{% set csusb_hub_title = 'Welcome to Cal State San Bernardino JupyterHub' %}
<!-- {% set csusb_hub_title = 'Welcome to Cal State San Bernardino JupyterHub' %} -->
<!-- {% set csusb_hub_subtitle = 'test announcement message' %} -->
<!-- {% set csusb_hub_subtitle = 'test announcement message' %} -->
<!-- {% set csusb_welcome = 'For more information about HPC at CSUSB, visit <a href="https://www.csusb.edu/academic-technologies-innovation/xreal-lab-and-high-performance-computing/high-performance" target="_blank">CSUSB High Performance Computing Initiative</a>' %} -->
<!-- {% set csusb_welcome = 'For more information about HPC at CSUSB, visit <a href="https://www.csusb.edu/academic-technologies-innovation/xreal-lab-and-high-performance-computing/high-performance" target="_blank">CSUSB High Performance Computing Initiative</a>' %} -->