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Use relative paths for the Keras-to-HLS conversion

Javier Duarte requested to merge ejk/relative-paths into master

Created by: ejk43

Just a small PR that converts the relative paths from keras-config.yml into absolute paths. I ran into this issue when I recently tried to recreate a new project.

I'm not really wedded to this idea, but it means you can point to the file from elsewhere-- ie not in the "keras-to-hls" folder-- and still get a HLS project that works. It also calculates relative pathing so the HLS project setup points to the nnet_utils folder in the HLS4ML repo.

As an example, I added keras-config.yml to a new "demo-conversion" folder in example-prjs.

One potential use-case that's not covered here would be if keras-config.yml contains absolute paths rather than relative paths..?

Merge request reports
