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Javier Duarte requested to merge bjk/conv2d into master

Created by: benjaminkreis

library and example for 2D convolutional implemented in similar way as 1D

The example is trained on the famous MNIST handwritten digit dataset, but just using a subset of the image to keep the network small (see this repo). The architecture is 8x8 conv2d with 1 channel and 2 filters -> relu -> dense with 10 outputs -> softmax. With 32-bit fixed point numbers, the relative agreement with Keras is at the level of 10E-5 for the 10 outputs of the first sample before the softmax. After the softmax, it degrades quite a bit, but this is not specific to conv2d and can be followed up on separately.

With 18-bit fixed point numbers and reuse=1, it uses 1803 DSPs and 16 200 MHz clocks.

Next steps:

  • the multiplier limit is ready for a compressed model, but this hasn't been tested
  • the flatten function has been tested, but unflatten has not, which would be useful for architectures with multiple conv2d layers
  • serial mode not implemented, similar to conv1d
  • max pooling
  • update hls-writer to do the translation

Merge request reports
