bols(temperature, intercept=FALSE) + 
+                    bols(effort, intercept=FALSE) + 
+                    bols(precip, intercept=FALSE) + 
+                    bbs(effort, knots=2, boundary.knots=NULL, degree=2, 
+                        df=1, center=TRUE) + 
+                    bols(temperature, intercept=FALSE, df=1) %X% 
+                    bols(discharge, intercept=FALSE, df=1) + 
+                    brandom(year)
+fphi <- as.formula(y ~ 1)
+nboot <- 1000
+kfoldB <- 25
+## For random forest modeling
+seed.forest <- 234672817
 rftrees <- 2000
\ No newline at end of file