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PyTorch.Geometric to HLS4ML

Javier Duarte requested to merge github/fork/abdelabd/pyg_to_hls_rebase into main

Created by: abdelabd


Add pyg_to_hls converter to parse an Interaction Network PyTorch Geometric model which is composed of alternating EdgeBlocks (which applies a neural network to "edge features" to compute messages), Aggregate layers (which aggregates edge features for nodes that are connected to it), and NodeBlocks (which applies a neural network aggregated edge features.

PyTorch Geometric models expect input data consisting of node attributes node_attr of size [n_nodes, n_node_features], edge attributes edge_attr of size [n_edges, n_edge_features], and an edge index edge_index of size [2, n_edges], which specifies the data's connectivity.

The currently supported network for charged particle tracking output edge weights of size [n_edges, 1], which classify the edges as valid (part of a good track segment) or not.


Test script

Notebook to test the conversion: Script to test the conversion:

python conversion_config.yaml --n-graphs=100 --aggregation add --flow source_to_target --precision 'ap_fixed<16,8> --max-nodes=28 --max-edges=37 --n-neurons=8

or more fully featured code:

python test_config.yaml --n-graphs 100 --aggregation add --flow source_to_target --precision 'ap_fixed<16,8>' --max-nodes 28 --max-edges 37 --n-neurons 8 --synth



  • added onto
    • added from hls4ml.converters.pyg_to_hls import pyg_to_hls
    • added convert_from_pyg_model() function
    • registered the pyg block_handlers
  • added hls4ml/converters/pyg/
    • nothing here
  • added hls4ml/converters/pyg/
    • has the pyg block_handlers (analogous to layer_handlers) for NodeBlock, EdgeBlock, Aggregate
  • added
    • has the class PygModelReader(PyTorchModelReader)
    • has the function pyg_to_hls()
    • has the pyg 'block_handlers'
  • added onto
    • added config_from_pyg_model() function
  • changed
    • changed VivadoWriter.write_defines() method
      • if certain macros are shared between different layers of an HLSModel, then these macros are not written multiple times in the defines.h file.
    • changed VivadoWriter.write_yml() method
      • If yaml.dump() has trouble writing a torch model with submodules composed of torch models themselves, then it writes the location of the model's state dictionary instead.
  • added onto hls4ml.model.hls_layers
    • added class GraphBlock(Layer): parent class for EdgeBlock and NodeBlock. Allows hls4ml to handle an EdgeBlock or NodeBlock as if it were a single layer (like Dense, Convolution, etc.), rather than a submodule composed of several layers.
    • added class EdgeBlock(GraphBlock)
    • added class NodeBlock(GraphBlock)
    • added class Aggregate(Layer)
  • hls4ml.model.hls_model
    • changed HLSModel.get_weights_data()
      • handling for getting weights data if the layer in question doesn't belong directly to the torch model in question, but rather to a submodule of the torch model such as an EdgeBlock or NodeBlock


  • added onto nnet_utils/nnet_array.h
    • added struct matrix_config which specifies parameters for conversion functions
    • added vec_to_mat() function to convert from 1D unrolled arrays and 2D matrices
    • added mat_to_vec() function to convert from 2D matrices to 1D unrolled arrays
  • changed nnet_utils/nnet_dense.h and changed nnet_utils/nnet_dense_resource.h
    • added parameter "static const bool remove_pipeline_pragma = false;" to the dense_config
    • under the ReuseLoop for the dense_resource_rf_leq_nin(), dense_resource_rf_gt_nin_rem0(), and dense_resource_rf_gt_nin() functions: "#pragma HLS PIPELINE II=1 rewind" --> if remove_pipeline_pragma=false then #pragma HLS PIPELINE II=1 rewind.
      • This change allows the pipelining to happen at the GraphBlock layer level instead of the individual dense layer level
  • added nnet_utils/nnet_graph.h
    • has the backend code for the EdgeBlock, NodeBlock, and Aggregate layers.

Merge request reports
