At this point you can now open theHololens2OpenCV.uproject in Unreal Editor
**Fix the included Blueprints in the plugin**
**Fix the included Blueprints in the plugin**
@@ -84,47 +34,10 @@ Once the Project is open we need to fix some blueprint errors in the Plugin
@@ -84,47 +34,10 @@ Once the Project is open we need to fix some blueprint errors in the Plugin
In the Content Browser under "View Options" make sure "Show Plugin Contents" is enabled.
In the Content Browser under "View Options" make sure "Show Plugin Contents" is enabled.
Open the blueprint at `OpenCV Content/BP_TestLevelDriver` and delete the SpawnActor node with a missing class causing the error, and connect the SpawnCameraObjects event to the SpawnActor ARCameraRender Node.
Inside BP_TestLevelDriver On Event Beginplay() on the "Start AR Session" node set the session config to "DA_ARSessionConfig"
Open the level blueprint for ARTestLevel at `OpenCV Content/` and delete the SpawnActor node with a missing class causing the error, and connect the SpawnCameraObjects event to the SpawnActor ARCameraRender Node.
Inside the ARTestLevel Level blueprint On Event Beginplay() on the "Start AR Session" node set the session config to "DA_ARSessionConfig"
At this point you should be able to Package a Windows Release.
At this point you should be able to Package a Windows Release.