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Created with Raphaël 2.2.031Aug1231Jul3025241918129327Jun1410622May151329Apr922Mar218725Feb22201911117Jan8421Dec954328Nov2726new and improved networking dashboards\!mastermasterMerge remote-tracking branch 'prp/master'Merge branch 'master' into 'master'Edit GUI and create Pod GPU dashboardmerge conflictscreated Pod GPU Dashboardchange defaultsMerge branch 'master' into 'master'Added two summary dashboards and updated GUI for othersadded average pie chart and adjusted GUIadded average pie chart and adjusted GUIadded namespace network by workloadupdated GUI design to be more readableupdated rules to include cluster network usageadded cluster network usage summary dashboarddashboard refreshes every 30 secondsudpated pod workload name to include network ioUpdate monitoring/local/Pod_Bandwidth.jsonMerge branch 'naveen_master'added Pod_Workload dashboardupdate Network IO to include 1h resolution, use 4h interval, and default to 24h scopeUpdate monitoring/local/Node-Exporter.jsonNode exporter panelMerge branch 'master' into 'master'created new dashboard to monitor network usage per podchange to include the new pod monitorcreated new dashboard to monitor network usage per podCluster usage dashboard percentsUpdate monitoring/local/Cluster-usage.jsonUpdate monitoring/local/Cluster-usage.jsonUpdate monitoring/rules.jsonnetUpdate monitoring/local/Ceph-Cluster.jsonClean up, ceph dashboard cleanupUpdate monitoring/rules.jsonnetUpdate monitoring/rules.jsonnetAdded ucsc region edgefsUpdate monitoring/local/EdgeFS.jsonUpdate monitoring/local/EdgeFS.jsonUpdate monitoring/local/EdgeFS.json, monitoring/rules.jsonnet filesUpdate monitoring/local/EdgeFS.json