diff --git a/Readme.md b/Readme.md
index 6f00d0b0d944e3c4c8181db4d2704709c3e77c94..d66ac7dee4cd2613ed433000f1f7c2d9cd1994fe 100644
--- a/Readme.md
+++ b/Readme.md
@@ -6,31 +6,32 @@ In the folder with the YAML files excute the following commands to start Jupyter
 ### To start SageMath Jupyer Notebook 
-`kubectl create -f pvc-sagemath.yaml -n change-this-to-your-name-space`
-`kubectl create -f depolyment-sagemath.yaml -n change-this-to-your-name-space`
-`kubectl get pods -n change-this-to-your-name-space`
-If the container is created, copy its name (the farest left one).
-`kubectl logs put-pod-name -n change-this-to-your-name-space`
-If the container is successfully created it will show you token number.
-`kubectl create -f service-clusterip.yml -n change-this-to-your-name-space`
-### Two ways to connect (both web-based)
-1. If you want to connect it without exposing the IP publically, 
-`kubectl port-forward service/sagemath 8888:8888`
-Open your browser then type `https://localhost:'
-2. If you want to expose the IP publically,
-`kubectl create -f ingress-sagemath.yaml -n change-this-to-your-name-space`
-Connect to your Jupyer Notebook via https://sagemath.nrp-nautilus.io/
-### How to release resources
-* **pvc-sagemath.yaml** should be kept until the end of your project to store files. 
-* All other recourses should be release when not in use.
-* Use `kubectl get deployment,service,ingress -n change-this-to-your-name-space` to search for resources being used. And use the following to delete each item.
-    * `kubectl create -f ingress-sagemath.yaml -n change-this-to-your-name-space`
-    * `kubectl create -f service-clusterip.yml -n change-this-to-your-name-space`
+`kubectl create -f pvc-sagemath.yaml -n change-this-to-your-name-space`  
+`kubectl create -f depolyment-sagemath.yaml -n change-this-to-your-name-space`  
+`kubectl get pods -n change-this-to-your-name-space`  
+If the container is created, copy its name (the farest left one).  
+`kubectl logs put-pod-name -n change-this-to-your-name-space`  
+If the container is successfully created it will show you token number.  
+`kubectl create -f service-clusterip.yml -n change-this-to-your-name-space`  
+### Two ways to connect (both web-based)  
+1. If you want to connect it without exposing the IP publically,  
+`kubectl port-forward service/sagemath 8888:8888`  
+Open your browser then type `https://localhost:'  
+2. If you want to expose the IP publically,  
+`kubectl create -f ingress-sagemath.yaml -n change-this-to-your-name-space`  
+Connect to your Jupyer Notebook via https://sagemath.nrp-nautilus.io/  
+### How to release resources  
+* **pvc-sagemath.yaml** should be kept until the end of your project to store files.   
+* All other recourses should be release when not in use.  
+* Use `kubectl get deployment,service,ingress -n change-this-to-your-name-space` to search for resources being used. And use the following to delete each item.  
+    * `kubectl create -f ingress-sagemath.yaml -n change-this-to-your-name-space`  
+    * `kubectl create -f service-clusterip.yml -n change-this-to-your-name-space`  
     * `kubectl create -f depolyment-sagemath.yaml -n change-this-to-your-name-space`
-_Caveat_ if you are running only one project, you can also use 
-`kubectl delete ingress,service,deployment --all -n change-this-to-your-name-space` 
+_Caveat_ if you are running only one project, you can also use   
+`kubectl delete ingress,service,deployment --all -n change-this-to-your-name-space`   
 to delete them all except your persistent storage. 
 To delete the persistent storage use