-`vr_entry_type` - Either "gearvr" or "daydream". Used internally to force a VR entry type
## Additional Resources
*[Reticulum](https://github.com/mozilla/reticulum) - Phoenix-based backend for managing state and presence.
*[NAF Janus Adapter](https://github.com/mozilla/naf-janus-adapter) - A [Networked A-Frame](https://github.com/networked-aframe) adapter for the Janus SFU service.
*[Janus Gateway](https://github.com/meetecho/janus-gateway) - A WebRTC proxy used for centralizing network traffic in this client.
*[Janus SFU Plugin](https://github.com/mozilla/janus-plugin-sfu) - Plugins for Janus which enables it to act as a SFU.
*[Hubs-Ops](https://github.com/mozilla/hubs-ops) - Infrastructure as code + management tools for running necessary backend services on AWS.