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VivadoAccelerator backend updates

Javier Duarte requested to merge va-write-fix into master

Created by: thesps

A few small things:

  • Fix registration of VivadoAcceleratorBackend writer flow. In master branch, the writer flow for that backend is just VivadoBackend's writer flow relabelled, so the extra files for VivadoAcceleratorBackend aren't written out.
  • Replace VivadoAcceleratorBackend.make_bitfile method with build(bitfile=True). This is an API change to make that workflow more consistent with the usual build API (rather than requiring one call to build then one call to make_bitfile)
  • Add a package method to make a .tar.gz archive with all the necesary files for hardware inference - otherwise the user needs to do some finding and renaming of files themselves

Merge request reports
