import groovy.json.JsonOutput
// From
// Given arbitrary string returns a strongly escaped shell string literal.
// I.e. it will be in single quotes which turns off interpolation of $(...), etc.
// E.g.: 1'2\3\'4 5"6 (groovy string) -> '1'\''2\3\'\''4 5"6' (groovy string which can be safely pasted into shell command).
def shellString(s) {
// Replace ' with '\'' ( Then enclose with '...'.
// 1) Why not replace \ with \\? Because '...' does not treat backslashes in a special way.
// 2) And why not use ANSI-C quoting? I.e. we could replace ' with \'
// and enclose using $'...' (
// Because ANSI-C quoting is not yet supported by Dash (default shell in Ubuntu & Debian) (
'\'' + s.replace('\'', '\'\\\'\'') + '\''
options {
stage('pre-build') {
steps {
sh 'rm -rf ./build ./tmp'
script {
def baseAssetsPath = ""
def assetBundleServer = ""
def s3Destination = "s3://assets.reticulum-dev-7f8d39c45878ee2e/hubs"
def habCommand = "sudo /usr/bin/hab-docker-studio -k mozillareality run /bin/bash scripts/ ${baseAssetsPath} ${assetBundleServer} ${s3Destination}"
sh "/usr/bin/script --return -c ${shellString(habCommand)} /dev/null"