Add STL vector to nnet_helpers.h
Created by: ConsVin
Vivado 2020.2 removed vivado_hls
tool and now supports only vitis_hls
This release introduces the new HLS product with support for both Vitis™ and Vivado®. As part of this the overall folder structure changes, whereby the Vitis_HLS folder is now at the same root location as Vivado® and Vitis™. You may need to update any custom setup scripts from the previous release.
But HLS project build with vitis_hls
/tools/Xilinx/Vitis_HLS/2020.2/bin/vitis_hls -f build_prj.tcl "reset=1 csim=1 synth=1 cosim=1 validation=1 export=1 vsynth=0"
Fails due to missed <vector>
***** C/RTL SYNTHESIS *****
INFO: [HLS 200-1510] Running: csynth_design
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Finished File checks and directory preparation: CPU user time: 0.01 seconds. CPU system time: 0.01 seconds. Elapsed time: 0.01 seconds; current allocated memory: 223.149 MB.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file 'firmware/hls4ml_arcas.cpp' ...
ERROR: [HLS 214-125] no member named 'vector' in namespace 'std': ../hls_project/firmware/nnet_utils/nnet_helpers.h:279
Proposed PR adds missed header