Digitally Documenting Climatic Change
Main Class Project page for SYN100: Digitally Documenting Climatic Change
Course Description
In this course, students will work in cross-disciplinary groups to design projects around the problem of digital documentation of climatically endangered sites.
Climatically endangered natural and cultural heritage sites are disappearing at a rapid pace. Their digital documentation can both preserve our knowledge of their current state but also serve as a tool for education and communication on climatic change to a broad audience. A special emphasis of the class will be on utilizing VR/AR, photogrammetry, GIS, and gaming engines as platforms of digital documentation and dissemination. You will develop through this class skills in modern software tools such as the Unreal Engine 5, ArcGIS, and Reality Capture. The course is open to all majors and will introduce students to the topics and related tools mentioned above.
Purpose of this Repo
This class repository will serve as a launching point and resource for student projects created under the theme of Digitally Documenting Climatic Change. It will also house student resumes and will be the first repo you learn to contribute to when you take the first class tutorial. Please use this repo as a template for creating your project repos.
Git Cheat Sheet
Install Git: Windows:
MaxOS: Install homebrew if you don't already have it, then:
$ brew install git
Open a command line/terminal:
Windows: Option 1: Open file explorer and navigate to your project folder and right click on it. Select Git Bash Here (If on Windows 11 first select "Show more options") Option 2: Click the windows button and type in "cmd" and select "Command Prompt" app. Go to your root directory:
Then type "cd" and then enter the directory you want to navigate to, for example (Hint: hit tab to autocomplete what you are typing):
cd Projects/SYN100
MacOS: Click the Launchpad icon in the Dock, type Terminal in the search field, then click Terminal.
Go to your root directory:
Then type "cd" and then enter the directory you want to navigate to, for example (Hint: hit tab to autocomplete what you are typing):
cd Projects/SYN100
Clone this project:
git clone
Setup your name and email for gitlab (Use the email you signed into gitlab)
git config --global "FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME"
git config --global ""
Find out what files you have modified or added to your local repo:
cd digitally-documenting-climatic-change
git status
Add untracked files to your local repo:
git add yournewfilename.extension
You can also add a whole folder of files:
git add thefoldername
Commit your changes to the local repo:
git commit -am "note about your commit"
Push your changes to the remote repo on gitlab
git push
Pull changes made by others to your local repo:
git pull
cd existing_repo git remote add origin git branch -M main git push -uf origin main