import { generatePublicKeyAndEncryptedObject, generateKeys, decryptObject } from "./crypto";
constructor(store) { = store;
setSocket = socket => {
this.socket = socket;
// Returns a promise that, when resolved, will forward an object with three keys:
// code: The code that was made available to use for link.
// cancel: A function that the caller can call to cancel the use of the code.
// onFinished: A promise that, when resolved, indicates the code is no longer usable,
// because it was either successfully used by the remote device or it has expired
generateCode = () => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const onFinished = new Promise(finished => {
const step = () => {
const getLetter = () => "ABCDEFGHI"[Math.floor(Math.random() * 9)];
const code = `${getLetter()}${getLetter()}${getLetter()}${getLetter()}`;
// Only respond to one link_request in this channel.
const channel =`link:${code}`, { timeout: LINK_ACTION_TIMEOUT });
const leave = () => {
if (!leftChannel) channel.leave();
leftChannel = true;
const cancel = () => leave();
channel.on("link_expired", () => finished("expired"));
channel.on("presence_state", state => {
if (readyToSend) return;
if (Object.keys(state).length > 0) {
// Code is in use by someone else, try a new one
} else {
readyToSend = true;
resolve({ code, cancel, onFinished });
channel.on("link_request", incoming => {
// Copy profile data to link'ed device if it's been set.
if ( {
generatePublicKeyAndEncryptedObject(incoming.public_key, data).then(
({ publicKeyString, encryptedData }) => {
const payload = {
target_session_id: incoming.reply_to_session_id,
public_key: publicKeyString,
data: encryptedData
if (!leftChannel) {
channel.push("link_response", payload);
// Attempts to receive a link payload from a remote device using the given code.
// Promise rejects if the code is invalid or there is a problem with the channel.
// Promise resolves and passes payload of link source on successful link.
attemptLink = code => {
const channel =`link:${code}`, { timeout: LINK_ACTION_TIMEOUT });
generateKeys().then(({ publicKeyString, privateKey }) => {
channel.on("presence_state", state => {
const numOccupants = Object.keys(state).length;
// Great, only sender is in topic, request link
channel.push("link_request", {
reply_to_session_id: this.socket.params().session_id,
setTimeout(() => {
if (finished) return;
reject(new Error("no_response"));
} else if (numOccupants === 0) {
// Nobody in this channel, probably a bad code.
console.warn("link code channel already has 2 or more occupants, something fishy is going on.");
channel.on("link_response", payload => {
decryptObject(payload.public_key, privateKey,;
channel.join().receive("error", r => console.error(r));