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# The spawner is based on PRP's
# This file is managed by [|]
from kubespawner import KubeSpawner

class MySpawner(KubeSpawner):
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#"Start Myspayner")
    with open('/etc/jupyterhub/custom/my_spawner.html', 'r') as f:
        profile_form_template = f.readlines()
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#"Read my_spawner.html")
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed

    profile_form_template = "".join(profile_form_template)

    def options_from_form(self, formdata):
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
#        cephfs_pvc_users = {"":"dvu", "":"ykim", "":"x5he" }
        cephfs_pvc_users = {"":"ykim", "":"x5he" }
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Dung Vu's avatar
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        if not self.profile_list or not hasattr(self, '_profile_list'):
            return formdata
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Dung Vu committed

        profile_slug = formdata.get('profile', [None])[0]

Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
        # initialize a dictionary to return
        user_options = {}
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed"slug ",profile_slug)
Dung Vu's avatar
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        # if a profile is declared, add a dictionary key for the profile, and
        # dictionary keys for the formdata related to the profile's
        # profile_options, as recognized by being named like:
        #     profile-option-{profile_slug}--{profile_option_slug}
        if profile_slug:
            user_options["profile"] = profile_slug
            prefix = f'profile-option-{profile_slug}--'
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Dung Vu committed
  "prefix ",prefix)
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            for k, v in formdata.items():
                if k.startswith(prefix):
                    profile_option_slug = k[len(prefix) :]
                    user_options[profile_option_slug] = v[0]

        gpus = int(formdata.get('gpus', [0])[0])

        for k, v in kubespawner_override.items():
            if callable(v):
                v = v(self)
      ".. overriding KubeSpawner value %s=%s (callable result)", k, v)
      ".. overriding KubeSpawner value %s=%s", k, v)

            if k != "image":
              setattr(self, k, v)
              image = v
              if isinstance(v, dict):
                if gpus > 0:
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
                    image = v["cuda"]
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Dung Vu's avatar
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                    image = v["cpu"]

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            if not (":" in image):
      ".. adding tag %s  to image %s", formdata.get('tag', [0])[0], image)
                image += ":"+formdata.get('tag', [0])[0]
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            setattr(self, k, image)
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        setattr(self, "tag", formdata.get('tag', [0])[0]) 

youngsuKim-CSUSB's avatar
youngsuKim-CSUSB committed
        setattr(self, "extra_resource_limits", {"": gpus})
        setattr(self, "mem_guarantee", formdata.get('ram', [0])[0]+"G")
        setattr(self, "cpu_guarantee", float(formdata.get('cores', [0])[0]))
        setattr(self, "mem_limit", formdata.get('ram', [0])[0]+"G")
        setattr(self, "cpu_limit", float(formdata.get('cores', [0])[0]))
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Dung Vu committed
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
        nodeSelectorTermsExpressions = [
            'key': '',
            'operator': 'In',
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
            'values': ["us-west","us-central","us-east"]
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
            'key': '',
            'operator': 'In',
            'values': ["amd64"]
Dung Vu's avatar
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#            ,
#            {
#            'key': '',
#            'operator': 'In',
#            'values': ["", "", "", "", 
#                       ""] 
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#            'values': ["", "", "", "", 
#                      "", "","","",  
#                       "", "",
#                       "","","",
#                       "", "","","",
#                       "", "","",""]
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Dung Vu committed
#            }
Dung Vu's avatar
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        if formdata.get('gputype', [0])[0]:
                'key': '',
                'operator': 'In',
                'values': formdata.get('gputype', [0])
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed

        if gpus == 0:
                'key': '',
                'operator': 'NotIn',
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
                'values': [ "NVIDIA-GeForce-RTX-3090", "NVIDIA-A100-80GB-PCIe-MIG-1g.10gb", "NVIDIA-L40", "NVIDIA-A10",
                           "NVIDIA-RTX-A4000", "NVIDIA-RTX-A5000", "NVIDIA-RTX-A5000", "NVIDIA-A100-SXM4-80GB", "NVIDIA-GeForce-GTX-1080-Ti",
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                           "NVIDIA-A100-PCIE-40GB", "NVIDIA-A100-80GB-PCIe", "NVIDIA-GeForce-RTX-2080-Ti"]

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Dung Vu's avatar
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        tolerationsExpression = [{
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            'key': '',
Dung Vu's avatar
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            'operator': 'Exists',
            'effect': 'NoSchedule',
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
            'key': '',
Dung Vu's avatar
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            'operator': 'Exists',
            'effect': 'NoSchedule',
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Dung Vu's avatar
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        setattr(self, 'extra_pod_config', {
            'affinity': {
                'nodeAffinity': {
                    'requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution': {
                        'nodeSelectorTerms': [{
                            'matchExpressions': nodeSelectorTermsExpressions,
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
            'tolerations': tolerationsExpression,
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Dung Vu committed
            'priorityClassName': 'owner',
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 #           'imagePullPolicy': 'IfNotPresent',
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Dung Vu committed
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
        if in cephfs_pvc_users:
                'name': 'vasp',
Dung Vu's avatar
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                'mountPath': '/home/jovyan/.vasp',
Dung Vu's avatar
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                'name': 'vasp',
                'persistentVolumeClaim': {
Dung Vu's avatar
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                'claimName': 'csusb-hub-dev-vasp-south-east',
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Dung Vu committed
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
        if formdata.get('shared', [0])[0]:
                'name': 'csusb-hpc-share',
                'mountPath': '/home/jovyan/shared',
                'name': 'csusb-hpc-share',
                'persistentVolumeClaim': {
                'claimName': 'csusb-hub-dev-share-south-east',
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
        setattr(self, 'startTimeout', 1200)
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed

        return user_options
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Dung Vu committed

Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
        profile_list = [
                'display_name': 'Stack Scipy',
                'slug': 'scipy',
                'kubespawner_override': {
                  'image': ''
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
                'display_name': 'Stack R',
                'slug': 'r',
                'kubespawner_override': {
                  'image': ''
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
                'display_name': 'Stack Julia',
                'slug': 'julia',
                'kubespawner_override': {
                  'image': ''
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
                'display_name': 'Stack Tensorflow',
                'slug': 'tf',
                'kubespawner_override': {
                  'image': {
                    'cuda': '',
                    'cpu': ''
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed
                'display_name': 'Pytorch',
                'slug': 'tf',
                'image_choice': {
                  'cuda': '',
                  'cpu': ''
                'display_name': 'Datascience (scipy, Julia, R)',
                'default': 'true',
                'slug': 'ds',
                'kubespawner_override': {
                  'image': ''
                'display_name': 'Pyspark',
                'slug': 'pyspark',
                'kubespawner_override': {
                  'image': ''
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Dung Vu committed
Dung Vu's avatar
Dung Vu committed

Dung Vu's avatar
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c.JupyterHub.spawner_class = MySpawner